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Subjective Experience: May 20, 2001

date event location (links to event’s site)
05-20-01 jpl
pasadena, ca
05-19-01 funkyard music festival:
steve kimock band, 
soulive, dj haul,
vinyl, particale, greyhounds, 
robert walter’s 20th century 
merl saunders and his funky 
carlos washington
green on the
hill – long beach, ca
05-18-01 soulive


norm with a serious jones

the temple bar – santa monica,
05-14-01 trulio disgracias 

lonnie & gabbi (from weapon of choice)

the double zeros 

matt roberts quartet

the temple bar – santa monica,
05-12-01 hugo’s cellar 4 queens casino
– las vegas, nv
05-12-01 clark county museum henderson,
05-12-01 hoover
05-10-01 living color

weapon of choice



key club – hollywood, ca
05-09-01 public debate:

2 proposals concerning evolution & creation

california state university fullerton

fullerton, ca

05-09-01 12th annual cypress college 

juried student photography exhibition

anaheim museum – anaheim,
05-07-01 l’esprit nouveau: purism in paris, 1918–1925 los angeles county museum of art
05-05-01 inland empire black nurses association

scholarship banquet

double tree hotel – ontario, ca
05-04-01 prince hollywood palladium – hollywood, ca
05-03-01 sepulveda
basin wildlife bike trail
05-02-01 vasquez
rocks natural area park
dulce, ca
05-02-01 william s. hart ranch and museum newhall, ca
04-29-01 los angelitos

weapon of choice 

the temple bar – santa monica,
04-28-01 yusef lateef and randy weston  luckman
fine arts complex

cal state la – los angeles, ca

04-26-01 imax: all access

front row. backstage. live

studios citywalk 

universal city, ca

04-25-01 -the etchings of harry chapman ford

-george stuart historical figures

-historical ventura (permanent collection)

ventura county museum of history &

ventura, ca

04-24-01 the toledo show the derby – hollywood, ca
04-20-01 l.a. baroque orchestra

15th anniversary gala

zipper concert

the colburn

04-19-01 -the architecture of r.m. schindler

a room of their own: rothko to rauschenberg 

-a room of their own: from arbus to gober

museum of contemporary art

-the geffen contemporary

04-17-01 hooters santa monica, ca
04-16-01 funk bossa review the temple bar – santa monica,
04-16-01 shifting tides: 

cuban photography after the revolution

los angeles county museum of art



funk bossa

apr 16, 2001 templebar

this is a group of dorky looking white boys who produce tight rhythm.
very disciplined
multi-layered grooves of many rhythms at once. the musical patterns
were basic and 
predictable, but the music’s forward movement and positive vibe well
made up for that.
they were so dorky that the dude was kinda lead tripped over my feet
the show.i picked rick up from the sheraton universal around 9pm and once again
i waded in the
ambiance and beauty of this stucture. i had a very very relaxed but
stimulating day at
lacma and i felt good. i give him a roof-off night ride up sunset then
down santa monica blvds to the sm pier and ocean. we casually decide to hit the temple
bar and we sit down with drinks just as the last act, funk bossa review starts up…

we chill there for the very cool set while looking at the peoples then
we hit the 10 east to the 110 to universal city. nothing open to eat. so we ride ventura
blvd all the way to laurel and still nothing. i u-turn ventura blvd all the way to hollywood and
we ride sunset blvd (again) to mel’s dinner for late late night burgers. it was cool, alot
of post-gig musicans and some cuties too…the valet guy “you again?!”

