America Eats Its Young Cosmic Slop Standing On The Verge Of Getting It On Lets Take It To The Stage
You Hit The Nail On The Head (G.Clinton, G. Shider) If You Don't Like The Effects Don't Produce The Cause (G.Clinton, G.Shider) Everybody Is Going To Make It This Time (G.Clinton, B.Worrell) A Joyful Process (G.Clinton, B.Worrell) We Hurt Too (G. Clinton) Loose Booty (G. Clinton, H.Beane) Philmore (W. Collins) I Call My Baby Pussycat (G.Clinton, E.Hazel, W.Nelson) Chelsea Music Pub Co Ltd America Eats Its Young (G.Clinton, B.Worrell, H. Beane) Biological Speculation (G.Clinton, E.Harris) That Was My Girl (G.Clinton, S.Barnes) Balance (G.Clinton, B.Worrell) Miss Lucifers Love (C.Haskins, G. Clinton) Wake Up (G.Clinton, B.Worrell, JW Jackson) All titles published by Bridgeport Music, Inc except where noted. AMERICA We are all America; all part of the pain and suffering and the agony of America; all feeding the agony and conflict of America - whether we are for or against or indifferent and unconcemed; whether we care or not. We will all be concerned in the outcome of America even if we don't feel concerned now. We all share the future. America eats its young - maybe. But America is also our child, is now how we all have made it; has become what we have wanted it to be. America reflects to us what we have come to. The state of America is our state. America eats its young. But we eat America, pollute it, abuse it, rape it, take from it, destroy it. As we give so do we receive. As we give to America and all her factions, so do we receive from America and all her factions. Do we give love or do we give fear and hate? America is racked with conflict; our conflict; the conflict of rich and poor, have and have not, black and white, male and female, order and chaos, hawk and dove, love and hate, old and young, right and left. But it's our conflict, not America's, no matter what side of the fence we are on. The question is: Does what we are doing from our particular side have positive or negative effects? Is what we are doing aimed at reconciliation of the conflict, or just getting our way at the other side's expense? What about the "opposition"? What do they feel? Or are we our own opposition, our own enemy? What is missing? What does America need most? What are her children lacking? How can we banish evil? What can we give to our enemies? Who is Satan? Christ help us: we are lost, lost in our fury, lost in our blame, lost in our apathy, Call to us, call to us! What can we give to our enemies? Love? Love our enemies? Love Satan? Love Satan????? What is love? How can we put love into action. Christ help us: it's not easy. How can we break the spiral that is breaking America, is breaking us? Christ teaches; If we want satisfaction, the only way we can have it is by giving it to people. Christ help us: it's not easy. Christ teaches: When we are able to love those around us whatever they might do or be, without blame, and without in any way separating what they are from what we are: then, and only then, can we be sure that we are fulfilled within ourselves. The only way is to love our enemies! Christ help us: it's not easy But it's the only way. What do you think, brothers and sisters? THE PROCESS - CHURCH OF THE FINAL JUDGEMENT Keyboards and Melodica: Bernard Worrell Percussion: Tyrone Lampkin. Zachary Frazier. Tiki Fulwood. Frank Waddy Guitar: Harold Beane. Phelps Collins. Ed Hazel. Gary Shider Bass: William Collins. Prakash Jolin, Cordell Mosson Trumpet: Bruce Cassidy. Arnie Chycoski, Ronnie Greenway, Clayton Gunnels Al Stanwyck Alto Sax: Randy Wallace Tenor Sax: Robert McCullough Steel Guitar: Ollie Strong Juice Harp: