04-30-00 | venice beach drum cirlce | boardwalk – venice beach, ca |
04-29-00 | IEBNA scholarship banquet | doubletree hotel – ontario,ca |
04-21-00 | bellagio gallery of fine
art |
bellagio hotel – las vegas, neveda |
04-15-00 | huntington library | pasadena, ca |
04-13-00 | robert heinecken: photographist: a 35yr retrospective age of piranesi: printmaking in italy in the 18th century mastery & elegence: 2 centuries of french drawings… |
LA county museum of art |
04-11-00 | various local bands | opium den – hollywood,ca |
04-09-00 | venicebeach drum cirlce |
boardwalk – venice beach, ca |
04-08-00 | norton simon museum | pasadena, ca |
03-20-00 | italy |
rome & florence, italy |
03-18-00 | p-funk allstars | house of blues – west hollywood, ca |
03-17-00 | p-funk allstars | sun theater – anaheim, ca |
02-26-00 | blue man group | luxor hotel & casino – las vegas, nv |
02-23-00 | jerome bettis’s grammy party | luna park – los angeles, ca |
02-19-00 | j.paul getty museum | the getty center – los angeles, ca |
02-11-00 | kings vs stars | staples center – los angeles, ca |
02-06-00 | les miserables | ahmanson theatre – los angeles, ca |
02-04-00 | p-funk
allstars |
key club – west hollywood , ca |
01-13-00 | ghost in the shell: photography and the human
soul |
LA county museum of art |
01-06-00 | pompeii:
life in a roman town |
LA county museum of art |
01-01-00 | tournament of roses parade | pasadena, ca |
12-19-99 | red hot planet (virtual reality) | venetian hotel – las vegas, nv |
12-05-99 | planetfest ’99 | pasadena center – pasadena, ca |
11-30-99 | digital underground | key club – west hollywood, ca |
underground nov 30, 1999 key club
they were weak. no musical creativity. shock g, money b and them did raps over recorded and mixed music. shock played a little keyboards…they did try to get the party on and get everybody naked- they even passed out beers…crowd was more mixed (more black) and more younger and more funkier than usual…they played a bit of un-mixed knee deep… |
“99 dec 5, 1999 pasadena center
nerdy, nerdy, nerdy…and unhappy nerdy at that cause the mars lander was lost…got cool pics of me in infrared and somehow i found the limited female personality in the place. got a phone number of a girl who is in the sidewalk astronomers (who told me about a star party at griffith observatory that i chilled at and saw jupiter’s red spot, the crab nebula, andromeda, etc) they had a vendor expo of all kinds of astronomy stuff and i bought a star chart and a map of so ca from space…the few people i talked to weren’t that scientificly informative… |
life in a roman town jan 6, 2000 lacma
i joined LACMA over the holidays and when you do you get free tickets for you and guest to all the special events. it had been a long time since i went anywhere like that with someone (putting myself in a position to have to take someone else’s “feelings” into consideration), but i did good (i asked her and she said i did). in fact, it was nice to have someone to talk to while i waited in that “exhibition has 3 days left” long line…cause even my standing in line converstation must be about signifigant issues (never talk small)- anywayz, it was crowded and there were children and no where to sit as you walked thru, but it was still very enjoyable…lots of information on video monitors and every piece had a detailed explanation (can you tell i haven’t written in a while? i feel wordy) it was very informative and you got a real sense of “life in pompeii.” they had sections showing the art, technology, science and people of the city…from the quality of the art it seems that “basic human artistic talent” hasnt improved that much over the last 2000 yrs…. (or these people were really good at what they did) i also realized that the word “suburban” comes from “sub” & “urban” and not “suburb.” my membership was $65 for a year and that means i can go and hang out there anythime its open for a whole year!! one of my favorite places is the “early buddahist” room, its one of the only places with someplace to sit…i can chill and vibe the energy of many different ancient buddahist works- |
allstars feb 4, 2000 key club
this was taken from the post i made to the p-funk board room, its kinda generic and isn’t as personal as i would like, but… not in any kind of order- the mob was in full force, but it was “kiddie” night. crowd was very young and nerdy- very geeky, i felt out of place, too funky, too strong…i was tellin talley it was like jordan playing in a high school jv game…even though he tones it down, just being on the court can make things weird, .but i got down anywayz. seems as if the band toned it down too- none of the nasty funky shyt-no one nation, no knee deep, no maggot brain, no flashlight no p-funk (wants to get funked up), no red hot momma, no aqua boogie, and the dog was short and playful…short 2+ hour show that started at midnight. they cut the power and turned the lights on during the dog… it was funkadelic “lite”even cosmic slop had more “finess” than power- lots of guitar movement, but easy on the pound… i had fun though and got mine spirtually. i was groovin on stage at the front until greg t “chased” me to the back. baby payne hooked me up with the backstage pass im still wearing…very good to see everybody horns sounded really really good, tight & strong, though they werent “turned up” loud- frankie sounded good back there bangin’ em, gary was on (started with his lead