the geffen

apr 19, 2001

 i think i figured it out. there is a free shuttle between moca (on
grand) and the geffen.
the parking seems much more reasonable at the geffen and admission
to both is included
with any ticket. parking by moca is down the street at the music center,
which is $7
($15 deposit, rebate of $8 with validation). the geffen should beat
that deal. 
the geffen is a huge building that was broken down into rooms of varying
sizes with 
stark white walls. high ceilings, open with big spaces. each room contained
an artistic
display and there were a lot of them and they seemed so go on forever
in all directions.
it is easy (and fun) to drift and get lost in this very cool contemporary

l.a. baroque

apr 20, 2001 zipper concert hall 
arcangelo corelli (1653-1713)
concerto grasso in d for two violins, violoncello, strings & basso
continuo, op.6, no.4
georg frideric handel (1685-1759)
concerto grosso in b flat, op.3, no.2
georg frideric handel
grand concerto grosso in g minor, op.6, no. 6
antonio vivaldi (1678-1741)
concerto for sopranino recorder & strings in c major, rv 4444
jan dismas zelenka (1679-1745)
hipocondria in a
antonio vivaldi (1678-1741)
sinfonia for strings in g, rv 149
johann sebastian bach (1685-1750)
ouverture no. 1 for two oboes, bassoon, strings & basso continuo
in c major, bmv 1066

the toledo

apr 24, 2001 
this was a cool show in a cool place on a tuesday night with not many
in the audience. 
before the show they have “mamba” dancing in a huge room with hardwood
floor that 
looked like it was designed for dance. it said “mamba” and i liked
the music alot. good tempo, good movement, good sound. there were people doing mamba and
the toldeo show is very entertaining and the music has very very good
movement. the 
band is funky as hell and they break off and jam more than once. toledo
(i guess thats
his name) sings deeply about the negatives of sex and being female.
the lyrics can rip ya-
“i can remembering feeling daddy’s fingers inside me before i could
understand” or sum’n.
he really deals with the dark side of female sexuality. he does this
over music with a 
positive like movement so a few times i wasnt sure if i should be happy
or not. 

he also has sexy lingeried girls dance very very sensually. down and
dirty gutter sensually.
drug stung out prostitute crazy sensual and despair. really really
deep issues.

the durmmer does this thing where they set up chairs and poles and he
plays them and
things all around the room continiously. bottles, tables, chairs he
kept the beat going as
he walked around the room and played everything. stand-up electronic
bass was good
as was the guitar player. the rhythm guitar was really tight

imax: all
access. front row.

apr 26, 2001 
this was good. i get in the theater 30 minutes early and there is no
one in there. 
crystal method is playing at a decent level on this top notch sound
one of the first things i saw when i stepped on the city walk was sting
doing desert rose live 
on a huge screen tv, loud with good open air bass and sound. i walked
to the middle of the
open square and faced the huge screen dead on. he jammed. after that
another song i digs that 
i dont know name or who (female, “i dont do if im lonely…i just want
you to hold me” chorus) 
came on so i was vibing the city walk good… 

one thing i love about city walk is the diversity of people (female). 
all kinds and everywhere. i was relaxed and the music was good..

so its just me and seats in a dark room with a blue screen lightly lit.
the music is mid – up tempo electronicy semi trance stuff that i realjuked
and liked way back. i jam for about 20 minutes alone in the theater.

i sat rather close, row 4. the screen filled my whole vision, the sound
filled everything else.
i could physically feel the movement and motion on the screen. the
background music was
moby’s porcelin. deep bassy clean sounding with a little extra mixed
in. it was good. 
sting did desert rose first and they showed the events that led up
to the show his 
comments (they did all performances like that). the intensity of the
sight and sound
tickled me more than once. 

george clinton and the p-funk allstars performed 2nd with mary j blige 
and they sounded good. i remember when they filmed this and i was gonna
go. the band was tight doing a cut flashlight and mary leading one
the flavor of p-funk go thru and everybody in the band got close-ups.

kid rock’s bodygaurd  wore kordell’s steeler jersey.

i danced in my seat thru the whole show.
there were maybe 8 other people there, statues from what i could tell.

the dialogue and the music must have been on different channels or audio
outputs cause the music sounded good but when they did interviews,
couldnt hear it. so i got a free ticket to return.

