Category: Life

What Most Avoid, I Gravitate Toward

most avoid the things that I seem to naturally gravitate towards. I go at them head-on where many prefer to leave it unspoken… I always want to know why and it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t matter. everybody can’t dance like that thru life. it ain’t easy, but once you reach that plateau there’s no …

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The Year 2000: A Look Back At One Of My Best Ever

a year like that isn’t something that just happens. you cant just go out and consistently accomplish the things that i did last year without any rememberable issues, stress or problems. it took years of preparation, generations even. and it started with my parent’s parents and even before. understanding, intellect, confidence, education, personality and a lot more are …

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Haterade Is An Indicator

Haterade is an alert and indicator system. Not that I actually “hate” anything, but I found when I catch myself not being happy for something it’s because I’m lacking something that I desire. So I recognize that and go get it. I refocus that energy. Then my irritation and irritability goes away and all is …

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“Want” Is More Difficult To Identify For Me Than “Need.”

For me and my situational. Changing aspects of my life coming together in different ways. This is like that now, that done got right now, etc. Interesting combinations in an equation full of variables. I was fairly good at math and this being my 53 summer, 32nd in California I think I got the game …

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Pharrell’s “New Black”

Pharrell Williams “The New Black doesn’t blame other races for our issues,” said Pharrell, one of the world’s most successful musicians, to Oprah, billionaire queen of the world. “The New Black dreams and realises that it’s not pigmentation: it’s a mentality and it’s either going to work for you or it’s going to work against …

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Those That Are Being Left Behind

People walking around with their hands in the air simulating surrender. What if it comes out Mr Brown was attacking and rushing the officer after sucker punching him and trying to take his gun? Unfortunately,  at this point these people and anyone else who has printed “surrender” t-shirts will not believe or accept anything other than …

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Suicide = No Heaven

Robin Williams cannot enter Heaven. But I think he was Jewish and they don’t believe in heaven anyways (I thought it slightly amazing I instantly knew that about that religion). I believe one can be an atheist and still believe in a metaphysical realm. There can be “supernatural” things without God. One can be an …

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$26 For A Hamburger, Fries And A Drink

First off let me premise what I am about to say with the $26 included the tip. And that it was maybe the best hamburger and french fries I may have ever had. The shoestring fries were thin, hot, crispy and  perfectly salted. I ordered a custom burger with  base price of $13 with each topping …

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