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Subjective Experience: August 10, 2001

date events location
8-10-01 arkestra clandestina

carlos washington & giant people ensemble

bobby matos

the temple bar – santa
monica, ca
08-05-01 weapon of
khaley nguewel, aziz faye from senegal 
the temple bar – santa
monica, ca
07-29-01 cameo key club – hollywood, ca
07-25-01 spirit level

the soul of john black

keaton simons

the temple bar – santa
monica, ca
07-20-01 sade
india arie
wireless amphitheatre
irvine, ca
07-15-01 venice beach drum circle venice beach, ca
07-12-01 six
flags magic moutain
07-05-01 pete escovedo orchestra  twilight
dance series 2001
santa monica pier 
07-02-01 the greyhounds, gringo floyd the temple bar – santa
monica, ca
07-02-01 venice beach boardwalk venice beach, ca
06-30-01 six flags magic moutain valencia,
06-28-01 museum of contemporary art

geffen contemporary

los angeles, ca
06-28-01 californa science center los angeles, ca
06-26-01 made in california: now

legitimate theater

los angeles county museum of art
06-24-01 liquid sunshine, los angelitos the temple bar – santa
monica, ca
06-24-01 aviation
expo 2001
van nuys regional airport
06-22-01 movie: pearl harbor century
8 – north hollywood, ca
06-18-01 lakers
championship parade
downtown los angeles
06-17-01 nomadik canibals, optic nerve,

dread daze, freakjuice, liquid sunshine

knitting factory – hollywood,
06-15-01 weapon of choice

kofy brown

cee cee michaela

the temple bar – santa
monica, ca
06-09-01 the lobster bar at tarzan’s  golden nugget – laughlin, nv
06-08-01 tarzan’s nightclub golden nugget – laughlin, nv
06-07-01 -legitimate theater; projects: 

cameron jamie, chloe piene, katy rannan

-late expressionism; from the robert gore 

rifkind center for german expressionist studies

-rocco to neoclassicism; recent acquisitions 

of 18th century french art

-a century of fashion; 1900 to 2000

los angeles county museum of art
06-06-01 -d’ette nogle; “how deep is your love?”

-leslie wilkes; “smoother”

los angeles contemporary exhibitions

hollywood, ca

06-04-01 lecture: dr. kenneth nealson

searching for life in the universe: 

lessons from the earth

american astronomical society meeting 

pasadena conference center

06-03-01 trulio disgracias the temple bar – santa
monica, ca
06-01-01 marcus miller house of blues – hollywood, ca
05-31-01 vibrate angels gate cultural center

san pedro, ca

05-29-01 3hree ahmanson theatre-
los angeles, ca
05-25-01 lindsey’s 9th birthday celebration claim jumpers – monrovia, ca
05-25-01 norton simon museum pasadena, ca
05-22-01 the toledo show the derby – hollywood, ca
05-22-01 good thing the actors’ gang – hollywood,

more events


good thing
may 22,
2001 actors gang
now this was intense. i dont know nothing about theatre or plays, but
this was one of those small, quaint, gritty  places where everything is painted black or is
hand decorated with authentic knick-knacks and spare curtains. the ahmanson this aint. the theatre where
the play was held had stadium type seating with tightly aligned folding chairs. i sat on
the next to the last row from the top of this maybe two-story 10 tier seating and after intermission
i sat right on one of the tiers legs strectched out leaning on a chair, very comfy. the stage was also
two stories high with a set on either side of the 2nd story set which was liz’ bedroom.this play was intense. i saw a light hearted play in pasadena late last
year in a small gritty place but this was something much more better. the actors just seemed “better.”
the story is about drug abuse, adultery, life, etc. it didnt “baby” the audience either, you
had to figure out what was going on and who was who from very clever dialogue. the plot was never predictable,
and i mean never. part of the beauty of this was the gripping ending and the “final solution”
to the conflict. thats why im not gonna talk about what happened or the plot cause if you do see
it you want to experience it for yourself. it was tough and emotional. the actors were really
crying. there was even a tiny, tiny bit of nudity (male & female). everybody was extremely believable
within their stereotypical roles but each had a very interesting quirk that enhanced their character. 
ofcourse there was a cute girl in the play but the one i liked was the
older married wife. blonde, skinny, a tall stereo typically plain white female. her plain simpleness
i found rather attractive. she wore a nightgown in a scene and she had no curves or bumps at all and
this worked for me. (i like them all!), long thin white feet…anywayz, her character was
good and like all the others she had an “explosive” moment that was really intense. 
one coool thing about the plot, the characters made some bad decisions
as far as there life. i mean, not like dumb-drug addict decisions but choices that were thought out
but “wrong.” its hard to  explain but in regular tv or movies you can almost see where the character’s
decision is leading, in this play the plot twists in alot of directions until a very climatic