yusef lateef
and randy weston 
apr 28, 2001 luckman fine arts complex
this was a very very mellow music. it was like jazz with african instruments.
it was soft but very rhythmic. the auditorium was still so a gentle tap of a african
wood drum could be felt throughout. the silent moments in this music also plays a big part.
it was extremely relaxing. 
lots of people left early and i can understand why. sitting in them
cramped seats all crowded together so still for so long so mellowed out had to hurt. i sat in
the last row of the balcony literally spread out over the top of 2 rows and 6 chairs. i waded between
conscious, sleep and uncinscious. very mellow, rhytmic, rich, soft sounds.

the crowd was strange to describe. there were rich black professionals
that most seemed non-american. most of the crowd was still white, but much much much
more color than im use to at these kinda events. there were white people dressed in what
i think was supposed to be traditional african garb or something. no you know i stereotype
and do demographics so im looking at pale sun burned skinned bob & sally sue from iowa
dressed in an african way. it tickled me.

humans are a trip. even in this mellow atmosphere folx cant get along.
i guess somebody was singing or talking in the audience. i thought i heard something early
in the show then definitly again before i heard someone shout “shut up godammit.” that tickeld
me too.

randy weston is a funky jazz pianist. he was coooool and funky.
lateef had a ensemble of 4 players as a group.

william s. hart
ranch and museum

may 2, 2001 

this place was good because of the mountain surroundings and the deep
pride and
knowledge of a tour guide. and its free. the actual museum is located
up a hill
via a gravel nature like path. plants, trees, beautiful views, etc.
i saw lots of little 
lizards along the nature walk to the museum. they werent in groups,
but i saw them
continously. there were very few people, jus like i like it and i had
the tourguide all
to my self. older lady who was very very knowledgeable and you can
tell she took
great pride in her volunteer work there. everything was “mr hart.”
we toured his house 
and 98% of the stuff was authentic, even the smell. and she knew lots
of cool things.
they also have a petting zoo. side note: the la history museum boasts
of free admission 
to the hart ranch with an annual membership, admission to the hart
ranch is free anywayz…

may 4, 2001
hollywood palladium
from daily may 7, 2001-
there were so many people there i thought they oversold and there would
be a riot. the line went all 
the way around the block and it was mostly fine finestunningly sexy
girls. i have never seen so many 
in my life. the girl we got in line behind was trippin on us and later
actually pointed one out one of 
the “over done too much” girls out to us. there were just that many
and she was cool. she had 
comedy so later that nite i gave her my web biz card… 
we had hours to stand in line and my energy was sky high. and i was
with crazy ass clyde so there 
was no fear. i clowned royal and i felt good. so talley wants to hit
a liquor store and i want a 
hamburger so we asked the cool girl to hold our place in line. i hit
togos across the street. 

so now i just had one of my favorite pastrami ruebens and  im clowning
when i go on a info 
finding mission promising to return with whats up. i get to the event
staff guy right when they 
opened up so he says if you have a ticket go on up to the gate. i did.
standing in line there i 
bump into someone and i turn to see it was an another Artisan girl.
we did the scream. and 
she looked good!!! she let her hair grow a little longer and she had
this kinda gwenyth paltrow 
blonde look going. and i mean she looked good!! she was stunningly
cute to me. 

anywayz i get inside and chillin when i see another Artisan girl emily.
i went up to her and asked was 
she the girl i saw in a commercial and she laughed and gave me a hug.
she used to work at reception 
and would draw these colorful signs for people. i have on that says
“we funk” on the back of the laptop 
im using right now in fact. it may have been a year since i saw her
so when she said “yeah jeffery 
mitchell” and that she remembered me made me jump across the room… 

the show was off the hook. 3 hour show (around 10pm to 1am) oldies and
newies i was partying 
with these girls and a brotha i recognized from a tv sitcom. and we
was super silly sweaty funky 
funnin– i danced so hard and so much i got cramps in my stomach. i
left there comletely drenced in 
sweat. (at one point i had taken my shirt off (had t-shirt on) and
wrapped it around my head 
like a blindfold while i was dancing so i couldnt see. just music and
sounds of people around me) 

i meet up with talley after the show and while he’s shopping for prince
shirts we see a guy buying a 
guitar. we find out he was in band “body & soul” that plays at
the temple bar. 

