Category: Me About Me

Me Talking September 28, 2020: Jaw Jabbin’

Me Talking September 28, 2020: Jaw Jabbin’

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Me Walking Talking September 28, 2020: My weekend eating adventures and Mr. Scale’s response

Me Walking Talking September 28, 2020: My weekend eating adventures and Mr. Scale’s response

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Me Walking Talking October 16, 2020: jefferytime and random rambling

Me Walking Talking October 16, 2020: jefferytime and random rambling

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Me Walking Talking October 4, 2020: talking about talking

Me Walking Talking October 4, 2020: talking about talking

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Me Walking Talking October 22, 2020: Realizing the process of realizing and about past employments

Me Walking Talking October 22, 2020: Realizing the process of realizing and about past employments

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Me Walking Talking October 5, 2020: About the experience of public self conversation…

Me Walking Talking October 5, 2020: About the experience of public self conversation…

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Me Walking Talking September 25, 2020: Feeling the “Why am I doing this?” and 30 more minutes of happy vibrant jeffery

Me Walking Talking September 25, 2020: Feeling the “Why am I doing this?” and 30 more minutes of happy vibrant jeffery

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Me Walking Talking September 26, 2020: Thank You all for joining me daily to have extensive talks about my favorite subject: Me.

Me Walking Talking September 26, 2020: Thank You all for joining me daily to have extensive talks about my favorite subject: Me.

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