James Wesley Jackson Violin: Alhert Pratz. Bill Richards. Victoria Polley. Joe Sera Viola: Stanley Solomon, Walter Babiuk Cello: Peter Schenkman, Ronald Laurie Vocals: Harold Beane, Diane Brooks,Phelps Collins,William Collins, Clayton Gunnels,Ronnie Greenway,Prakash John,Stevc Kennedy,Ed Hazel, Gary Shider,Frank Waddy,Randy Wallace. Bernard Worrell. Arrangers: George Clinton and Bernard Worrell String and Steel Guitar Arrangements by David Van De Pitte on: If You Don't Like The Effect,America Eats lts Young,Biological Speculation, Everybody is Going To Make lt This Time and We Hurt Too. String and Horn Arrangements by Bernard Worrell on A Joyful Proeess,Wake Up and Miss Lucifer's Love. Original Album Cover Concept: George Clinton Ron Scribner Original Cover Art: Paul Weldon Original Album Co-ordination: Mia Krinsky Original Productioii Supervision: Bob Scerbo This Album is dedicated to all the Young of THE WORLD! Join the loyal order of FUNKADELIA. Call your favorite Radio Station and Ask Them to Play FUNKADELIC MUSIC! CDSEWD 029 A Parliafunkadelicment Thang Recorded At: Manta, R.C.A. and Toronto Sound Recording Studios in Toronto Olympic Studios in London, England Artie Fields, Detroit, Master Kraft, Memphis Producer: George Clinton for Wesrbound Records, Inc Mastered from digital tapes transferred from original analogue master tapes Post Production by The Digital Editing Suite The copyright in this sound recording is owned by Nine Records, Inc and is licensed to Ace Records Ltd. (P) 1973 Westbound Records, Inc (C) 1973 Westbound Records, Inc Westbound Records 48-50 Steele Road, London NW10 7As For details of our CDs, LPs and cassettes send a S.A.E. or 2 I.R.C. to the address above Made in the United Kingdom
Nappy Dugout (G.Clinton, G.Shider, C. Mossom) 4:33 You Can't Miss What You Can't Measure (G.Clinton, S.Barnes) 3:03 March To The Witch's Castle (G.Clinton) 5:59 Let's Make It Last (G.Clinton, E.Hazel) 4:08 Cosmic Slop (G.Clinton, B.Worrell) 5:17 No Compute (G.Clinton, G.Shider) 3:03 This Broken Heart (W.Franklin) 3:37 Trash A-Go-Go (G.Clinton) 2:25 Can't Stand The Strain (G.Clinton, E.Hazel) 3:27 For virtual decades of alembic time parasecs, I have gazed upon the so-called highest life form on this planet with unbridled disgust? For the very source of life engergies of Earth have become the castrated target of anile bamboozlery from homo sapliens' rabid attempts to manipulate the omnipotent Forces of Nature! Their directionless efforts to achieve the metaphysical state of godliness, aeons premature to evolutionary destiny have, indeed, become an invitation to species extinction. No less alarming are the individual actions of this reactionary and wayward life form - exploiting each other for unworthy and selfish aims. Specific inspissated ignoramuses of cankerous audacity... engaged professionally and/or morally in the unique practice of PIMPAFICATION. And in truth, this is a most damnable lifestyle to witness with mortal eyes! TOTAL domination of capital, material and creature comforts is ruthlessly sought through the exploitation of many. The squishy pubic balleys of female denizens...become slitted receptors of instantaneous carnal fulfillment - for a price, controlled by a male legion of parastical, prevariated, GODLESS PAGANS who exact their lifestyles to a terrible cost to their hosts... Gutless heathens with an unearthy lust for capital gain, dare to pimp off various nectars and spices of narcotic death upon the virgin bodies of their youth, who face inevitable enslavement to those TRIFFID PUSHERS of escapist hell... The napalm jelly and barbecue sandwich of war has become the ghoul/soul food of