iebna scholarship

may 5, 2001doubletree hotel ontario, ca 
pastor hyveth williams, d min. was the keynote speaker and she was
good. one of the first things she mentioned was reducing the work week and the restlessness
of americans. she hit many good key points (that i also believe and study) and was very charismatic
with good presence. she was jamacian and cute too. but she wa strung out on the
god thang. jesus was responsible for everything and we are nothing without him. i cringed
more than once. she used the word “non-believer” more than once. i cringed. after the ceremony
i approached her and told her i enjoyed her talk and that i was a non-believer. that i agreed
with most of what she was saying and we both are working along the same lines and with the same
charisma. less the “im nothing without god” thing though.
i cringe.
the band was called “unlimited” and they were funky. me and mommy and
her friends danced
until i was sweaty and it was good. mommy is crazy, i see more and
more of me in her. (from
my perspective thats how it looks). the floor was usually mostly open
so we got good attention.

debate: 2
proposals concerning evolution & creation

may 9, 2001 csuf
the idea of attending a public function which pitted believers vs non-believers
excited me. one
of the first things stated was that this is not what this was. before
getting there i spent about an
hour at an anaheim carl jr’s listening to saome lady go on and on about
how good jesus is and
how much her church and pastor changed her life as she told a friend.
most of it was amusing,
but some of her blind ignorance aggitated me. more than once i gasped
at her comments of 
how jesus (a dead man) continues to control and permit everything that
exists in her life.
(there must have been a mental disability place close cause there were
some strange folx in
the place. this one lady kept walking around and passed by my table
so much it irritated me for
a microsecond, then it became intriguing and then funny.)
so i get there and i pick up a pamphlet i see laying by the entrance
and eventually get in line. i
glance at the pamphlet: “creationism: your kidding, right?” but dont
give it too much attention. 
i start talking to cool 60 sum’n guy who is fun and spirited with his
opinion. coool thing we did
was to playfully (but ingeniously) disgusied our stands on the subject
for as long as we could.
we agreed on a lot of things about people, social interaction and the
public’s interpretation of
facts. we exchanged biz web cards. most of the people there were college
kids. i thought to 
myself most of them too young to be caught up in a hot topic like this.

inside i begining chattng with a college kid sitting next to me and
he says he is there for a school 
project and on the top of his papaer he writes the title of the pamphlet.
i notice this so i read it 
again and i discover a similiarity between the pamphlet and the biz
card 60 sum’n guy gave me.
60 sum’n guy did the pamphlets!! he is sitting behind me so i put the
card and the pamphlet 
together and gesture to him and he laughs, “you finally put it together,
huh?” i thought it brilliant.
he said he had just set about 100 copies down by the entrance before
i go there. people were
using (anf thinking as i was) these pamphlets like they were the program
for the debate!! i 
thought his move to be ingenious. “come
up here publications”
scores a major coo…

the debate was moderated by john hoffman of the csuf philosophy dept
and was  john
(creationist) vs niles
eldredge (evolutionist). basically the whole night broke down to 
whether “intelligent design” should be taught within the bounds of
a science. both debaters 
agreed on most points, but the point that created the highest “tension”
was when evolutionist 
eldredge directly asked reynolds to show how we could even approach
this as a science. 
science has rules, measurable events that can be disproven or confirmed.
after about an hour 
and a half of dialogue that setup that question, the whole room waited
for that answer from
reynolds. but there wasn’t one. reynolds (pro intelligent design) admitted
this wasnt his area of
expertise and that he could not answer the question. he defaulted us
to the
website to the answer to that question. 

