Category: Science

A Facebook Reply About My Atheism

extra ordinary claims require extraordinary proof. first off, i see no evidence that there is a God. And if by God a person means a “Creator,” i see no evidence this creator interacts in our day to day lives. there are questions i cannot answer as to our origins and purpose, and i am comfortable …

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My Latest Hypothesis About Our Origins

My latest hypothesis is that life, the process of life, and/or the life creating/ inducing mechanism began before the creation of this universe. Thereby giving this process an all but infinite time to develop and evolve. How life and it all started We and I have no clue, but through the sciences we are able …

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Pondering Our Origins

Education not only provides more possibilities and solutions, but enhances the process by which answers are found. Without a basic understanding of the sciences and how chemistry, biology, astronomy etc all operate together, how does one come to an explanation for the origin of life and the Universe? How is this very complex question answered …

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Meeting Norman Spencer’s Work

meeting mr norman spencer’s work (link) worked on theoryofuniverse “life” & “man” last night. woke up with the idea to yahoo search “surviving singularity.” so on june 22, 2003 around 10:10 am i hit the link; 2 of the 4 sites returned were mine and the site listed #1 lead me to:  1475 Not …

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Dr. Cornell West and Black People’s Attitude Towards the Sciences

Smiley and West reflect on the discovery by scientists of the “God particle”, a sub-atomic key to understanding the (physical) existence of life. i love Dr Cornell West but this kind of flippant attitude towards science at this level from someone looked to as intellectual by his community is whats keeping black folks behind the …

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Talkin’ Quantum Spiritual Energy

i have always subscribed to a multi-universe theory. i think there are and have been bazillions. but i dont believe they exist as one for every posibility. like parallel universes. so i never was sugary sweet on the “quantum” thing as a whole, but was definitely feeling the duality particle / wave stuff and how if …

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“The Bible shows the way to go to heaven, not the way the heavens go.” -Galileo Galilei

march 25, 2000 Driving past where galileo was under house arrest and died cause he said the Earth went around the Sun   12:54pm 5:05pm I am in St Croce, . A huge cathedral where Galileo (of course I took pix with flash which is a no-no of Galileo’s tomb) Da’vinci,  Machevelli and others are buried.  

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