those who profit from the eternal conflicts as suppliers of the grisly table utensils of war machines, make the bloody feasts more 'polite'. Their capitalistic/egomaniac allies, the POLITICIANS, provide an unlimited supply of gore-spattered dessert, as their anile, verbal glibberings of multi-faceted, repetitive lies and oppressive ravings...confuse, paralyze and suck out the minds of their prey, the masses... Other immoralistic bumpkins seek out those of the opposite sex for shallow and/or selfish intentions. FINANCIAL SECURITY or an eternal supply of TRIM are sought under the veiled disguise of 'I-love-you-ism'. Such antics result in hideous versions/replays of 'playing on the side', fist'n'cuffs, the 'empty house trauma', monster alimony payments, unwed motherism, suicides, homicides and/or unloved offspring. For to pimp off LOVE is, verily, tampering with the all-encompassing destructive opposite, HATE! And with hate come DEATH... The colourless monster of RACISM is gleefully unchained by garrotted gibbons and hirsute hooligans, whose abbreviated mentalities cripple their own minds as the racist spectators cripple their victims' bodies... Premature ecological doom through the reactionary efforts of POLLUTING ENTERPRISES of capitalistic pimpism foreshadow Earth's demise. These cachetic mumruffians of madness continue to hasten total biological Armageddon of the 'benefit' of consumerism. And WITHOUT SHAME - declare their eventual victims as the bangling argle-bargles responsible for the ecological pimpster game that they cheerfully continue... BE IT KNOW, THEREFORE, THAT I HAVE FERULED to verbally ostracize these ostrobogulous oafs of occluded obliquity. The frenzied insipience of PIMPIFICATION hath risen to the point of cosmicide. Enough of this madness! CEASE! For I, to carnate my macrological rhetoric upon this wicked edifice of Babylon, truly care that the undeserving species of Man be snatched from self- destruction. Therefore, BECOME AWARE OF YOURSELVES! Become aware of your action ('the ass thou pimpest shall be thine own')! CEASE ALL MANNERS OF EXPLOITIVE JIVATION! Should there be some who would choose to ignore this maladroited message of doom, I further proclaim it to be the right of the noble followers of FUNKADELIA to counteract the inane, infantile antics of those pimpatory, sapless stooges and exploitive ecdysiasts of evil. FUNKADELIA IS UPON THEE! VERILY, those soulfulifically jaded swashbucklers of agitpropitic burnbabydom - FUNKADELIC - have descended from the Orginal Galaxy Ghetto to cleanse thy wayword souls THROUGH MUSIC worthy of the immortals themselves! LISTEN, and ye shall believe - when it come to pass... that what shall penetrate thine ears shall truly be a gas! But, FAIL those of FUNKADELIC, and thou shalt be cast away with the last vestiges of mental salvation. For the TRUTH is the WAY, and FUNKADELIC is, verily, TRUTH. AWAKE NOT, and Earth remains as this solar system's space strumpet...sour milk from the breast of MOTHER NATURE! AWAKE NOT, and FUNKADELIC, with its soulful followers, upon a predestined time, shall ascend to the heavens, and the wayward masses left behind will be further reduced by their own pimp games into the lunatic fringe of extinction. Unerringly, they will cease to exist, and after this forsaken firmament is pumped unto COSMIC SLOP...the rats and roaches will once again become the dominant Lords ofEarth! AS IT IS WRITTEN, SO SHALL IT BE! From the ARMPIT OF THE UNIVERSE Funkadelic is: Bernard Worrell: Keyboards & Melodica, Strings on 'Broken Heart' "Boogie" Masson: Bass Guitar Tyrone Lampkin: Percussion Gary Shider: Lead & Rhythm Guitar Ron Bykowski: Lead & Rhythm Guiitar Guest Funkadelic Maggot:Tiki Fulwood, Drums on 'Nappy Dugout' Funkadelic Monstermanian Thanks to: Engineers: Lee De Carlo, Manta Sound, Toronto Jerry, United Sound, Detroit Parliament Our Road Manager: Chris Tannis Seven Rooster Poots for Bernie Mendelson HOT, BUTTERED & SOUL Debbie Wright Mercy for smelling the Dugout: Armen Boladian T.R. from T.M.I in Memphis Westbound Records 21348 Telegraph Rd, Suite 200 Southfield, Michigan 48034 Made in the USA All titles published by Bridgeport Music, Inc except track 5 Warner Chappell Music Ltd. track 7 Tristan Music Ltd Produced By George Clinton for Westbound Records, Inc Recorded at United Sound, Detroit, Mich. Manta Studio, R.C.A. Original album concept design: George Clinton, Pedro Bell Original art direction: Nell Terk Original album art: Pedro Bell, Bruse Bell/Maggot Funkagraphix, Inc Liner Notes: Sir Lleb, Maggot Minister of Funkadelia Original album co-ordination: Mia Krinsky Production supervision: Bob Scerbo Package designed by Phillip Barker Design Mastered from digital tapes transferred from original analogue master tapes Post Production by Duncan Cowell at The Digital Editing Suite The copyright in this sound recording is owned by Westbound Records and is licensed to Ace Records Ltd. (C) 1973 Westbound Records (P) 1973 Westbound Records For details of the price of our catalogues send an S.A.E. or I.R.C. to the address above Made In The United Kingdom
RED HOT MAMA (B Worrell, G Clinton, E Hazel) Chelsea Music Pub Co Ltd ALICE IN MY FANTASIES (G Clinton, G Cook) I'LL STAY (G Clinton, G Cook) SEXY WAYS (G Clinton, G Cook) STANDING ON THE VERGE OF GETTING IT ON (G Clinton, G Cook) JIMMY'S GOT A LITTLE BIT OF BITCH IN HIM (G Clinton, G Cook) GOOD THOUGHTS, BAD THOUGHTS (G Clinton, G Cook) FUNKADELIC is: BERNARD (BERNIE) WORRELL: Spaced Viking; keyboards & vocals *CALVIN SIMON: Tenor vocals, congas & suave personality *CLARENCE 'FUZZY' HASKINS: an prototype werewolf; berserker octave vocals C 'BOOGIE' MOSSON: World's Only Black Leprechaun;bass & vocals EDDIE 'SMEDLEY SMORGANOFF' HAZEL: Maggoteer lead/solo guitar & vocals GARY SHIDER: Rhythm/lead guitar, doowop vocals, sinister grin *GEORGE CLINTON: Supreme Maggot Minister of Funkadelia; vocals, maniac froth & spit. Behaviour illegal in several states R 'TIKI' FULWOOD: Percussion & vocals. Equipped with stereo armpits RON BRYKOWSKI: Rhythm/lead guitar; polyester soul-powered token white devil *'SHADY' GRADY THOMAS: Registered and licensed genie; vocals *RAY (STINGRAY) DAVIS: Subterranean bass vocals, supercool & stinky fingers GUEST FUNKADELICANS: Gary Bronson: Drums Jimmy Calhoun: Bass Leon Patillo: Piano Tyrone Lampkin: Percussion *The members of PARLIAMENT appear through the courtesy of CASABLANCA RECORDS. Protect your loved one from GRAND FRAUD RAILROADISM! Tell your local radio station to play FUNKADELIC MUSIC! So Be It! A PARLIAFUNKADELICMENT THANG FUNKADELIC Special Thanx: Charlie Bassoline, Ron Strasner, Jeff Franklin, A.T.I., Roadies: Bob & Sam, Sound Engineers: Lee (Manta), Ralph (Hollywood), Jeff (Crystal) and Jerry (United), G 'Sir Lance' Everett for graphics assistance (George Clinton portrait & logos) WET EPIC DEBAUCHERY AS IT IS WRITTEN HENCEFORTH...that on the Eighth Day, the Cosmic Strumpet of MOTHER NATURE was spawned to envelope this Third Planet in FUNKACIDAL VIBRATIONS. And She birthed Apostles Ra, Hendrix, Stone & CLINTON to preserve all funkiness of man unto eternity...But! Frudulent forces of obnoxious JIVATION grew; Sun Ra strobed back to Saturn to await his Next Reincarnation, Jimi was forced back into basic atoms; Sly was co-opted into a jester monolith and...only