Category: Funk

Blackbyrd McKnight


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A Modest And Humble Funk Cat?

A modest and humble funk cat is basically a jazz musician playing pop. Attitude, if you ask me, is a requirement to hit that spot right… Cause not only is funk music ballsy, the subject matter and therefore the tone is hard, tough, strong and solid. Steady even and when those things become loose the …

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Are We Witnessing The Crash Landing Of The Mothership?

I think saying “its all up to George” may be a cop out. It’s never only up to one person when a group or organization is involved. Hell, even Steve Jobs got fired from his own company and the President of the USA can’t just do what he wants to do. So if the shows are …

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Rumor: Local Guest Players To Cover P-Funk Classics At Rosa Lee Brooks Jam In L.A. Friday 3/22

Unconfirmed reports have come into jefferyTV that local musicians Henderson Wickliffe, Lloyd Majors and others will be sit-in guests at Rosa Lee Brooks weekly jam session. It is rumored that the session will include covers of P-Funk classics which may include Funkadelic’s “Cosmic Slop.” JefferyTV will be broadcasting the event live from the Living Room …

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T-OH! on jefferyTV Post Demo Track

T-OH! is Anthony Paris Sanders, a long time acquaintance and friend of jefferyTV who after 20 years were reunited recently at the 2011 Long Beach Funk Festival. The two knew each other growing up in Youngstown, Ohio (Sanders was a big Slave fan) and met up years later in California. The two were roommates at one …

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Facebook Funk Talkin’

Whats up man “catch you slippn’” I never thought about it like that I was more focused on that idea of who “they” is as my son is caught up in all that gangsta glam as is many many other (black) kids I see everyday spoortin’ a hard tough mentality. But just let me say also I thought your …

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My Status Update To William “Bootsy” Collins Post

i’ll be there just like I was last year in LA when snoop and dr west got funky wit it and I helped you back on stage after you touched somebody (I remember the first time I saw you do that early 90s hollywood palladium I believe) and then meeting you in your dressing room …

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My Discovery of Parliament / Funkadelic and a Funk Pure

Probably summer 1977. As I remember it was in the dining room of my babysitters house. I was sitting at the table when I heard a sound I had never heard before. It was the keyboards of Mothership Connection. I immediately asked “who is that?” The response was thats “Parliament, its been out, it’s old” (it had been out maybe …

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