These DAILYS began in 1997, before “blogging” was even thought of. I always wanted a place to express myself however and whenever I wanted to. They began when the close relationship I had with someone “ended.” It was then I intended to make the feelings I would express to her a matter of public record, thereby having something to “write at” instead of someone. This gave me a freedom and more independence, which is something that I always desire.
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DAILYS: August 28, 2010
the so-called dailys of jefferytv my primary favorite’s cable channel lineup: cspan, cnn, fox news, msnbc, cspan 2 time warner cable music: soundscapes, sounds of the season august 28, 2010 if “race” is the wrong word, PEOPLE ARE STILL NOT THE SAME. body types, head structure, fast twitch muscles, etc. its not just culture either, …
DAILYS: December 27, 2008
december 27, 2008 “its cold (california cold), wet and rainy.” my words 2 weeks ago. its the same, seems colder and rainy-er also.feeling like i’m getting it back. feels good too. more than just faith. my weight is up to 218, but im not worried about that, in fact i got cookies now. and dots …
DAILYS: August 8, 2008
august 8, 2008 may 12, 2008 youngstown vindicator article apr 14, 2008 dec 25, 2007 why did i find it a surprise when i realized that the most powerful thing ive seen in the universe is directly related to the hardest job known to man? the simplest realizations are the most beautiful and most …
DAILYS: March 28, 2005
march 28, 2005 i love me some white girls. i really do. now dont get me wrong- i love all females (actually i love almost everything) and black american female moves me most. but there is something about the white american girls i see out here in california that i like. and its not like …
DAILYS: September 30, 2004
september 30, 2004 september 30, 2004 september 27, 2004 september 27, 2004 let us pray for our new rookie qb Posted by STEELERFUNK1 on 9/25/2004, 9:04 am, in reply to “Won’t be played today” i wished very much for him to have a good start, as he carries the hopes …
DAILYS: April 19, 2004
april 19, 2004 do i owe the YOUNG WHITE AUDIENCE? Posted by jeffery on 4/19/2004, 1:09 pm the more i think about it, THE YOUNG WHITE AUDIENCES, the crowd ive “struggled” to understand for years now and may even have had “issue” with (due to its lack of rhythm and groove) may be the reason, the support …
DAILYS: February 10, 2004
february 10, 2004 and even with all i have said negatively about love over the last month (and maybe years) about how dysfunctional, difficult and not worth it it is…i would not only more than gladly fall again but would be open to engaging in the same very situation i wanted to “walk away” from. …
DAILYS: December 4, 2003
december 4, 2003 from by Dr. C. George BoereeABRAHAM MASLOW 1908-1970 Self-actualization He began by picking out a group of people, some historical figures, some people he knew, whom he felt clearly met the standard of self-actualization. Included in this august group were people like Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, Mahatma Gandhi, Albert Einstein, Eleanor Roosevelt, William James, Benedict Spinoza, and …
DAILYS: June 13, 2003
june 13, 2003 i have reached a point where i CAN’T get off beat. no matter what im doing- driving, dancing or walking, I CANNOT LOOSE THE BEAT OR GET OFF RHYTHM. its like no matter what music or band is playing i can “ride” the beat or it drives my groove. like any …
DAILYS: February 28, 2003
the dailys february 28, 2003 i am the only person i am aware of who does not lie for any reason or at anytime. everybody i know routinely tells at least white lies. everybody. the example me february 18, 2003 saturday i participated in the anti war march / rally in hollywood. i have never seen …
DAILYS: May 25, 2002
may 25, 2002he had sex with a white girl!! Posted by PFUNK1 on 5/25/2002, 12:18 pm was it everything that i always dreamed of?west coast funk is happier than east coast i may even go as far to say that funkadelic could not have happened in all this laidback, beautiful scenery with kickback hangin loose folx… when …
DAILYS: December 27, 2001
december 27, 2001 today i completed the transfer of all my stuff from netscape to internet explorer. it took about a month to slowly move bookmarks, default mail, webpage editing, etc. i no longer use netscape navigator/ communicator/composer for any of my web surfing or web creation needs. i fought microsoft’s IE for along time …
