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Subjective Experience: January 3, 2002


date event location
01-03-02 bcs national championship game rose bowl – pasadena, ca
01-02-02 food bowl oldtown – pasadena, ca
12-28-01 medusa and feline science the temple bar – santa
monica, ca
12-27-01 fishbone
stolen babies
killem gilliam
key club –
west hollywood, ca
12-22-01 tre
kofy brown
kevin sandbloom
the temple bar – santa
monica, ca
12-21-01 the lord of the rings (movie) ua valley plaza – north hollywood, ca
12-17-01 jack bruce and the cuicoland express house of blues – west hollywood, ca
12-15-01 soulive

dj and the drummers

the temple bar – santa
monica, ca
12-14-01 soulive

the soul of john black

the temple bar – santa
monica, ca
12-09-01 weapon of choice

dj and the drummers

the temple bar – santa
monica, ca
12-07-01 slapback bb kings citywalk – universal city, ca
12-06-01 mandrill bb kings citywalk – universal city, ca
11-23-01 the wild rabbit redlands,
11-22-01 devices of wonder

posing for posterity

manuel alvarez bravo

the getty center – los angeles, ca
11-18-01 chicago brothers and sisters band venice beach boardwalk – 
venice beach, ca
11-13-01 toddy

abbey booth

jennifer barragan 

the temple bar – santa
monica, ca
11-03-01 p-funk allstars house of blues – las vegas, nv
10-29-01 visual
arts center of northwest florida 
panama city, fl
10-07-01 woc (makeshift jam band)

swati w/ aloke dutta

the temple bar – santa
monica, ca
09-21-01 vinyl

keaton simons

the temple bar – santa
monica, ca
09-08-01 soulive


the temple bar – santa
monica, ca
09-07-01 soulive


the temple bar – santa
monica, ca
09-01-01 club c2k venetian casino – las vegas, nv
09-01-01 fantasy football league draft the plaza – las vegas, nv
08-25-01 queen mary long beach, ca
08-25-01 long beach harbor cruise long beach, ca
08-24-01 fishbone the temple bar – santa
monica, ca

more events

aug 24, 2001 templebar
even though i was tired and half out of it (i was thinking about leaving
early i was so tired), i still had a good night. i met the owner of the
templebar, one of the waitresses, both bouncers and i chatted briefly with
my fave cutey waitress. i got to hear spacey-t rip an eddie hazel like
guitar solo. he dedicated the song to eddie saying that all of this kinda
guitar music stems from mr hazel. my fave place was not its usual self,
it was setup for the larger than normal crowd. there was a serious mosh
pit and body surfing and a very uncharacteristic large percentage of males.
the energy of the males moshing and banging was good. non-personal aggression.
non malicous aggressive physical banging. testosterone. hard physcial energy

FISHBONE AT THE TEMPLE BAR, 8.24.01                                           
by Lamar…

Nuttmeg soldiers filled up the temple bar last
night to hear FISHBONE previewing all new material…

They had a 5 camera video crew filming the show
for a DVD. The new shyt was both subtle and powerful. Lots of slow skanking
tunes that jump into hyperkinetic flying fish type shyt and then back to
the beach…No keyboardist this time out, but they had a couple extra horn
players, and Mark Cross from Weapon of Choice and OPTIC NERVE on backing

Plainield, NJ native Spacey T is one of the most
amazing guitarists in this or any galaxy (he learned from the best…)
thismollyfock never ceases to blow I and I away. He can go from a clean
acoustic sounding mellow ninth chords to blazing overdrive arpeggios in
about 13 trillionths of a second…He’s got all the bases (not basses,
I’ll talk about NORWOOD in a minute) loaded with mad skills. He dedicated
one of the new numbers to Eddie, (he usually shouts out to the maggot brain
on Shakey Ground). Spacey T is not of your world… 

NORWOOD FISHER…”I just wanna know who in the
FONK R U??? Can anyone slap a bass faster than Norwood?  I don’t know,
butt the man is DEEP…He and DIRTY WALT Kibby were shining some heavenly
harmonies behind ANGELO DR. MADVIBE MOORE’s frenetic falsetto and tenor
stylings…Walt and Angelo milked menacing horn lines running counterpoint
interference to the fretboard fanfares of Spacey and ‘Wood…ANgelo has
become a virtuoso on the theremin, he can practically sing all his vocal
parts through the lightening rod…Through it all, drummer JOHN STEWARD
tore shyt up…I like drummers who hit hard, homeboy is PISSED!

