Category: Life

An “Easy” Life Can Make You Soft

it took me a long while to get to and get use to having nothing to complain or bitch about. it was a lifestyle change. it ain’t easy keeping it easy, it takes work physically and mentally.

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Meaning Of Life

Would you rather define the meaning of life, or have it defined for you? For a lot of you the answer is a part of your beliefs.

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The Orchestration And Navigation Of My Existence

work day 5 of 9 straight. mr. scale said 210.6 this morning, which is as low as it’s been in years. i was thinking with so much going on that i was “kickin’ ass” as far as life is concerned. that may be the case, but then i thought it’s more like i’m in a …

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I Am So Very Deeply In Love With My Existence…

and yes, “in love” with it like it’s my girlfriend. come to think about it, “life” just might be my wife… i used the word “wife” for the poetic effect of the rhyme, but the term seems too institutionalized or sum’n for what i mean. made me rethink the whole idea of “wife” and marriage. …

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Universe Shattering Disaster Averted

I almost forgot to moisturize my face today. WHEW!! Universe shattering disaster averted… well, mr scale said 213.6 this morning. a number i’m not mad at, and possibly encouraged by. seeing how i went to sleep too early, woke up and had a in bed snack of UTZ Pub Mix and strawberry gooey cheesecakey stuff. …

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More About Happy

Worked until midnight last night and had to be back in the chair at 11:30 am, so I didn’t get my usual extended hours of sleep.

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It Feels Good To Feel Good

being in a good mood makes everything better. who knew? my happy does not exist in a vacuum. it CANNOT be produced without the interaction of EVERYTHING around me- that means good and bad. my happy is most probably based on how i handle and interpret the totality of reality. how i process life and …

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What Really Matters?

what really matters? does anything REALLY matter or is it all subjective and relative. is the only thing that counts determined solely by each individual? i’ve said many times before we don’t know what the “goal” is. without a goal there is no right, wrong, up or down. until it is determined what we are here …

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