DAILYS: November 14, 2001
november 14, 2001 a basic fundamental difference between republicans and democrats is what they believe is the best way to stimulate the economy. they both agree that a capitalistic democracy is the solution, but republicans feel the best way to manage and stimulate this system is by helping the big business’ who create jobs. they …
DAILYS: July 18, 2001
july 18, 2001 i am depressed. i havent danced for 4 days, since saturday. and by dancing i dont mean to music, i mean a spontaneous dance to express the happy spirit energy inside me. there aint no happy spirit energy inside me. i have laughed maybe 10 times, joked once and have slept 75% …
DAILYS: May 17, 2001
may 17, 2001 my mood seems to be effected by changes in the weather. drops in my mood seem to coincide with less sunny overcast, gray days like we are having now. maybe my mood is effected by a drop in my energy (spirit and/or physical) and that is connected to the energy of sunny …
DAILYS: April 15, 2001
april 15, 2001 happy easter happy passover “God intended to kill the first-born of both man and beast” (i cannot worship anything that kills)passover april 2, 2001 man, i was on rip in yesterday’s daily!! where did that come from? i read it and went “who wrote that??” i dont be playing. damn. i …
DAILYS: February 19, 2001
february 19, 2001 Main Entry: dance Function: noun Date: 14th century 1 : an act or instance of dancing 2 : a series of rhythmic and patterned bodily movements usually performed to music 3 : a social gathering for dancing 4 : a piece of music by which dancing may be guided 5 : the art …
DAILYS: January 11, 2001
january 11, 2001 g’mornin- my site seems to be still up. and ya know the first thing i did was to check to see if it was. but i know to make local copies of all changes just in case, but while im here… the zoo is definitley a kids place. it a place where …
DAILYS: December 3, 2000
december 3, 2000 (bluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrr) november 21, 2000 the very very very bright object mid-high in the early evening southwestern sky is the planet venus. during and later in the evening, the bright object in the eastern sky is jupiter, and to the upper right is saturn. yesterday over looking los angeles from the getty …
DAILYS: October 20, 2000
october 20, 2000 im grumpy. i need jefferytime. all i can think about is pizza, couch, videos, internet (maybe)- a nice ride listening to music of moderate movement to costco (large with extra sauce & mushrooms), blockbuster video and then to an apartment where the only acknowledged living thing other than myself is a …
DAILYS: October 1, 2000
october 1, 2000 olympic moments… the russian men kiss on the lips. almost every victorious athlete cried- even the fastest man in the world, mo green. both shows of emotion is cool. marion jones is fine and she will eventually divorce cj. watching all the artistic gynastics i noticed that none of it is …
DAILYS: May 10, 2000
may 10, 2000 when i got my baby in ’94 she had 28,000 miles on her and she was a year and a half old. now she has 155, 000 mi but i can still remember running back to work to show jackie my new car…i can remember getting a page in ’96 on …
DAILYS: April 6, 2000
april 6, 2000 i definitely feel different after my first trip to europe. im not sure if its because of what i saw (vatican, coliseum,david, etc), the fact that i walked around the only black man in a foriegn place for a week or just plain ego. whatever it was, and as impossible as it …
DAILYS: February 17, 2000
february 17, 2000 yesterday i cashed in the bet i won on 2/15 and got “all you can eat sushi” free for the 2nd week in a row. i just confirmed next wednesday’s will be free too… i was hard pressed to never call anything “dumb” or “stupid” listening to some of the questions during …
DAILYS: November 20, 1999
november 20, 1999 the ability to gain undestanding from the information of previous experience and use that understanding to develop improved strategy- first i would notice certain changes in my mood and energy, things that would not normally irritate me, would- and then like right after, i would be sick…hmmmm- so now when i …
DAILYS: March 15, 1998
march 15, 1998 a leader is the first person to blow his horn in the sepulveda pass tunnel… sun microsystems has java commercials on network primetime TV… i got duke in the ncaa’s… imagine my eyes when I first saw we can do what we want god made me, the sundays march 7, 1998 one …