Category: Philosophy

Love One Another For What?

On my way to work I saw a guy wearing a t-shirt that said “Love One Another.” I thought to myself, what would that really accomplish? What does “loving one another” really get done? Getting things accomplished, fixed, changed, progress, etc may be the goal and that can be done if we love each other …

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God Is NOT Love, Love Is Love

GOD IS NOT LOVE! Love is love, God is God. Accumulating favorable, “moral” and desirable qualities and then attributing them to God is an attempt to redefine what a “God” is. In fact, “God is love” feels all new agey spiritual but it doesn’t mean anything. Let alone that there is no evidence of what …

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We Must Go Beyond God

I feel I have a personal responsibility to fully exercise this gift of consciousness and to live and think above all perceived barriers and limits. i feel this way because this gift of consciousness was “given” to me in an environment that is design to help me succeed. I see that nature in the Sun-Earth ecosystem …

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What Do You Accomplish?

What do you accomplish? When you look back over your day(s) in summary are you “happy” with this mental report? What do you actually get done? What impact do you believe that has on your future? For me for a long time now just getting thru the day is not enough. At least one thing …

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Maximizing My Capability And Relationships

i love gettin’ things done. i love organizing my life and myself. i love having things in place and the immediate future at least thought about. i love that i have a documented inventory of all my data and that it is secured and backed up. I love that i know exactly where everything that …

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The Power Of Faith And Love

oct 4, 2009 i have witnessed and felt the power of both faith and love. I am an atheist but I have faith in spiritual things. I am not a skeptic. “redirecting” the power and energy of faith to focus on ourselves and not in the sky will eliminate 95% of the worlds problems and …

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I’m Very Grateful That There Are People Like You In The World, But…

I’m very grateful that there are people like you in the world, but I’m also very happy that I am not one of them. -jefferyTV I got very much a lot accomplished today. I feel really good about it too. and I hope that the feeling is mutual…

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New Agey Spiritualisms Are Not Solutions, They Are Policies And Practices

Love, God, Pray, Harmony, Hugs, Togetherness and other rainbow “New Agey” spiritualisms are not solutions, they are policies and practices. None of these things actually gets anything accomplished. To actually get anything done takes a discipline, focus, planning, strategy and a determination- the motivation of which can come from the above mentioned. To get something …

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