Category: #Love

Me Talking April 21, 2016: Love & Relationships

Love, Desire, Relationships, Single

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Early Conversation With A Potential Soulmate…

wow wow wow! capable and creative!! don’t shrug that off as nothing because everybody ain’t or can’t be that. i think i have come to an understanding about the limited time thing. as when i was younger it would frustrate me to the point i would get discouraged and not get anything done. now i …

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I Love The Pittsburgh Steelers

i love the Pittsburgh Steelers you know i do. and i root and pull for them every microsecond of my conscious life.

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I Am So Very Deeply In Love With My Existence…

and yes, “in love” with it like it’s my girlfriend. come to think about it, “life” just might be my wife… i used the word “wife” for the poetic effect of the rhyme, but the term seems too institutionalized or sum’n for what i mean. made me rethink the whole idea of “wife” and marriage. …

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What Really Matters?

what really matters? does anything REALLY matter or is it all subjective and relative. is the only thing that counts determined solely by each individual? i’ve said many times before we don’t know what the “goal” is. without a goal there is no right, wrong, up or down. until it is determined what we are here …

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Kiss My Shea Buttered Black Ass

i’ve been in a “kiss my ass” kinda mood, and i’m not sure why. it’s not that i’m mad at anything or angry or threatened, just the opposite. it’s feels more like a liberating “kiss my ass,” a watch me show my ass kiss my ass… the world is mine kinda kiss my ass. an …

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Love Is An Answer For The Less Fortunate.

maybe black lives DON’T matter. maybe no lives matter. what is the purpose of life? why do we need so many of us? why is it soooo important that every life matter and that everybody is happy and or successful? what is the point of that? what are we trying to achieve here? one big …

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The Only Thing That Matters Is HOW YOU FEEL!!

There is something very problematic about the ultra liberal to liberal stance, propaganda and agenda. The intentions may be noble but the movement towards them can be just as oppressive as the things they rail against.

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