I can’t remember too many of the new song titles
right now except for “Get OUTTA Town” and “Prima Donna”. Only a few of
these new joints Really hit me right off the bat, butt a lot of my fave
F-BONE tunes were like that, they GROW ON YOU…(not like a fungus, butt
like the kind of love that never dies, the sex just gets better…)

After about a 2 hour set, FISHBONE adjourned to
the 420 room…Angelo returned for little slice of DR. MADVIBE’S LINKOLGY (spoken word) and the
band kicked out Alcoholic to close down the skankfest…

I looked for PFUNK1, butt he had already hit the
highway…hopefully he took one a dem WG’s with him…just when I was leaving
I peeped the O-DOG butt didn’t get a chance to chit…I hope he does their
new album cover…

Don’t get me wrong, we still need a LEFT COAST
P-FUNK TOUR, some DRUGS, and a tripfest west, butt shyt like this makes
me not feel so bad about missing all shyt that goes down back east…We
get NUTT UP at the temple bar at least once or twice a month… 

¿Wish you were here?

fly on…

sep 1, 2001 las vegas, nv
as the warm vegas night breeze blew in over the balcony, my homey pondered

his connections and how far they could take him. in his mind he logically
mapped out 

his network and enjoyed the far reaching possibilities. the las vegas
strip was absolutely beautiful from inside this tremendous place. an hour before i was laying
on the rollaway bed in the hotel room in post buffet mode thinking all i wanted to
do was sleep. now here i am in the best club in maybe the  most happenng city in the
world. on the official last party weekend of the summer. i felt good. i think we all felt good.

vinyl sep
21, 2001 templebar
once again as i danced and vibed to the funky jazzy sound of vinyl,
i hoped very deeply that i would always be able to this. i hoped that i would never get
too famous, too popular or be too much of a “celebrity” to go to a normal club and just dance
and sweat and trip out and vibe and freak the girls and just be completely free with the music.
there are things i do publicly at these events that arent necessarily illegal, but wild and
crazy. sometimes when i get lost in the music, eyes closed, upfront at the stage vibin deep
for all to see, i look around and openly lust at all the young white girls dancin, i wonder how this
looks me being a big 40 year old black man. i hope that i can always be completely uninhibited
publicly no matter my age or if im the only black man in the building. its the music and
the vibe that i get into.

there may be clubs with folx more my demographic with the same positive
vibe, music and openess that  find at the temple bar and other places, but i aint
seen ’em. black clubs have a different vibe. not saying better or worse, just different and i prefer
a club where i can dress how i want (very casually, sneakers) and just be relaxed and get crazy.
and oh yeah, all them  cute ass girls vibin me back dont hurt a bit. i digs the openess and
the energy. 
like tonight, just groovin to a very tight band with pretty girls dancing
and getting  into it

all around me. and this night i mean they were VERY pretty. i hope
that i dont become

a ceo of a company or too “high up” in a public position of authority
where i cant go

out and be completely uninhibited. 

woc makeshift
jam band

oct 7, 2001 templebar
the jam band was lonnie, gabby, keaton, dave? (on percussion), a new
drummer dude and norwood crashed the party and did a few raps at the end. gabby did
this tai-chi yoga shiva type dance that i thought really cool, she was good. hung out with
lamar and kareem a bit…it was cool, didnt get really deep down nasty funky but had many good
moments. i almost forgot- at the end of the next to last song, lonnie started singing
flashlight. i heard and recognized the music but it didnt hit me till a second later. “thats
flashlight!” i smiled and looked up at lonnie and he was smiling back at me. its these little
things that mean so much…

nov 3, 2001 house of blues las
i rented a car and me and jessie rode up. george held the mic while
billy bass got to sing, his voice is still there. rapped with baby payne in the audience and after
show. the last song “a whole lot of shakin goin on” turned into a fressstyle jam that went
on for 10 minutes maybe. most of the mob had left and chuck (roadie), mike h, billy and mcfadden
were playin it. the rest of the mob, including george and blackbyrd, were on stage and
vibin the energy. brian (the drifter) was there and before the show a 30 sumn white drunk 
female started talking to us and i kinda passed her off to him, she was cool. me, jessie and
the drifter hungout and we gave him a ride to the bus station. also after the show me and jessie
chilled with this sister who said she was a stripper at the spearmint rhino. her
and jessie talked while i danced to the house of blues house music. cloned maggot was there with
his boys and he was feelin good cause he hit a slot machine for a couple grand.
we stayed at the howard johnsons on tropicana. 

