Category: Food

All This From Eating A Piece Of Chicken?

chicken way by far is my favorite food. just now i just got semi-euphoric from the taste of a Ralph’s rotisserie chicken. the leg and thigh which are absolutely my fave parts…

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Me Walking Talking October 26, 2020: Thank God it’s Monday and my out of control food consuming week…

Me Walking Talking October 26, 2020: Thank God it’s Monday and my out of control food consuming week…

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Me Talking July 30, 2020: My Health Habits & Foods

My Health Habits & Foods

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More Random About My 4 days Off

woke up after an hour of sleeping at like 1130pm and decided to just get a taste of something not even a snack just a taste and of course it got out of hand and triggered something deeper and that’s when i looked in the goodies cupboard to be surprised by a big bag of …

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