reynolds spoke first for 30 minutes then eldredge. reynolds did his
job in that he convinced me
that science should be approached from all viewpoints. an open phillosophy
of science. i
aggreed. in eldredge’s 30 minutes he didnt argue that point, but he
explained evolution and
darwinism. i noticed that and reynolds rebuttal was that eveything
eldredge said could and 
does fit within the possibility of intelligent design that should be
explored as science. thats 
when eldredge basically asked “how do we do this?” and slowly began
to “win” the debate 
(my subjective feeling). he (and i) agreed intelligent design should
be taught but its not ready
as a science yet. he said he wasn’t gonna do the work and that the
people who believed in 
this are the ones “responsible” for gathering the evidence to make
this a legitimate part of 

good point from audience: that intelligent design shoud be taught as
a philosophy, not a science.
and that led to a rousing applause for teaching philosophy and logic
in high school.

reynolds got a bit heated when defending his colleagues in accademia
who want to incorpororate
or approach science with religious belief. he said that if a person
speaks up about intelligent 
design or “comes out the closet” about his religious beliefs accademia
slaps you down. i agreed
this is not right no matter how wrong religious beliefs can be.


>Niles Eldredge and John Mark Reynolds Debate
>Two Proposals Concerning Evolution and Creation

 >Should Evolutionary Science Acknowledge the Supernatural?
 >Should Religion Acknowledge Evolution?

  >Niles Eldredge, Ph.D., Columbia University, is curator in the
Department of Invertebrate 
> Paleontology at the American Museum of Natural History. A specialist
in mid-Paleozoic 
> phacopid trilobites, Dr. Eldredge has authored over 200 research
> including  several with Stephen Jay Gould introducing the theory
of punctuated
> equilibria. He has  written over 20 books including his recent
publication, The Triumph of
> Evolution and the  Failure of Creationism, published by W.H.

> John Mark Reynolds received his Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University
> Rochester in 1996; he wrote a dissertation analyzing the cosmology
> psychology found in Plato’s Timaeus. He is currently an Associate
> Professor of Philosophy at Biola University and director of Biola’s
> Honors Institute. His book, Maker of Heaven and Earth:  Three
Views on the
> Creation and Evolution Debate, was co-authored with J.P. Moreland,
and was
> recently released by Zondervan Press.

mentioned galileo, galileo’s philosphy of science more than once. 
looking back that he was martyred was a turning point in history
bill dembski
role of supernatural
don’t assume a naturalist theory of everything exists (it may not,
there may be no explanation)
made good points to use “faith” in persuing science
persue answers with the idea of intelligent design in mind

if god is active science should be aware
ability to falsify a notion is science
all organisims come from one ancestor
the least common denominator of life
oldest form of life should be the simplest
more complex creatures show up later
life is an intrinsic part of earth
rise of oxygen levels in sea water may account for the cambrian explosion
einstein believed as spinoza (nature god)


may 10, 2001 key club 

the key club crowd was different from the house of blues crowd that
was right down the street.
or maybe it was cause the headliner was a “rock” act with funk on the
under card. first person
i see when i arrive is my fave guitarist blackbyrd mcknight from funkadelic
who plays with 
weapon of choice. 
ntx (no tricks) was a rock-rap act. guitar, bass, drums, lead singer
and maybe a horn, i forget.
i got into the rock vibe cause it had good hard movement. loud, powerful
steps with a hard
rhythmic rap over it. they were 4 brothas getting rock funky.

weapon of choice came on next and once they got going they ripped.
i was so deep into the 
music that the spirit energy from inside me and the show had me pushing
the physical limits of
my body. i was deeeep in the grooove and so sync’ed with the beat it
had me higher. i could
anticipate what was gonna be played next so one time lonnie (groups
leader) switched up 
tempos and we bounced at the same time and on the exact same beat.
we were doing a full 
head and body bob that started at exactly the same time without cue.
he was playing his bass
and this turned into us jumping on beat. it got to the point my body
was being pushed to its
physical limits but the energy kept me going. it went so deep into
it that i could feel my body
jumping higher than it normally could and with more strength than i
usually have. i thought to
myself im not gonna stop till he does. i started to get cramps and
thats when i actually felt 
myself going beyond my physical limits. my increased energy and strength
was tangible. 
i am going higher and higher as time goes by and i can feel it.