seedling GEORGE remained! As it came to be, he did indeed, begat FUNKADELIC to restore Order Within The Universe. And nourished from the pamgrierian mammaristic melonpaps of Mother Nature, the followers of FUNKADELIA multiplied incessantly! BUT, within the bowels of Earth, reactionary NIXON-OUS HEATHENS sought to diminish their number and the Cosmic Strumpet grew afraid and called forth unto the realm of FUNKADELIA to combat those elements of defunkatization! Beyond the Rings of AMMAGAMMA-GOO-CHEE, I heard & did venture forth unto Her Pure & Immaculate Presence! "I, Sir IIeb...humbly approach thee to vow my services to annihilate the balmy bards who'd incense you! Aye, for your turbulent love forest beckons fair exchange!" (Heartily, I lusted for the steamy lash of Her tongue & the hot lash of SCIENCE-FRICTION THIGHS uponst me!) She spake in reply, "As it is, Maggot shall this be! Go forth and slay those who spit upon FUNKADELIA without delayance! Lest you tarry in your mission, the GRIP OF THE FUNKAPUS shall evade thee forevermore!" Nor did I hesitate to motivate! My succulent, relampaquitalized bronze pinnacle would NOT BE DENIED VISITATION within that lecherous, lickspittable sanctum sanctorum! Not evenst! I departed & made all haste to the Interstellar Bodyshop. The speediest booglerizer, the PARLIAFUNKADELICMENT THANG...awaited my presence, equipped with optional servantobots; two nastified, hyperbolic druid wenches & several edible barbecuwhelks for squiffy inspiration.Fueled by atomic nookie vapours, our supreme bogard was due on Earth in mere trifles of time! WE JETTED down unto the treacherous habitats of Babylon in the name of FUNKADELIA! Within the Isle of Blight, we were beset by mongrel hordes of kung-fu crab carries, karate-kitted kangeroosters and sapidless streakers! The waxed carnals were dispersed in pieces, as their frenzied attacks proved futile! Other targets attacked from within dank, ghetto corridors; various supertrys, halfshafts, rambunctious niggaphites, slackmacks and clodfathers. Without hesitation, we rent them asunder! Gathering momentum, we proceeded betweenst the reputed Arches of Scrotum with the soul of incomprehensibical might...pausing to squash bourgeoisie nefarious neegrows who sought to escape doom in befouled, leather-topped, white-walled mopodillacs! And by the gods, the P.F.T. berserker machine descended to even lower depths to battle with blasphemous malodorfied legions of maggot-coloured honkiteers! Guarding their reeking nest, the PIT OF PENTACON, the foam-flecked degenerates filled the very air with watergate buggers and ensnarling webs of mysterian tape reels! But, before our strength...their agnewsque attack vexed by their own destruction! Numerous smolenites and blondshelled pogostick slurpers gathered, and then exploded into a rodanistic frenzy to smote me, but the infidels were unprepared for the bubbling, yellow-green death that I extracted forth in a deadly stream from my body... to eradicate them! Aye, a finale! ALAS! My mission accomplished, FUNKADELIA would remain preserved! Verily, I expected mucho filthy-McNastian jollies from the Queen Strumpet of my heart, but more paganistic jivation awaited me! En-route, I was almost waylaid by a quad of dayglo, scarlet slutties, who tempted the mechanics of my sex machine! But forthright, as they clustered about me with beglittered bellymuffs to suckulate my vital juices - I activated my hydraulic, stratoplat bunion mashers & stomped the lusty harlots into pissy droplets! I would be detoured not, from my deserved re-ward! REAPPPEARED, I DID BEFORE erectile mobus factor was engaged and phallic-stroker in ironic