Category: Me About Me

Mortal Sinning Can Be Deadly

I am too much loving being at work right now. No, really. It’s time away from continuously sleeping and eating in the sanctuary. The much needed break that makes getting back to it so pleasurable.

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I Think I’m Still Hungry To Fly Higher

It seems and is probably obvious that the more experienced and “in shape” you are, the easier “it” is. Whatever “it” is. And this includes navigating and handling the business of life in general.

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Not A Single Drop Of Compassion

I feel like I don’t have one single drop of compassion in me right now. Not a kind of angry, just semi-deeply irritated by normal humans being human.

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Sloth Avoided

man o’man did yesterday start off super slothy. went to bed relatively late after seeing alvin ailey dance troupe do “Lazarus” at the Dorothy Chandler Pavillion.

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joy from understanding excitement in accomplishment ascension

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A Life Of Minimal Compromise

you know how you may get this or do that or go there and all of a sudden nobody can tell you nothing? and you’re too busy living to be bothered with anybody’s mundane existence?

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Like A Room Without A Roof…

harmony with everything around you does not mean being totally wimpy and completely going with any flow. i have an obligation to maintain and orchestrate my energy to attain not only proper balance, but to protect myself and steady the flow of energy around me. should external experience and or energy around me go awry …

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An “Easy” Life Can Make You Soft

it took me a long while to get to and get use to having nothing to complain or bitch about. it was a lifestyle change. it ain’t easy keeping it easy, it takes work physically and mentally.

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