the band was good, maybe kinda too good. maybe slightly a little too
polished. i dont know and not even sure what i mean. almost a a too clean funk. the horns
were hot. greg and benny went all out. you could see them both pushin themselves to hit
higher and higher notes. stage was 6 feet high, dont think i like that. its always good
to see the mob, always- kinda like seeing old friends…maybe my vegas energy was low, but
now that i think about it there werent alot of girls there. seemed like hardly any and maybe
that had an effect on me, i dunno. i had a good time but im not p-funk satisfied and i
want more.
told baby payne the drugs cd is gooooood. hollered at shelia horne after
show and told her her cd was good and that we listened to it on the drive up.
GC & PFAS 11/3/01 HOB-Las Vegas

Posted by bfunkey on 11/17/2001,
12:55 pm 

Tracey Jammin’/ Funkentelechy/ Bop
Gun- Gamin’ On Ya- Undisco Kid/ Cosmic Slop/ What Is A Booty, and how will I know if I’m shaking
it?- Booty- more What Is…/ P-Funk/ Flashlight- Horns Jam/ Knee Deep- Sentimental Journey- Rubberduckie/
Mathmatics/ Maggottbrain/ Dogstar/ One Nation/ Tear The Roof Off- Night Of The Thumpasaurus Peoples/
Quickie- This Is What We Do/ Good Ole Funky Music- Funky Dollar Bill- I Got A Thing- Me and My Folks-
Super Stupid- I Call My Baby Pussy- Something Stank And I Want Some- I Bet You/ Atomic Dog/ Ain’t Nothing
But A Jam Ya’ll/ Whole Lotta Shakin’ Going On- This Music Is Taking Over
Me- more Whole Lotta Shakin’ 


toddy, abbey
booth, jennifer barragan
nov 13, 2001
abbey booth has a cute white female 20 sum’n drummer. she used different
percussions and electronics to create complicated beats. chris pierce joined them for
a song and he played harmonica. tonight was flat ass night, i saw one girl who had no ass.
she was wearing low riding tight jeans and when she got close i could  see how her hip bone
became what was suppose to be her ass. jennifer barragan was coool (though she was flat too)
and played lke a blues- rock-white soul type music. her guitarist was really good and she sported
a stand-up bass in the band. toddy was ok. seems like nothing really exciting happened.
i saw double-d,  weapon of choices horn there. all 3 groups played a bluesy-rock music
and used electric acoustic guitars. toddy was really good with what he did with his electric
acoustic guitar.

dec 6, 2001 bb kings universal city walk
hooked up with talley for this. since i am broke he said he would help
me out money wise. because of how unorganized this place is we ended up not having to
pay. whole night cost me $8.  anywayz, mandrill is truly funky. to me this music sounds
like it predates the funk i was raised on. more so than the james brown stuff. the crowd was
stuffy at first, very stuffy. the band members were very warm, shook hands with a couple of them
before and after the show. they made their way to the stage from their dressing room jamming
percussion instuments. flattop, a cool dude who ive seen perform on venice beach before danced
for a good while during a couple of songs on stage and he was jammin. crowd loosened
up and we got funky. my vibe was on and i went off and away many times. saw a roadie dude
i thought i remembered and i asked him to find out he did abbey booth at the temple bar when
i was there. 

mandrill was funky funky specially when they stretched out a funky groove.
very rhythmic with lots of percussions. keyboard, organ, synth dude was funky funky
too. it was good  to be out and around girls. girls of all ages and colors vibin out.
it felt good to go off like that. more than once i wallowed in how good it feels.

dec 7, 2001 bb kings universal city walk
we went off this night. it was p-funk tribute night. slapback’s lead
singer asked for requests and folx (not me) was hollering “p-funk.” bb
kings is completely unorganized; no current info on website or outgoing
message via phone and even when we got there no one knew how much to charge
us. both nights we got a different answer to the same questions. i told
the cute waitress from mississippi of  this unorganization and she
wrote it down. i aint complaining though, we wasnt charged last night and
$5 cover this night. 

