Facebook Post: April 12, 2015

recording today, pushing that red button. folks in the studio means guests in the bathroom. which is the 2nd best motivation behind odor to clean it. might as well vacuum the place as well. I live in the dessert so there’s always dust.11150829_10153302250582125_516061488997881188_n

the building stays quiet on sunday morning. it’s easy like the song. the sound of birds, not even dogs barking. just laying here for a few on a rare don’t have to be anywhere or do nothing morning. time to reflect, recognize and appreciate just how good I got it (or what I need to correct to get it good). money may not be able to buy happiness, but that down payment part is very damn true. as I’ve always been a fan of maslow’s hierarchy.

I am very proud and appreciative of where and what I am in life. If I was religious I would be thanking a God in my humility. but I can look back and see the elements that got me here. and it was my parents and my family. with what I was given I had no choice but to be more than just “successful.” the tools and support were there day one. at times I feel obligated to live up to what was bestowed upon me. and to give back as I feel indebted in ways. I look around and everybody ain’t have it like I did.

jeffery has pretty much all the things jeffery wants. my concern is expanding that “want” list to include “bigger” things. to include more macro level goals. to give back to humanity and the larger picture. accomplishing or attaining is a minor factor in this equation. as is my impact on history.

to be great, you have to be comfortable imagining yourself as great. and that doesn’t mean posting self-worth memes on Facebook as a reminder. it has to be in your every breath. greatness don’t happen on accident.

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