may 29, 2001 ahmanson theatre
this musical is actually 3 musicals; mice, the lavendar girl and the
flight of the lawnchair man. all 3 ended in death. i also noticed that these sets were totally cacausion,
they allowed no influences from other music or cultures. no rap, no pop, no latin, nothing. all
white broadway musical. but it was good. all three dealt frolicky with death and despair. “the mice”
was really cool cause
it started off with an exterminator ridding a house of mice. then after
the houses owner left a lady
appeared. very very slickly it was made known that the exterminator
would sneak his girlfriend
in the houses and they would have sex and stuff. they were both in
marriages that they were not
happy in and this set was a celebration of there hidden, secret love.
the other two sets also
frolickly dealt with love and death. 3hree was cool but it was kinda

trulio disgracias
june 3, 2001 templebar
midnight came sometime during this late night set and when it did so
did my birthday. the story im
gonna tell is midnight struck during the bands cover of red hot
– one of my favorite 
concert funkadelic songs. trulio is funky, there is no doubt. they
do have enough guitars to
resemble funkadelic and ive heard them play funk, but never funkadelic.
so when norwood said
“lets play red hot momma” i  shot straight to the front while
pulling out the “its my birthday” 
“we funk” sign that i made at home earlier in the day. i went to see
trulio expecting them to take
me funkily into my birthday but i had absolutely no idea that they
would or ever did play delic.
this was a very very big surprise and it got better. they did more
funkadelic and i sang word for 
word with norwood waving my homemade we funk sign. then i look up and
i see
the man who drew my
favorite p-funk album cover,
which is tattooed on‘s
who was also in attendance this fine evening. in fact, i kinda got
the idea for my funky sign from
the ones overvision does at p-funk shows…
by this time ive wrapped my shirt around my head and im drippin in sweat.
then it got better. 
the drummer started the distinct drum opening of my favorite song performed
live. shortly after
my “whoa!” roar, he hesitated and stopped. by this time im at the front
of the stage playfully 
barking at the drummer “are you gonna play it?” “play it!” they did
and it was good. i waved my
birthday sign we funk. during this song overton gestured for me to
join him at the mic. this is 
something that i have literally dreamed of doing (today even). singing
cosmic slob live on my 
birthday. (gasp) he gestured more than once too and i gestured “noooooo,
go ahead im cool.” 
and i was. i wasnt scared i dont think. i really believe i knew i would
enjoy it more on the floor 
as part of the crowd, i could be more expressive or whatever. but wow,
turned down singing
cosmic slop live on my birthday…and i dont regret it. i enjoyed doing
my thang on the floor. hard,
funky, driving dance. tight rhythmic pound on that solid bass line
played by lonnie of weapon of
choice who is  another funky funky.
i got birthday props from the stage and i turned to the crowd, waved
my sign and smiled. not sure
if it was lonnie, overton or norwood who said “PFUNK1” but whoever
it was it made me feel 
good. i wasnt wearing any PFUNK1 propaganda clothing so it was nice…
what more could heaven possibly be?afterwards hung out, lights on. chatted with overton, shook hands, even
got a birthday hug from 
trulio’s sexy female lead singer. a sista who could really shake it… 

it is still just hitting me how deep of a fantasy / dream of mine singing
cosmic slop live on my 
birthday is/was. and i just turned it down. i wouldnt have sang the
lead (probably) anywayz, 
but the backup part is coool. i dont feel bad about not singing it,
its more like im deeply 
impressed with just having the oppurtunity. 