readiness! The Cosmic Strumpet of FUNKADELIA gazed uponst my sweaty bod with arduous satisfaction! My very atoms churned with the beginnings of nuclear prefission? She: "Behold, warrior - the Kingdom of the GODZILLATRON CUSH shal be yours" Nastily, you are STANDING ON THE VERGE OF GETTING IT ON! Partake!" And it came to pass that I did embrace & ravish Her Being...but in my unbridled ecstasy, I could - HANDLE IT NOT! Banishment to the SEWERS OF ORBITRON was my fate indeed, for unlike the Followers of FUNKADELIC...I would wait in limbo for precious eons to become; HOT, NASTY & LOOSE! Excerpts from Sir IIeb's 'FUNKSTROM CHRONICLES OF ORBITRON' MAGGOTRIVIA Concept/Design: George Clinton & Pedro Bell Original Art Direction: Neil Terk Original Album Art: Pedro Bell, Bruse Bell/ Maggot Funkagraphix, Inc Production Supervision: Bob Scerbo Liner Notes: Sir IIeb of Funkadelia FUNKADELIC Portraits: Photography/Ira Marcus, Art/Bell Brothers & G Lance Everett PRODUCED BY GEORGE CLINTON for Westbound Records RECORDED AT: Manta Sound, Toronto; Hollywood Crystal Sound, Los Angeles; and United Sound, Detroit. A PARLIAFUNKADELICMENT THANG Packaged designed by Philip Barker Design Mastered from digital tapes transferred from original analogue master tapes Post Production by Duncan Cowell at the Digital Editing Suite The copyright in this sound recording is owned by Westbound Records and is licensed to Ace Records Ltd (P) 1974 Westbound Records (C) 1974 Westbound Records 21348 Telegraph Rd, Suite 200 Southfield Michigan 48034 For details of the price catalogue send an S.A.E. or 2 I.R.C. to the address above Made in The USA WBCD-1001
Good To Your Earhole (4:30) (G.Clinton, G.Cook, C.Haskins) Better By The Pound (2:40) (G.Clinton, G.Cook) Be My Beach (2:35) (G.Clinton, W.Collins, B.Worrell) No Head, No Backstage Pass (2:36) (G.Clinton, R.Sykowski) Let's Take It To The Stage (3:32) (G.Clinton, W.Collins, G.Shider) Get Off Your Ass And Jam (2:00) (Funkadelic, Parliament) I Owe You Something Good (5:43) (G.Clinton) Stuff And Things (2:11) (G.Clinton, G.Cook) The Song Is Familar (3:05) (G.Clinton, W.Collins, B.Worrell) Atmosphere (7:05) (G.Clinton, G.Shider, B.Worrell) Let's Take It To The Stage ...and it came to pass, that the concept of FUNKATIZATION was declared a Univeral Law by Mother Nature, and therefore - exepmt from control by the Forces of Good, and those of Evil. Full and forceful uponst man it was, Eternal Funk was nastily maintained to endure the skillions of Time. The Gods scoped the situation and proclaimed, "All is Cool". But! All was not Cool throughout the cosmos. The dynamics of ORDER & EQUILIBRIUM was being waylaid by new manners of triffidistic jivation fermenting on pagan planet Earth. A former turned bogardistic, and the star-spangled Kong of Babylon was unleashed to bully tidbit morsels of faraway lands. And one dawn's light brought the greedy presence forth, to confront another, the Commie Crudzilla. And Kong did indeed, fervently eye Crudzilla's new prize (aminute, Far Eastern Land) and spake, "Gimme some of that, Gibbs!" The Red Beast stirred with Fangs bared, "Be off, yellow running dog, imperialistic scum!" Fazed not, Kong went before the people of this land...armed with a false rap of salvation. But, they...being extremely hip to the Game...answered with, "No good, Number 10 - "LET'S TAKE IT TO THE STAGE!" Kong, angered & pissed...sent forth armoured goons, accompained by outstanding nasties as: Doctor Napalm, Professor Claymore and Reverend No-Grow. Against these odds, the black pagama mojo men arose from the people's hearts...and countervamped with hellhonnik fury! As it was, victory was the ultimate, but