on bop gun), i think mike’s guitar setup had problems. so cosmic slop came off differently cause i think he stopped and kind restarted. blackbyrd was good but his back wasn’t into it. (cant justify saying that, just felt that way) billy & boogie, were there- whoever dat was on keyboards got a little bit. paul hill?? and other singer blew hard for awhile…since there wasn’t hardly any deep thump pound, lige probably sounded good, can’t rememebr hearing him gina and atomic dawg backstage. (i remember shows in the past being jealous of atomic dawg cause he got to be on stage, but i can get there now!!!!) cm talley is a crazy mo-fo. flash photography was allowed, i got over 100 pics on digital camera…buddy miles was there, clip was doing his thang– they played cacophonic fm before show george was george, for a minute his voice sounded “strong” and i thought he was actually going to really try and blow a song…i did hear “more” of him than usual… from what i could tell he looked pretty good and seemed a bit “sharper” overton was camera crazy and drawing shyt. carlos (sir nose) got all twisted up lydia hayden did much better than the last time, her violin grooved on standing on verge- or should i say a watered version of… no freaks or freakin at all!!! i see why it was industry only… protect them kids from hardcore mothafunkers- i dont usually do playlists cause i dont rememeber but i know sumbody gonna ask… bop gun, cosmic slop, belita’s songs, medly: up for downstroke, undisco kid, etc- we want the funk, standing on the verge, atomic dog…george tried to get them to sing “if anybody gets funked up” the right way, it didnt happen… i so love seeing parliament funkadelic live, we are family |
lesmiserablesfeb 6, 2000 ahmanson seat was 2nd row, far right…one more seat to the right andpart of the stage would have been blocked…les mis is about love during the french revolution. this musical touched on the rawest of human desire and emotion…it had love and death, it was raunchy, innovative and the flow of the events, scenery and people made the play seem like a smooth dance…my heart was stolen by the “bad” sister eponine, played by cute ass sutton foster…i liked the role she played and i liked her… |
losangeles kings vs dallas stars feb11, 2000 staples center this was my first hockey game and my first time at the staples $70 seats 6th row…the staples center is gorgeous. it has high ceilings, very airy with a crisp fresh new feel. another thing that i liked is that it is very well lit, very very bright in fact. (at least for hockey). all kinds of food and stuff from mcdonalds to them good ass hotdogs to a bank america atm. this hockey crowd was 99% white and not made up of the usual los angeles attractive pretty people. more tougher and midwest looking, even the women, though there were a few cuties. i also expected much more cussing and profanity, almost all the “comments” were rated PG. the game was good, though i didnt understand a lot of the penalties. being into sports i got into the competition and the skill involved in skating, checking and moving the puck. checking was cool being 6 rows off the ice, right there at the glass. i noticed how a player would very subtlely raise his elbow just a tiny bit to enchance a body check, sometimes getting the guy in the fsce. but what really tripped me out and that i had never witnessed in sports live evr before was how they let them fight!!!! this blew me away!!!! two players started going at it and everybody (including the referees) backed off and let them go!!! the crowd was cheering and these men were not doing some kind of WWF stuff. they were swinging for each other’s face with everything!! i cant think of anything public that allows people to go ahead and fight it out like that, especially in professional sports. im not saying good or bad, im saying shocking… wasnt spose to take camera or pics either….but with all that light i got about 60 good no flash photos… |
thegetty centerfeb 19, 2000 the thing about the getty centeris the parking. admission is free, but parking is $5 and you haveto have reservations. well, unless you are a registered student withID. i found that out listening to the classical NPR station 91.5 on the way home from work friday, so saturday i check it out- this place and the views of LA are just plain goregous. downtown LA one way, the pacific ocean the other, the whole experience is surreal. the architecture, gardens, art, displays, seating, floors, (even the ground you walk on) grass (there was a place where i took of my shoes and stretched out on the grass and chilled overlooking LA) , tram, EVERYTHING!! (well, it was hard to find the bathroom and the one i did find was small and stinky). lots of people working there to provide information, good pamphlets, audio tours, EVERYTHING!! there were all kinds of cute girls of many nationalities (i love hearing female speak in other languages) and i really liked the demographic. though there weren’t many sistas, the stereotyping i do from visual observations led me to believe that this group was very close to my education, economics and way of thinking- and they were’nt that LA overly attractive skinny busty beautiful type, they were solid looking cute people with that everyday kinda attractiveness that i like… i was particularly interested in seeing “the body beautiful: artistis draw the nude (1440-1850)-” it was ok. the art, sculpture and layout of all the rooms and buildings is very well done. but its the architecture and scenic views of this place that overshadowed it all and impressed me most… |