when they went into cosmic slop i fell out, literally. i was laying
on the floor and a guy tried to help me up and asked was i ok. it moved
me to see non-funky tourists dancing to mothership connection. (this was
city walk so the crowd was really a non-funky one). slapback played the
p-funk music with a very good energy and vibe. it may have been my p-funk
shirt and enthusiasm that started all this. 
me and talley talked to slapback’s lead after the show about how cameo
cancelled them a few months ago and other funk around town. wide variety
of girls there though the place was not packed. city walk was not crowded
at all.

pre- and post- “my funk” funk…

Posted by PFUNK1 on 12/8/2001,
5:06 pm , in reply to “Bak2Bak funky nites@ BB King’s”

funk for me started with mothership

so that is the sound on which i
compare other funk…

mandrill’s music sounds like the
stuff that came

before “my funk.” i can hear the
roots and maybe

how it influenced “my funk.” like
the headhunters

“god made me funky,” i think of
this music more so

as the roots of funk than james
brown. (i know that

i am still learning music histoy
so if ya got 

constructive info on this subject
give it up)

now slapback sounds like funk that
came after “my funk.”

their sound is lighter, more fun

has a brighter energy than parliament
which is much

less dark than funkadelic.

last night slapback played:

tear the roof off

thumparoarus peoples

atomic dog

cosmic slop (guitar solo part as
a high energy

finish of a song)

one nation

mothership connection

pumpin it up


disco to go outro

insurance man for the funk lyric
(“partys, lots 

of da-da, you can be sure when
you’re insured

with the funk” over another song



skin tight

thank you for letting me be myself

oooops up side yo head

they played p-funk music with less
of an edge than

when the mob does it. but it wasnt
“pop” sounding

or generic, the music retained
the funkiness but

with a more energetic bounce to

when i looked around and saw non-funk
folx dancing

to mothership connection it moved
me. this was not

a funk crowd but the music had
energy at the right

vibe for them to feel it while
retaining its funkiness.

“pumpin it up” was done very well
also. and these

wasnt snippets of songs. they played
the full songs

and some were even stretched out.

the 20 sum’ns play music differently
than the 40 sum’ns 

play music differently than the
60 sum’ns

20yr old energy is different than
40yr old energy

is different from 60yr old energy.

funk encompasses all the energies
in the universe

7 roses

music to saturday afternoon by 

most of all wefunk

weapon of choice
dec 9, 2001 templebar
Weapon OC at the Temple Bar last
Posted by Lamar… on 12/10/2001,
4:04 pm

hey airbody…

Meganutt and co. tore shyt up last
night at the temple bar…Audra (CMT are you listening?) was back in back
in the house (last few times, she was MIA, touring w/Macy Gray) as was
FISH on drums. During HIGHPERSPICE, Fish broke off one of the most pissed
off drum solos I’ve ever heard…(i think he’s been touring with Hootie
too long, ’cause he played like he had some pent-up demons to get out)
Lonnie called Double G for a sax solo after that, and he lowered his head
to the mike and said, “Man, you know what, I can’t follow that drumsolo…”
The band was a little sloppy at times, but real enthused and full of energy.
Keaton cut his hair, and Lonnie was sportin’ that ‘Bozo the Town’ style
process…After the show we copped Lonnie and Gabby’s (sitar sister) 4
song EP called Love Balm. He said they play every saturday at a Thai restuarant.
We’re gonna try and book WOC up here in the 805, as well as the 415, 510
and 707…if y’all have any ideas or suggestions about booking the Nuttmegalomaniacs,
let me know…

peace mollyfocks… 

dec 14-15, 2001 templebar
i love the temple bar and i love white people. but my fave place was
too crowded with too many young white people. i dont like my place when
its too crowded. funniest thing, i was standing in there with maybe 500
others and the only black folx in the joint was me, the 5 performers and
2 bouncers and fisher p plays james brown’s say it loud, im black and
im proud.
it more than just struck me funny i exploded with laughter.
and it was the scratchy original version lp with that steady flat bass
line and tight drums. it was bumpin.

the soul of john black quoted george clinton between songs “we’re
the opening act, we can’t come back. ya gets no more, ya gets no encore.
get dressed!!!” this excited me. it was good to see dj haul.
soulive ripped both nights but it seemed night one was better even though
the band seemed more relaxed and ready to rip. might have been me and my
energy being in a more chill mode on this 2nd night in a row. either way,
i still enjoyed the experience. i did the first night’s show in the back. 
soulive ripped. i figured neal’s style out. he likes to groove holding
the high. not on the anticipation and transition from holding it to drving
motion. i learned to ride on that high note as he sustains and increase
the frequency and movement within it. kerringer on horn was really good,
really really. he was joined by a trombone on saturday for a couple of
songs. 2nd night the mood was set more than once to get to a higher level
but no one on stage took charge of the music and solo’ed. we hoovered at
idle at this highly energized increased frequency for more than a minute

jack bruce
and the cuicoland express
dec 17, 2001
house of blues hollywood
jack bruce was rotten. (rotten may be too rough and dramatic a word).
his bass playing skills though 100 times better than mine were way below
what im use to seeing in concert. his singing was subpar, he struggled
to keep up with his own band constantly.  its been a long time since
i saw a performance that i thought was bad. 

