Author's posts

It’s About The SSD!

so after i did the berkeley p-funk show after i did the petaluma pfunk show after having passed out on the flight to SFO and ending up in the emergency room, i returned to the jeep wrangler i rented to find someone had smashed and grabbed my backpack which had my laptop in it.

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One Sweet Delicious Blur

when work day 6 of 7 straight falls on a monday. one sweet delicious blur. said with 90% sincerity. work home sleep repeat: life simplified. comfort in familiar regiment. finance the lifestyle. location location location- physically and mentally. spaces and places. real, imagined, recalled and anticipated experience all rolled into a continuing moment i call …

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Work Day 5 Of 7 Straight

work day 5 of 7 straight. swing shift is usually a much mellower beast, if it’s a beast at all. but what happens is “slower” days are less staffed so it’s not a total picnic. we provide coverage 24-7 365 days a year globally. and you better believe there is someone working somewhere on the …

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In The Big City

breaktime steps gettin’ in. i probably cannot convey to you just how much and how all my life i wanted to do my thang on concrete under skyscrapers.

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Early Conversation With A Potential Soulmate…

wow wow wow! capable and creative!! don’t shrug that off as nothing because everybody ain’t or can’t be that. i think i have come to an understanding about the limited time thing. as when i was younger it would frustrate me to the point i would get discouraged and not get anything done. now i …

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I Love The Pittsburgh Steelers

i love the Pittsburgh Steelers you know i do. and i root and pull for them every microsecond of my conscious life.

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Happy New Year Computer 2017

boy oh boy was i in the dark- horse and buggy- 2400 baud modem age. did some benchmark testing of my new laptop and the increase in speed and performance was so great i almost started crying.

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Funkateer’s Ball IV (audio track)

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