bettis’s grammy party feb 23, 2000 luna park
i have never (i’ve been speaking in grandiose ultimates alot lately) seen more attractive (not “fine”) black girls (not women) in my life!! all kinds of black female- tall, short, light, dark, brown, yellow, fat, skinny…all kinds of legs, breasts, butts, feet, hair, clothes, eyes, bootys, backs, tattoos, bootys- hundreds of girls packed into this place (too packed after 11:30) looking very very good. and uncharacteristicly i was in a suit- black on black on black on black (suit, tie, shirt, me) and looking good myself. music was good, vibe was good, lot of style and good looking people (male & female). i got there kinda early and for some reason my energy was down and i couldn’t get into it. maybe cause im getting too old for this kind of scene (brothas was in full-on super scam mode) or cause the girls were younger and not really “my type,” but looking at all them females and being around them made it very hard for me to leave early. there was a crowd of maybe 300 outside when i left around 11:45. somebody was smoking weed and as the smell filtered through the room everybody took notice… |
blueman groupfeb 26, 2000 luxor las vegas, nv so many good things happened that im not gonna name them all nor willi try hard to be consistent or have any kind of order…but i will say this; once again flying single is the best- on friday i purchased a single seat for saturday nights late performance…row 5- by the end of this show my energy was so high that i was dancing in the aisle covered in white streamer paper. this is the stuff of a growing consciousness. a mystical message disgusied as entertainment. the blue man group is 3 blue men who never talked thru the whole show. there accompaied by a band which was mostly percusion, but had electric instruments as well- the music had a good solid beat, not fast techno and not “sappy.” a good modern sound- not always a celebraory beat but kinda like the movement or rhythm of stimulated life- the music conveyed power and growth, then it was like it was in tune with the rhythm of a successful consciousness, then at the end it was celebratory…and thats when i was dancing- i may have been the only one, but i couldnt help it. after it was over the crowd just left. there was no way i just could walk out of that place without bringing my energy down… i stayed and danced a little while longer while everyone left. i tied a piece of streamer on my wrist and i wore it back to the hotel and all day today… because i grew up in a black pentecostal type church, im use to celebrating and expressing my through dance and rhythmic celebration.this expression is also a key point in the philosophy of p-funk. white folx aint ready for that yet, but like i told the performers after the show, “keep teaching’em”. the whole show pushed for crowd involvement, but i knew, understood and didnt expect the crowd to be into as much as me. the music and vibe and intelligence of the show had me and my energy sky high. the mental stimulation, the messages with the rhythm pounding postive movement of the music.
the first “message” i caught was when they started touching and noticing each others face. i equaled this with the gaining of consciousness or self awareness, right after that they began to explore the audience. noticed self then whats around them… the first few rows had to wear a poncho to protect their clothes from the splatter of twinkies and jello type stuff. i could see how they could have been more stuff splattered on crowd. also i saw how the message could have been a lot deeper, this may have been watered down, but it was still very stimulating… they came out still in costume after show, i shook hands and told them to “keep teaching’em” keep showing them what rhythm and how to be involved in a show. also told the band that the band was funky, lots of percussion, good deep bass they played pvc plumbing pipes and the notes were changed by sliding the pipes in and out of each other and changing the length… your mind and thinking were challenged using text on screens, video, lights strobes and visual illusion they took a camera into audience and put it into a guys mouth and it went down his throat and they showed it on big video monitors while the music was bumpin!!
allstars mar 17, 2000 sun theatre
the major note of this show was mr george clinton. he looked good and had lots of energy. he was not only dancing but doing a tight little pump thrust dead on tight with the beat. he looked sharp, didnt have that “glazed” look and the “distance” from what was going on like ive seen in the past. when he was doing his dance i felt the energy and it got me going- long time since george himself had the energy to move me…george started maggot brain, introduced mike and byrd, mike ran out ready to play and george drifted off in to singing mathematics!!!! it was to the slow pre maggot groove, but soon as i recognized what he was sangin’- i was there!!! that was good..any percent of you…
mike h was animated & clownin’ frustartion all night. like when george was leading the music bursts, mike was clownin george- gave him “the hand” and rolled his eyes and it was funny as hell!! then when george was looking he “straightened up” like he was paying attention. i was dying!!