slapback has a really cute funky brown girl.. she is just plain cute.
brown skin, black hair,
no make up, pretty pretty brown skin. thats what i noticed first, secondly
i noticed that slapback
has a cool funky happy spirit to their music. its a very playful hard
but not hardcore funk with
that funk drive to it. i like them and would love to see them again.
i met the dj for them before
the show and he was coool.

living color impressed me. corey glover was very, very, very good on
stage. he is the lead singer
and his emotion could be felt. his openess seemed honest. like he really
felt the music and was
sinking deep into the vibe. he even had church!! like he was preaching
and feeling the holy
spirit. his voice and presence was rich. i felt like i felt him. at
the end of the show he climbed
up on speakers and then up over to the balcony level and finished the
show singing from the 
center balcony with his wireless microphone. it took me awhile to adjust
to a rock sound but
when i did it was good. in the audience was a white girl from georgia
who had rhythm like ive
may  never seen in a WG. she was pounding the beat as hard as
i was, she was sweaty as i was
and i could tell the music took her as high as i was. she was with
her boyfriend or date and he
felt a bit threatened (as he should have) cause me and her were on
it. we weren’t dancing 
with each other but the music had us danicng together. i vibed off
her the whole night. i even
asked her where she learned to dance like that. she said the music
makes her do it and i knew
exactly what she meant. not many folx was dancing in our area and it
was only me and her so
aggressively pounding the beat with our body movements. i was polite
as possible and really 
didnt push it, but boyfriend or not she was my dancing date this night.
i gave her my webcard
as she left…

county museumpictures

may 12, 2001
i was on my way to hoover dam when i saw a road sign for this museum
so i stopped on the 
way back and im very glad that i did. i was blown away by what i got
for the 1.50 admission.
very rich museum and very cool ladis working there, they even gave
me some nacho chips from
the breakroom cause i hadnt eaten. i was most impressed by authentic
houses they had moved
to this site and decorated with authentic furniture from different
eras. they had it set up like a 
small town street where one house was from the 1900’s, the 1920’s,
1940’s, etc. most of them 
were air conditioned and i was all alone in the street and in the houses.
i could absorb everything
and it all was authentic down to the smell. you were allowed to walk
in the houses unattended
and this was very coool. they also had cars, a print shop, railway
cars and authentic machinery.
i was very impressed by this museum and the $1.50 admission blew me
they also had a fossil display. and in it was a cast of a trilobite.
the same trilobite’s that dr 
eldredge in the above debate specializes in and belivees where we all
came from. and what 
amazed me was that they had actual 600 million year old fossils of
these creatures for sale!!!
for like $1!!!! i was stunned. to me possesing a creature that lived
so long ago and has spanned
such a great amount of time to be in my possesion is very spiritual
and cosmic. i have in my 
possesion the remains of an extinct creature that lived 600 million
years ago!!! imagine the life
of that organism may have ended but as low on the evolutionary rung
as it was it is making an
impact on a higher life form 600 million years later!!!!! 

hugo’s cellar
may 12,
looking back, this dining experience deserves to be included here.
my mother is such a big-time
slot player that she got $150 comped at this very, very nice place.
so it was me & mommy, 
one-on-one in a very expensive & swanky resturant. we did well,
only a couple of minor mini-
arguments. anywayz the food here is tremendous. this is one of those
places where they over
pamper you. i couldn’t even pour my own water, they had a guy who came
around every 2 minutes
to do it for me. i thought that was a litte too much. i had steak and
crab legs with a lobster tail as a side
order. very, very , very nice place…maybe even too nice for my tastes
(service not food)

trulio disgracias
14, 2001 templebar 

norwood introduced lonnie & gabbi and they 
started the trulio set with a nutmeg experiment.
they created live samples of lonnie on bass and
gabbi on harpsicord?? and then played & rapped
together over them. lonnie also played drums and
lead guitar. it was a mellower more rhythmic kinda
flow. the music had good positive movement though it
was a bit sloppy at times…(i like how music can be 
sloppy and then become tight as the music flows)
during their set angelo from fishbone sat at the
drumkit and eased his way into their set…