scooped up talley standing on sunset blvd and we went to wendys so he
could eat. ran into bernie worrell as we walked in and i got to introduce
myself and shake the hand of the man who played all those p-funk hits that
i love. it was that sound from him playing the keyboards on mothership
connection that caught my attention and hooked me to p-funk. talley had
passes so we got in free ($15 to park!!! i didnt tip the valet this night).
vernon reid from living color is also in the band and he was good. he and
bernie were the reasons i went. jack bruce had trouble keeping up with
them. saw frankie waddy in the house. we were in the meet & greet area
waiting for bernie but i got tired and we left. and kareem
showed up late and got in free. said what up to vernon reid at the meet
& greet. not alot of girls there but an awful lot of very very very
very cute boys and guys (one in particular). some kinda industry thing
was also going on. 

JACK BRUCE’s Cuicoland Express Feat.
Vernon Reid & Bernie Worrell HOB LA 12/17

Posted by Pfunkjazz on 12/18/2001,
1:05 pm 

It was an interesting night of rock-funk
at the House of Blues. It was certainly not PFUNK, but it was definitely
some hardcore rockin’. First off, I have to state my knowledge of CREAM
songs begins and ends with “Sunshine of Your Love”, plus a few lines of
“White Room” (I think I know “Cocaine”). So my big pull in checking this
gig was to support Bernie Worrell and Vernon Reid: PFUNK and Living Colour
are the hardest funkin’ rock bands I still dig.

Bernie was to my left on organ
(Wurlitzer?) and Vernon was on my right with his crescent moon 6-string
(he brought out the mottled coloured one too!). Center was Jack Bruce on
bass with a unattended ROLAND keyboard off to his right. In the background
were two COMPLETE trap drumsets left and right, while in the center was
hand drummer Richie Flores on congas.

Once again (from previous PFUNK
shows), I must fault the HOB-LA PA system. The vocals were very muddy.
I could not understand a single word from Jack Bruce. I felt a lot of the
vibe and it was mostly good. Since this mostly a rock show, I must point
out that the bass comes off totally different. There’s no slapping and
thumping of the strings. Matter-of-fact, Bruce didn’t do very many runs.
He will sit and pluck one note repeatedly. Very un-FUNKY, but it was still
cool. I don’t wanna hold him to my expectations.

Bernie was stellar on organ. I cheered
“WOO! WOO!” off his solos. (Kudos to Judie for FED EXing me a WOO tee to
style at the show. I got stopped 3 X by dudes checking the shirt). There
was a number that was just WOO backing Bruce on the Roland and he had two
other tasty solos.

Vernon was really a different kind
of guitarist. He dropped a lot of Curtis Mayfield tye licks and ramped
things up a bit on the ambient nosie thing. I dug him on “Sunshine” and
the riffs on “White Room” were doone as a ska kind of thing.

As I mentioned there were two drummers
and a percussionist. I don’t follow why, but it raised the funk level a

Since I was really unfamilar with
Bruce’s work, a lot of the songs seemed to be jams off a particular theme
or mode. He’s a decent bass player, though too efficient to be funky. I
can’t really rave about his singing either (what I could make of it). Came
off like a drunken Scotsman bellowing. (LOL). I can’t say I’m a fan, but
I dig Bruce for putting Woo and Vernon before this rock crowd. (Oh yeah,
Lamar and Hassim showed up and Lamar said “everyone looked like a rock
critic”. Meaning the guys were mostly white dudes in their late 40s, balding
or hair tied back in a graying ponytail. There were a couple of brothas
there too). I think they played about 2.5 hours with two extended encores

