Steve Harvey discusses his feelings about atheists with Joy Behar
Category: Black Skeptics Group
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Sep 23
Video Found Of Humanist Slamming Steve Harvey’s Comments at AAI 2009
Video footage has surfaced of Humanist Dr. Sikivu Hutchison once again slamming Comedian Steve Harvey’s derogatory comments towards atheists. Dr. Hutchinson has had Harvey in her sights before, this is not new. Recently an organization she founded in Los Angeles, The Black Skeptics Group, targeted Harvey in a promotional ad. It is not known yet …
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Sep 16
Steve Harvey’s Comments Still Excite Black Humanist
Once again, Dr. Sikivu Hutchinson seems to be taking aim at Steve Harvey. Harvey’s comments regarding his experiences with atheists are “featured” in a promotional ad for an event Hutchinson’s newly formed organization is hosting. The Black Skeptics Group of Los Angeles in promoting the event, An Open Dialogue On Living Morally And Happily Without …
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Sep 16
Black Skeptics Group To Host L.A. Event
An Open Dialogue On Living Morally And Happily Without Religion Sunday, November 7, 2010 at 1:00pm Lucy Florence Coffee House 3351 W. 43rd Street Los Angeles, CA “A growing number of blacks are ‘going Godless.’ Steve Harvey says we have no morals, but what about the Catholic Church scandals, predator preachers and Koran-burning crazies? Come …
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