this is what i mean when i say my passions seek me…

for life in the universe:
 june 4,

one of the first thing i noticed was dr nealson had more charisma than
your usual jpl-astronomer 
type. and as he spoke, it became more obvious he has different ideas
about the way things should
be done as opposed to others at jpl. his style and tone were much more
modern feeling. he would
say there are things that he didnt know and appeared upfront about
the limitations and short-
comings of the program he is in charge of; the center for life detection.
he seemed to believe in
a more practical science that included extensive testing and pure truth
(not information manipulated
for the public’s consumption). his logic and line of thinking is a
modern one and i could tell by the
few quips in his talk that the jpl old boy network and an older way
of doing things still exists and 
that he clashes with it alot. he says he is a biologist working with
astronomers and he is aware of
the social skills of both…
through a powerpoint presentation he described the foundation which
he plans to base the center
for life detection. he described what life is and what a non-earth
centric life might be. he pointed
out that we must be open to all the possibilities, not just possibilities
that arise from earth based
thought. not only must our understanding be expanded, but the tools
and instruments needed to 
find life must be non-earthcentric. he described the signiture imprint
life leaves, the changes in the
chemical and element make-up of a place where life exists. he talked
very scientifically and very
good points i got; 
-all life moves, non-random movement. maybe to get away from its own
-life converts one form of energy to another
-he showed that graphs of the chemicals, energy and elements on earth
show that every energy
source on earth is consumed by some type of life form. by comparing
the make-up of earth with
the natural decay of elements and energies, you can see changes that
only life can make. to put it
simply, if you were a lifeform coming to earth, no matter what energy
you needed there is 
competition for that food/energy source by another organism.
-you dont need to make your own chemicals if you eat them. by consuming
other living organisms,
you can gain there chemicals/energies and dont need to produce them
-universal signiture of life: sped up energy changes. life is a catalyst.
-opened my eyes to what life is as a process. like chemical processing. 
i looked at life as one machine, not many individual machines. 
how energy, chemicals, etc are a part of the life process.

     Are we alone in the universe?  That tantalizing
will be addressed in a free, public lecture by the director of 
JPL’s Center for Life Detection, Dr. Kenneth Nealson, on 
Monday, June 4, during the semi-annual American Astronomical 
Society meeting at the Pasadena Conference Center.

     The lecture, “Searching for Life in the Universe: 
Lessons from the Earth,” will feature Nealson discussing ways 
we can apply our knowledge of how life evolves and thrives on 
Earth to our search for life elsewhere.  The lecture begins at 
7:30 p.m. in Room C101-105 of the Pasadena Conference Center, 
300 East Green Street, Pasadena, California. 

     At best, the search for life beyond our own
planet is an 
inexact science.  Recent studies of microbes on Earth have 
convinced scientists that life is tougher and more persistent 
than we might have imagined 20 years ago.  If life can survive
in hostile environments on Earth, such as in boiling, toxic 
thermal vents on the ocean floor, might it also be found in 
unlikely niches on other planets?

     In addition, the discovery of dozens of planets
far-off suns has triggered even more speculation about 
possible alien life. 

Nealson will explain the challenges of looking for life 
beyond our planet while avoiding the assumption that life 
elsewhere would be like Earthly life.  More information on JPL 
and NASA research efforts in this area are available at .

     More information on the American Astronomical
meeting is available at .

tarzans nightclub
june 8, 2001 laughlin, nv
i wasn’t in the place 10 minutes before i was freaking two freakies
who were freakin each other.
this crowd was highly spirited, drunk and ready to get their party
in. laughlin use to be the country
western hee-haw step cousin of vegas but that wasn’t the dempgraphic
in the club this night. 20 &
30 sum’n year old mostly white cute cuties who were out to have fun.
dj mike was funky, discoey,
rockey and everything in between. he even played atomic dog. 
soon as i hit the place get a drink and sit down, i peep this one girl
trying to freak and kiss and 
grind this other girl who playfully resisted. next thing i know the
freakee is gesturing me to join in.
i stood up and busted a little rhythm towards her and she danced towards
me with the other girl
still freakin her from behind. next thing you know its a sandwich.
while im playin with these 
naturally darker white girls (itallian, mexican or sumn) a sexy sexy
white girl asks me to dance
with them, it was her friends bachelorette party. i had only been in
the place 15 minutes and im 
freakin white girls in every direction dancin to slightly diluted hip-hop.
i was chillin.
after dancin awhile and being asked to dance again, a crew of a couple
of sistas, bruthas, white 
girls & boys who looked like locals show up. the club is just about
in full swing and one of the 
sistas started to do her thing. she was kinda tall and thick in all
the places that a sista is thick in.
she had a tight dress on and her ass was a thing of beauty. she did
all the shakes, bounces, 
booty rolls and butterflys like only a sista from the hood can do.
it had been a long time since i
seen a booty bounce like that (4 feet right smack in front of me) and
it was good. later i saw one 
of the many drinking white girls go up to her and appear to ask how
she does it. homegirl hiked up
her long dress a little and went to work. homegirl even got down and
pumped the floor while 
makin that booty bounce. man i love black female. this was a very fun
and spirited place where 
folx came to drink, party and let whatever happens happen. 
the cover was $5 but they gave you a $5 chip to gamble with. on saturday
night as i walked by it
was too too crowded and the line was long with a younger more “stylish”