bitter triumph for the little people who sent the mammoth Kong back homeward reeling and smoking into worldwide breakface! And verily as I rap unto you from the real side of life, there was a young mortal named Ali, who was indeed the greatest - whupping heads between signifying. But, it came to pass that the law of the land did declare that he would be obligated to exterminate strangers in an unknown land. Ali refused to participate in the wrongful bloodlusts, and he was punished and lost his boxing title, from the serpentile representatives of so-called judiciary righteousiousness... With the passage of time, the was became no longer fun, and the games were indeed, reduced to a lesser level. Ali was without his crown of glory, but knew what time it was - "LET'S TAKE IT TO THE STAGE!" He then proceeded to rend asunder numerous lightweights, whiteweights, dumbweights and deadweights - and recaptured his glory! Justice prevails! And now, nebulous and neegroid nastificators lurk about within the realm of FUNKADELIA! Yes -certain goldplated warmongers are indeed - paranoid about their lesser brothers "Blowing Them Off The Stage!" Behindst the scenes, turbulent conflicts hath-up over the issue of 'you-go-first'-isms. Yes, under the very noses of their fans, these envious, blahflammative, dufus reactionary buffoons bicker, blabber and stew over such frivilous issues. Tempers hath flared at the bitter end of coin tosses and music equipment has been known to be mysteriously sabotaged in vengeance...or concert time bogarded away. Other acts have been committed and some are too dispicable for mortal ears. BUT - LET IT BE KNOWN: FUNKADELIC DON'T PLAY THAT! UPONST the madness of the world, FUNKADELIC prevails as the phallic berserker of HOPE. Yes! Battered and blammed by broxinated vapors of cancerous, riff-raff knuckleheadology, mopod molecule molesters, and spastic, phobic VUZ pegs of pulchritudinous jealousy...FUNKADELIC continues to rout such nitrod charlatans with powerdrive over-bites. FUNKADELIC do not bullshit the masses, because they are almighteous and the baddest thang happening within this entire dimension plane! Death on jivation, FUNKADELIC IS! As the mighteous live band in the known universe, let it be known that FUNKADELIC will play before any "name-brand" yokels, and verily-force-field them into scoured crawfish milk! "LET'S TAKE IT TO THE STAGE!" FUNKADELIA shall triumph! LET'S TAKE IT TO THE STAGE, mollyfocks! Excerpts from Sir IIeb's "State of Confusion" speech at George Clinton University, Stinkfinger, Alabama ALUMNI FUNKADELIC Bootsie Billy Bass E. Hazel Ron Bykowski GUEST FUNKADELIC Paul Warren Reggie McBride Frosty Mello Garcia Honeys Denise Hurd Delores whats-her-name Gary Cooper Parliament (courtesy of Casablanca Records) FUNKADELIC SPECIAL THANX: Armen Boladian, Cholly Bassoline, Ron Strasner, Nick Byrne, Roadies:Bob and Screwy, Sound Engineers:Jim Callon (Hollywood Sound) Jim Uitti and Ken what's-his-name (United Sound) This album is dedicated with fun and love to all our Boogie-Funk Competition. MAGGOTRIVIA Sinister Concept/Rambunctious Album Design: George Clinton & Pedro Bell Album's Anile Artistic Dabblings: Pedro (Pubic Pete) Bell Sub-Linear Noxious Liner Notations & Cryptic Gibberish: Sir IIeb of Funkadelia Malodorous, Hellific Cortoon-Mopod Producer of all this Madness: George Clinton Against all known laws of moral decency, this disk was recorded at these various bodily parts within Babylon: Hollywood Sound, Hollywood Cal. and United Sound, Detroit, Mich. Wholly Impertinent Sponsors: "JJ" Christ & William (Wild Willie) Lucifer (P) 1975 Westbound Records (C) 1975 Westbound Records