considering the crowd was mostly white suburban orange county conservative folx who arent use to expressing themselves and giving back energy to the band in this kind of way, the show was good- the sun theater is new, modern and georgeous, huge open air well lit area with bar outside before you enter the building and it has a very big stage…there was a pit of about 200 (mostly kids) and behind that about maybe 100 dinner tables full of the sit-downers. towards the end some of them packed the wall to the pit…it was a funky very clean non-freaky vibe…lotsa dope smoking though-
the music wasn’t loud enough and i hate to say it, but skeet is missed. blackbyrd did a nice solo that got the crowd going after mike’s better than usual maggot. started with p-funk and went into funkentelechy…it was nice to do a long show—-gary is good all the time and i take it for granted. clip did his thing, it still amazes me when carlos gets on top of the speakers…billy thumped the bass once…quick not in order play list: p-funk, funkentelechy, one nation, belita, maggot, atomic dog (gina was there and atomic dog was on stage), bop gun, it was a 4 hour show, so i know i missed songs…OOOOOPS!! almost forgot about the horns, the p-funk horns did their thang in a good way too…each took solos which moved the crowd in different ways and i could here them blowin way back there even though their mics werent up loud…
and we do it again tonight at my favorite place on this planet to see a concert
allstars march 18, 2000 house of blues hollywood
im too bizzy to make this smooth, but ll the good points are in this (and maybe sum i should have left out, so read it all)
this may have been the best funkadelic show i have ever been too 4.5 hours, 9:35 to 1.56
george was sharp again, actually made eye contact guitar dude in hat doing flips and stuff at first he pushed mike cause of his energy- tripping over cable and kept playing, doing flips, playing with teeth and behind head– mike didnt do all that stuff, but mike stepped it up in his playing it pushed everybody and it got really funky- dont know who he was, lydia said he was a long time friend of george- he knew the songs, thats for sure
on byrds solo his guitar went dead so guitar dude stepped up and started then byrds shit came back on and they dueled and i think that led to the whole place going off
lydia hayden is a fine female violin player, she’s cant be more than 5 feet tall always has that cute ass stomach showing…
billy bass going off at one point when it got real high and everybody on stage and in crowd was going off, he had the guitar strings laying on the amp playing it by rubbing the strings on the amp head. you could hear the noise and feedback matching his movements and it was on!!! overton say him and made signs saying “look at dat fool”
billy’s bass went dead maybe two minutes into red hot momma…we was about to go completely off!!!
seeing spoke to lydia aftr show, saying prince was in house getting freaky (hey man, smell my finger) partyin’ with all kinds of white girls
dancin with spkrs was able to completely let loose totally free, completely uninhibited pressed myself against woofers to feel pound grindin humpin spkrs…
so loose i was staggering around, spinning and singing (even before show) singing in car, roof off on sunset blvd saturday night…
saw george getting into car after show i said “mr clinton” very good show- he said sumn back. had camera in hand, but i didnt push it-
sunset blvd had a trafic jam at 2:30a noticed lotsa thug looking dudes, then noticed the cars…must have been a lot of “car clubs” kinda didnt wanna come home it was so happening lotsa white girls
said what-up to: billy, blackbyrd, carlos, trey lewd yesterday, greg t said the mammouth project is dropped eddie grittith when show ended, lights on and power off to instruments- drums still playing and us singin aint no party like a p-funk party cause a p-funk party dont stop for about 5 minutes
simmone and his girl when valeting the car, this dude tells me he had my plate before me…he sold car and didnt get the plate…said he played drums for funkadelic, leeland
seeing george after show p-nut chasing the girls jimmy ware talley lige was much better, i think the difference is when billy and skeet play bass is they step up and set the beat. the bass “controls” the music when billy or skeet play. but lige did really good- funky, loud, hard…he was missing some of the down beats
heard more keyboards they killed the power and closed the curtain but the drummer kept playing with me and part of the crowd singing “aint no party like a p-funk party cause a pfunk party dont stop”
mike’s cosmic slop was spirited garys son lead one nation the whole house was singing it and it was funky seemed like everybody was into it and feeling the vibe and energy. even the more conservative looking people (white girls) were funkin out. i do love me some white girls
everybody loves my license plate saw the dude who offered me a t-shirt for my plate yesterday and i busted out laughin so did he… we ended up rappin about gas prices and the economy
rappin to dude from vancouver outside, “wow we’re talking about some deep stuff” (never talk small)
the house of blues has a good positive vibe, a very smart, intuitive, free, expressful loose and funky, good looking, fun having crowd its like white people having church and i love it black people may be “too cool” to let loose and be this free with expression. we were all free for awhile- ive never seen a black crowd do this-