lobster bar
at tarzan’s

june 9, 2001 laughlin, nv
mommy’s slot playin has accumulated her about $800 worth of food comps
in this place. since 
my sister came we got two adjoining rooms over looking the river which
were comped too. 
we ate about $200 worth of crab legs and lobster. the service was good
and the food also. 
budget rental car gave us a canary yellow mustang but after we picked
mommy up we found 
it was too small, so we took it back.


june 17, 2001
what was very very special about this evening was that my kids attended
this show with me. it was 
their first club or concert or anything like that. how cool is it to
be 15 & 13 years old hanging out in
a club on hollywood blvd till 2am? the knitting factory is an all ages
club. they not only got to see a 
few good bands, they also got to see how to enjoy yourself when you
go to a club. (watching me). 
once between sets the dj played the live version of parliament-funkadelic’s
undisco kid. i sang with 
all with all my heart and thoroughly enjoyed it. my daughter asked me
if i did clubs like this alot, i 
said yeah and asked her why she asked. she said cause i was so “open.”
leaving the place a couple
of the other clubs were letting out and still bumpin and they got to
see how funky the hollywood 
scene is. i feel it is important that they see first hand how much
more of life is out there available to
them. and that they are exposed to it at an early age. 
weapon of choice was the main reason i attended with kids but they canceled.
optice nerve has 
members of weapon and the lead singer of liquid sunshine is a back-up
singer for weapon. 
freakjuice sang a cree summer song, crush the fire red, and
a memebr of the group heard me 
singing it after the show and started a conversation in which he said
they are playing the templebar 
the next day. i told him i was just at the templebar on friday seeing
weapon and i also told that to 
optic nerve’s leader who remember me. i love live music, its like i
cant get enough of it…

june 26, 2001 
took kids to check out made in california: now a “kids” installation.
most of it was for really
young kids, but there was a room with stuff that you could make a lot
of noise; one full of pillows
and boxing punching bags that i was ready to let out a little parental
tension but the kids didnt 
wanna play; a huge field with about 30 rubber kick balls where we played
a form of dodge ball 
and then a soccer game of me against jeffery with kimberly as impartial
goalie. there also was a 
podium with a bunch of news microphones on a stage with a big video
screen. i lost my favorite 
bracelet, the black one i got from florence italy that i modified and
bascially re-created. i also took
the kids to see the strange contemprory movie shorts in legitimate
theater, they thought it really 
strange. they had a strong reaction to the nude photography in this