angelo’s smile is very infectious, even in a small
club on a monday night with 20 folx in the audience
he was silly and fun as hell…seeing him smile made
me smile…

ive seen norwood lots of times (at living color last 
thursday) but cant remember ever seeing him play. he
played bass and was funky as hell and he had raps with
good flow over a very funky hard beat…

they couldnt find vicky and when they did her and
angelo started talking about how they would throw her
and billy bass off the bus cause her and bass would
want to sing all night long…

trulio disgracias is a mini guitar army, and it may not
be mini. for such a small crowd they played with a lot
of intensity and power. and i was pumpin that energy
right back at them. norwood broke it down one time and
called for some “eddie hazel” type shyt and they went
off. i love the rhythm guitar up loud and it seemed as
if there were 4 of them. very tight, stroking double,
triple, quadruple the beat. i think 3 different people
did guitar solos over all this funky stuff…

set ended about 2 am, they played maybe 2 hours…

as i sat there i thought to myself how “lucky” i was.
in a club listening to world class musicians for free-
(there was a $3 dollar cover but not for me i guess).
playing the type of music i love in a small room and
im sitting right there…where i could see and feel the
effects of my energy and enthusiasm in the musicians-
eye to eye, smile to smile with lonnie, norwood, angelo,
viki and the rest of the band as we experience the music… (santa monica,ca)
im sure they taped and webcasted it live-
they may put it in the video archives…

so could someone please tell me why i want to go to
heaven again? i forgot. i like it here and i dont see
how heaven could be any better than this…

posted to pfboard room 05-15-01 

may 18, 2001

turned me completely out.
their music took me higher than any other music has taken me before. this includes p-funk, but p-funk got me to this point that im oscillating
at which is a higher rate now vs  the last  time i saw funkadelic. the main thrust of soulive is
the organ and its player neal evans. maaaan,
this group takes it to the next level like back in church. i grew up
with the organ as the principle piece
in a pentecostal type service. so when the “holy ghost” was in the
church and the rooms energy was up,
it was the movement of the organ music that moved us. funkadelic has
one of the best keyboardist
ever in bernie worrell but he does not tour with them so i dont get
my p-funk with strong keyboards.
man if did, wow.
soulive had me vibrating to the music so high that i passed my physical
limit more than once and 
literally had to stop. neal on organ had this head-bob-bounce when
he plays and i was so into the vibe
that we would bounce simultaneously without cue. a hard bounce dead
on beat. he would take it higher 
and higher to the point i was screaming for him to stop. i “went away”
more than once this night. i was 
so in sync to the vibe and beat i could float on it. hard, pounding,
strong, physical moving music. it
generated so much physical power in me that at times i was just doing
things just to challenge my body.
i used the energy to dance on one leg and to balance myself on beat,
(ok, some of it i was showing off) 
i was on and hittin it and i knew it and could feel it.

i saw wozani before and these chicks is coool. the middle one was cute
to me this time with her sexy
black girl butt and shape and sexy brown skin (no make-up). i was right
there as they grooved and i
vibed her as she sang and it was coooool. the other group was funky
also and so was dj haul.

in fact, once again it hit me how “black” the templebar is. everything
about this place is ethnicly black
except the people. dj haul looks like a little punk white kid but he
played some serious serious music.
more than once i had to go ask him who that was playing. he played
all originals, no remixes or 
sampled beats. he was so good i looked him in the eye and shook his
hand. i even asked a bartender
who owned the place and there demographics, a 40sumn white couple.
and when i say everybody is
white i mean 95% of the crowd and performers. but these folx is kickin
out some serious serious soul
funky jammin music with good positive movement. white folx gone funky…

soulive was so good and turned me out so well i had to go and see them
the next day.


jefferytv         –        

events         –        



mysticism is the belief
direct knowledge of

god, spiritual truth or ultimate


can be obtained through

subjective experience






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