lotsa dope smoking i was offered weed & sex, turned them bith down… (though both we’re very do’able)
im living my dream i was able to express large amounts of energy and emotion i do so love parliament funkadelic
norton simon photos april 8, 2000 one cool thing about this place is students get in free. $6 otherwise.after driving by this museumfor almost 20 years, i finally made it in the joint. very nice scenery, sculpture by rodin as you enter, nice courtyard with pond, trees…lots of good artwork in a very handsome building. the lower floor is full of chinese, hindu and buddhist art…very pleasing to the senses…and its free!!! van gogh, goya, rembrandt, lots of good stuff in here…right next to old town (cheesecake factory & rack shack) and the rose bowl… |
LACMA april
13, 2003
i guess you would call what im talking about modern art. i didnt think i would like it but this stuff conveys modern messages with modern means. it uses imaginative photography, video, and other modern mediums. robert heinecken’s stuff is very sensual, sexual, erotic and makes modern statements about relationships, the news media and socialization. he used imaginative arrangements of different media to make statements about that media. he had tvs with video of tv news people that made a statement about network news. he superimposed both sides of a single actual magazine page to show contrasts in statements, irony or beauty. i could tell he admired female as much as i do because of the way he displayed them. he had pictures under which he had handwritten in pencil witty dialogue:
he: your looking around alot
she: just watching those people playing darts
he: they must be moving the dart board all around the bar
she: yes, i am
i really like the depth and reality of the messages in this art. no holding back sexually, politically or intellectually. very straight forward about key points in life that i identify with. it even inspired me with the idea that one day i will be doing this type of stuff…
the piranesi printmaking was good cause there were a lot of beautiful etchings of rome, an especially nice one of st peter’s inside and out…oh the memories- i looked at this work and was moved as i thought to myself, i was actually there. the french drawings were also very good…
huntingtonlibrary library– artwork april 15, 2000 the buildings, grounds and gardens are very nice. would’ve been surreal if it was’nt for the unusally high number of crying kids and too loud mothers. but for the most part, a very quiet & conservative crowd. i saw the world famous paintings blue boy & pinkie. whats the big deal? the brochure said these artists were the best from brittian. this collection is almost exclusively works from brittian. and if ya ask me, they weren’t as good as the itallian, french and other works ive seen. the faces on the portraits were done very well, even though they all had heavy red painted blushed cheeks- but some of the bodies were disporprtional and sometimes just drawn wrong. im not an expert but this stuff was mediocre compared to other stuff ive seen… but the big deal was she2. on my to the fine arts museum in san francisco i fell in love with bust of a young woman 1770, jean-jacques caffieri (french 1725-1792). awhile ago a sculpture at the huntington website caught my eye. then i saw it as a side pic in the brochure so i asked where it was. the guy tells me there are a few 18th century french pieces in the arabella gallery. i got excited cause i knew i liked 18th century french stuff and i knew i liked this bust. but since im new to art i was surprised that this bust was from of the same stuff i knew i liked- its late, im tired and i know i didnt say that right…but the bottom line is im proud that more and more im recognizing categories, eras and artists…anywayz, back to the point… im peeping this piece when i see what i thought was a copy of the above mentioned work. it looked just like it. it was even named the same “potrait bust of a young woman.” i was like “my baby!” naturally i took a of pics of she2 but didnt realize that this is not a copy. the works are different. maybe the same girl or jean-jacques has very consistent taste. looking at it, i think its the same girl. anywayz, im tired and can’t do no more…maybe more later—-
bellagio gallery of fine art
april 21, 2000 las vegas, nv
all of this collection is from 19th&20th century impressionist, none of which i like. there are maybe 40 works in two rooms. cost is $12 and you get a free audio tour device. though it was kinda crowded, it was extremely quiet. monet, renoir, picasso, van gogh, etc, again not my faves. one so-so rembrandt. the store was nice though, i browsed through some very good books. i did learn something that kinda justified the admission charge. there was a work (portrait of dora maar, 1942) picasso repainted of his mistress where in freudian style he combined halves of two different facial expressions into one face. this was by far the most interesting piece in the joint. i would say this is a good gallery to go to for someone who either likes this kinda art or hasn’t seen much and wants to be exposed to it…well, maybe i cant say that cause art is so subjective…. |
subjective experience
events –
most of all we funk