science center

june 28, 2001 
the first thing i heard after paying $5 and parking the car to go to
this donation suggested museum
was the sound of what sounded like thousands of children. it was a
sustain buzz from hundreds of
individual kids. which turned out to be only a few dozen, which all
turned out to be leaving…me 
& kids hit the joint and i realized today it takes them a while
to warm up to a place. at frst it seems
they cling to me and “this place is booty” (means bad) until they relax
and experience some stuff 
and eventually (maybe 20 minutes) they even go off individually and
explore. this has happened 
more than one place so i noticed the pattern. 
my daughter did the coooolest thing, she rode the high wire bicycle
thats on a  tightrope 3 stories
off the ground. i didn’t think she would do it cause she is kinda a
sissy when it comes to stuff, but
she did and i was very impressed. she pedaled back 3/4 of the way,
relaxed and then started to
look around. thats when she saw where and how high she was. thats also
when she noticed
everybody watching and me screaming “go kimberly!! go kimberly!! and
taking pictures. thats
when she got nervous and unsure of her balance. she stuck he leg out
as a reaction cause the bike
is balanced so it wont tip over. then she pedaled back in. she was
spose to get 2 back and forths
and no matter how much i cheered and encouraged her i saw on her face
she was done with this.
i was very very impressed with my daughter for doing this.
another cool thing was the spirit and energy of this girl that was there.
she was young, late teens
early 20’s, with a pretty brown no make-up needed complexion and cute.
she was there with a 
very young baby that seemed to be hers. she was working a display that
consisted of a tv screen
and cameras that was connected to a similar setup inside LAX. she could
move the camera, zoom
in on people and she was actually talking to someone sitting there
waiting for a plane or sum’n. i
was impressed just by the coolness and tech gadgetry but her spirit,
energy and enthusiasm was
so refreshing it touched me. the outgoingness, curiosity with spirited
fun, the vibe, her laugh-
that something she had was extremely attractive to me. i think this
vibe or whatever is a black thing.
there is an attraction and confidence i have to black girls that i
get with no other female. maybe its
the spirited aggressiveness of my people, but i kinda feel i can’t
get that from any other race of 
female. its kinda like the natural way we do it, the style that black
people have. it touched me 
and inspired me. it inspired me by showing me that there is something
in other people there that 
can deeply attract me. something that can generate a passion inside
me to experience another 
person intimately. i enjoy the quality of my own company so much that
being with another person 
sometimes feels like im wasting my time. because of that i just wont
settle for any relationship. i 
would rather be alone than have to deal with the insecurities and shortcomings
of human beings 
and their relationship hang-ups. it had  been a long time since
i have been deeply moved by the 
spirit energy of another human being like this. and its good to know
that it still can happen. 

geffen contemporary
june 28, 2001
free on thursdays from 5-8 and ya can take the shuttle to the other
moca site. i took the kids and
they wasn’t up for nothing this deep and conceptual. well, maybe kimberly
was but as a team they
tuned out and tuned into their private play world. there weren’t many
kids there but the cooolest
thing was that they have free live jazz outside the museum. lots of
good looking my age folx 
getting there drink on and groovin to a live african jazz band. not
westside pretty-pretty people,
but more ordinary good looking folx of all flavors, and older my age
too. it was very very coool 
and i hope to go back with out the chirrens…
speaking of childrens, i noticed that i am very sensitive to what my
kids are doing. the rules and 
perception i have for them is inherently different than for anybody
else on this planet. they could 
do the same stuff that i would do, or any other kid would do, but their
play, laughter and 
“obnoxiousnous” really effects me and i want them to stop. most of
the time i try to understand 
and analyze the feelings before i react (tell them to stop). maybe
its cause im so focused on 
them that their actions are magnified. half the time they are just
being me as i am in public, but 
since its them it feels very different. i know it must be a natural
parent-kids relationship thing 
cause ive seen other parents also “over-react” to their kids behavior…


