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Facebook Post: April 12, 2015

recording today, pushing that red button. folks in the studio means guests in the bathroom. which is the 2nd best motivation behind odor to clean it. might as well vacuum the place as well. I live in the dessert so there’s always dust. the building stays quiet on sunday morning. it’s easy like the song. …

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Facebook Post: April 15, 2015

Happy to be back at work after a restful, relaxing, yet productive 3 days off. Gained a few pounds but it was worth it. (218.6) This is the first somemore in a very long time when I’ve been skinny, sexy, single, sober, smokingless and an “s” word that means I got a few dollars in …

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Funky Friday’s, I Gots To Have…

it is so worth it that i get my weekly FUNKY FRIDAYS fix. by “so worth it” i mean i do what i have to do to get it in til 1am- after working an 8hr day ’till 2pm- and then be in my chair ready to work an 8hr shift at 4am. this is …

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Haterade Is An Indicator

Haterade is an alert and indicator system. Not that I actually “hate” anything, but I found when I catch myself not being happy for something it’s because I’m lacking something that I desire. So I recognize that and go get it. I refocus that energy. Then my irritation and irritability goes away and all is …

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“Want” Is More Difficult To Identify For Me Than “Need.”

For me and my situational. Changing aspects of my life coming together in different ways. This is like that now, that done got right now, etc. Interesting combinations in an equation full of variables. I was fairly good at math and this being my 53 summer, 32nd in California I think I got the game …

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Enjoying Feeling Challenged

Training wheels coming off. Being challenged and it’s been awhile. Game step up, turn it on time. I’m not use to being not the best. Makes me work at it harder. I compare myself to the best one from the very instant I start. To the point they can smell it on me how hard …

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Me And Feeling Good

Yeah, I’m feeling really good. It’s like I’m back to being deeply in love with life “again.” It’s an euphoria I’ve had before.And it’s not loving life and who I am and what I can do but “in love” with it like it was a girl friend I can feel the energy shooting thru my …

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Us, Them And Issues I Don’t Identify With

Wow, he talks white. I LOVE HIM! LOL damn I like what he said and how he said it. It explains a lot and maybe why I think the way I do about my life and myself. Since when is knowledge of self..’talking white?!’… It would behoove you to get some…..smh Talking white means how …

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