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Dailys 2014-12-18

doing anything but eating. well not any thing. playing with my music. going back to work and my mixing sessions on the commute got me back into it. i haven’t eaten after work this week, i dont think. been going to bed hungry. subway got 3 of their 12 inch sandwiches on sale for $4.36. …

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Los Angeles Funk! (do y’all be funkin’ over there?)


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Never Missing A Beat

Damn I be getting it! NEVER MISSING A BEAT!! now you see why I get so frustrated when I go see funk and don’t find rhythm like this? My idea of the Motor Booty Affair is gettin’ some and EVERYBODY is hittin’ rhythms like this. I will always keep this dream alive! 15 mins · …

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Pharrell’s “New Black”

Pharrell Williams “The New Black doesn’t blame other races for our issues,” said Pharrell, one of the world’s most successful musicians, to Oprah, billionaire queen of the world. “The New Black dreams and realises that it’s not pigmentation: it’s a mentality and it’s either going to work for you or it’s going to work against …

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Those That Are Being Left Behind

People walking around with their hands in the air simulating surrender. What if it comes out Mr Brown was attacking and rushing the officer after sucker punching him and trying to take his gun? Unfortunately,  at this point these people and anyone else who has printed “surrender” t-shirts will not believe or accept anything other than …

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Because I was Raised On The Funk

because for some of us who were raised on the funk when someone says the commodores or ewf is funk it degrades and dilutes what we believe (and know) funk is. its like saying “catholics and baptists are the same, what difference does it make?” might as well throw disco music in as funk too. …

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Body Shop By The Sweat Band: The Funkiest Song Ever!

In my opinion the “funkiest” song ever. (And I’m not 100% sure this is “funk,” but it is definitely the funkiest (the beats per minute straddles the upper limit of “funk”)). (Though it’s not my favorite song ((not just) Knee Deep). (quotatiously) “parenthetically” speaking…

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Suicide = No Heaven

Robin Williams cannot enter Heaven. But I think he was Jewish and they don’t believe in heaven anyways (I thought it slightly amazing I instantly knew that about that religion). I believe one can be an atheist and still believe in a metaphysical realm. There can be “supernatural” things without God. One can be an …

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