june 30, 2001
the beauty of this day was that my kids were old enough to go off on
their own. they had $20
each and enough of my trust that they took off around 3pm and i didnt
expect to see them 
again till around 10pm. so i got to kick back and observe from the
outside the interaction of 
parents, adults & kids. the park was crowded and hot on a holiday
weekend. lots and lots and
lots of people. 
after the kids dispersed and things settled, me and jessie first rode
revolution, and it took us 10 
minutes to get on that ride- that impressed me. revolution was one
of the first loop rollercoasters 
and a 4 on a scale of 1-10. then we strolled over and rode viper. this
is a good coaster and gets a
7. after that we hit the mighty goliath. a 255 ft,  85 mph first
drop that takes your breathe away.
this may be the best coaster in the park. the line took about an hour
and getting there we ran into
jesse’s grandaughter, 10 year old diamond and her cousins so for that
hour in line jesse had kid 
responsibilities and i got to watch them while and appreciating my
kids and the thang we got. 
goliath was good (at least a 9) so we wanted more. we headed over to
batman. batman’s line was 
long, had to be a 90 minute wait. we waited and got the first row.
batman is cool cause your feet 
hang down and i was able to take my sandals off and ride barefoot.
in the front row of this coaster 
its like your flying thru lots of loops and upside down twists. very
cool, worth the wait and an 8. 
after that it was time to meet up with everybody and thats when the
adults, parents & kids
communication frenzy began. folx were hot and tired (except me) and
trying to find each other and 
kids were running around, etc. i hadnt seen my kids in 5 hours and
they were last spotted going to
ride batman. our designated meeting spot was in kiddie land so i was
chillin and watching parents 
of all nationalities deal with excited children. there is a common
look & tone parents have. there is 
a “struggle” that is consistent between kids & parents across the
board. so around 10ish my kids
show up and i was happy to see them. they had eaten and felt good about
the number of rides
they rode. after 15 minutes the “daddy can i’s” started and now i too
was in parent mode. 
if ya cant beat them, join em. thats when i got my energy and i became
a kid too. i lead the parade
of kids to ride viper. singing, dancing, loud, “obnoxious,” partying,
playing. the line for viper was
almost non-existent so we rode it twice singing nelly’s “uh-ooooooooo”
“whats bumpin tonight?.”
we had it goin on so tough that the ride announcer and other people
were even sining it. the second
time on viper i rode the front and jeffery and kimberly the back and
we sang together from 
opposite ends of the coaster loading deck. through the crowd noise
i could hear my kids say
“ondelee ondelee eee-i” and i would go “uh-oooooooooh” then they would
say “whats bumpin
tonight.” i am most proud that i show my kids how to have aggresive
spirited fun in public. there 
are other things they will learn from me, but i am the only one i know
who can show them how to
to be almost completely free spirited and express happiness publicly
in a healthy “coool” way. that 
it is not only healthy but cool to be able to express large amounts
of positive energy publicly and
that people around you will respond positively back. jeffery even was
shouting “” and
that made me very proud. i also noticed that when kimberly gets tired
and sleepy she thinks 
everybody is against her and that i always take jeffery’s side. very
interesting also was the 
interaction between kimberly and diamond- 13 & 10 year old girls.
i thought they were fighting &
arguing but they both seemed to enjoy it. an older white lady that
we were sitting by asked brenda 
if i was an actor or something. i said “yeah, tv and screen”

gringo floyd

july 2, 2001 templebar
gringo floyd was more jazzy, little funky, not so spiritual. they are
a large band, relatively speaking,
with horns and a very cute white girl celloist. she had the cutest
thick legs and i love to see white
girls vibin the music. the greyhounds were the reason i came (actually
it was to get away from the 
kids) cause i love organ-keyboards. i had seen them funk out before
and even though the lead
singer was very silly the music got serious and vibey during a deep
blues cover of storny monday.
i stood practically alone and vibed out with them eyes closed and it
was good. as i left i gave a 
passing whattup to the drummer and he remembered me from the funkyard
music festival. that 
kinda stuff makes me feel soooooooo gooooooood….

level, john black, keaton simons

july 25, 2001 templebar
keaton simons is a lead gutiar player who sits in with weapon of choice.
it was funny but cool to
see him sing in a bob dylan folky style. john black played with just
him on lead and a bass. was
expecting more of a band but the acoustic no-drummer type thang was
cool. spirit level was a full
band with percussion, keyboard and everythang. lead guitar was just
like blackbyrd’s and i told 
him that and he knew it. after the bands, i danced till 2am till the
lights came to the last beat to 
dj mason, who was very funky (played trouble funk). i told him i wondered
who turns him and 
dj haul on to all this funky music, he laughed and said “how does a
white boy know…” 
i danced alone but with a very spirited group of about 13 girls and
2 dudes. non directly inter-
mixing and interacting through dance. feeling each other’s movements
with very little eye contact
or direct acknowledgement. the band spirit level felt our energy
and it carried over to dancing
with the dj. i so love the templebar. felt like i hadnt been here in
a long time. it feels good to go out
and be “successfull” and acknowledged for my positive spirit. when
people shake my hand with a 
smile just cause they can feel my energy. to be acknowledged by the
band, the dj and the people
who work at the templebar by them letting me know they enjoy and appreciate
my spirit. and its
also really cool to stop and recognize that you are an alpha male on
the dancefloor alone with 
10-12 very cute spirited dancing females…

of choice

aug 5, 2001 templebar 
we went off this night, definitley took it to another level.  it ends right before we went completely
this was a very special night


aug 10, 2001 templebar
a night of firsts
first time i ever saw a band leave the stage and then return for another
first time i ever saw one of the Artisan girls in the place (my house)
frst time i ever saw any band asked to leave the stage (by the next
first time i ever left while a band was stil playing
i love the templebar, and yes i would marry it









mysticism is the belief

direct knowledge of

spiritual truth or ultimate


can be obtained through

subjective experience





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