Afterwards, I talked to Vernon and
he confirmed LC will be back in the area next month at HOB Anaheim, but
the exact date or lineup is still up in the air (ok I’m hoping WOO WARRIORS
will open for them. A definite upcoming show at HOB LA is MOS DEF with
WOO and Wil Calhoun and Doug Wimbish. It’s on Jan 4 with an “ALL AGES”

kofy brown, tre,
kevin sandbloom
dec 22, 2001 templebar
i came to this place this night to see kofy brown. i was in the mood
for some blackness. my fave place struck me as funny again as i looked around
at all the white people. looking around i didn’t see anyone who had rhythm. or
at least the beat of the rhythm that me, the band or the music was on. lotsa
friendly young white girls just having a good time. kofy brown was good with
her skinny left handed self, we grooved. definitely felt her vibe. her
keyboards was trying to get funky too. chillin for the next band, tre, i saw
mark (weapon of choice’s keys) and then i saw keaton simons (woc’s guitar).
then i saw mark moving keyboards. i had no idea they was in tre. keaton was
spirited with his guitar playing and short hair look. i always enjoy mr simon.
mark was good on the keys and the band vibed out more than once with solos
between the raps and singing. cute skinny mixed female with voice also in the
group, she sang a bit. kevin sandbloom was guitar-bass-percussion with a good
upper mid tempo movement. he has a good voice (like hootie and creed dude). i
think i need to be around some black people. (less the traditional black
people rules, roles and protocols). as always i had a good time, i love the
temple bar and all it seems to be about…

dec 27, 2001 keyclub
this place this night was 14 & over so there were alot of young white kids
there early to see the opening bands. in fact i felt very old for awhile.
though i dont fully vibe fishbone’s punk/ska energy, i can still feel it. as
the show was going on i looked around and noticed how these mostly white kids
feel the music- how many were dancing, head bobbing and what beat they seemed
to be on. i tried to sync with the bounce and beat they were on to see what
part of the music they were responding to. i think i found alot of the music
was not rhythmic at all. i think the music is designed not to have a central
beat. most of the energy is expressed in the mosh pits and that needs no
rhythm, just chaotic energy. 
spacy t was good on guitar as always. i think it was sarah, norwood’s girl
who was having a good time releasing energy, stage dived and went into the
crowd with aggressive physical energy. the thing about her is that she is an
attractive black girl with a nice booty. ok, the booty part may have nothing
to do with it but to see a black female that attractive express semi-angry
aggressive non-personal violent physical energy was very refreshing. i mean
she crowd surfed like a whiteboy, hit the floor, jumped up and banged some
more. lonnie from weapon of choice was in the house. they played dirty walts
stuff before the fishbone set and it was really funky.
as i was vibin’ the house music between sets in the back of the club a girl
started to feel the music behind me. i noticed out of the corner of my eye
that she was rockin out. then she playfully and very friendly points out to me
a crazy video that was showing on the many video screens. she was full of
energy and cute, then as she walked away i saw them jeans she was wearing and
i remembered feeling her energy from outside the place. during the show she
got up on stage (the only one at that time from the crowd) and angelo let her
stay as she asked if sh could dance to the next song. she did and though her
rhythm could have been better, her energy was good. she really got into it and
at times shook it kinda right in them tight jeans she was wearing. her name
was reagan and she was cute.

medusa and feline
dec 28, 2001 templebar
ok, im writing later but i had to at least mention this. my fave place
trips me out again in the culture crossing department. im standing there
listening to a black bi-sexual female talk about how much she loves black men
in packed house of 20 sumn white people who are deep into the music. the
temple bar was unusually packed this night due to medusa’s following and it
tripped me out (again) to see white people embracing music that is
intentionally and philosophically black. maybe there is something im not
seeing or know yet and thats cool cause im always learning. in fact, as i type
this i got the idea of asking these kids about their motivation towards this
music the next time it goes down. i definitely should at least ask dj haul and
dj mason where they get it from cause they play music that is deeper than what
i got!!! another cool thing this night was seeing keaton simons playing with
the band. i was like “is there a band he doesnt play with???” i got
home and researched and found he is medusa’s musical director. the more i see
mr simons the more i like him.

food bowl
jan 2, 2002 pasadena, ca
even gospel gives up the

Posted by
1/2/2002, 10:41 pm
im kickin it in oldtown pasadena at the “food bowl”
-a pre bcs championship game street food festival-
and im listenin to the bands.
when this small gospel band and choir breaks off
into the (not just)knee deep “oh oh oh…” chorus.

the band already had my head bobbin’ but when
they broke off dat’funkystuff i jumped to my feet
and gave it up. the lead singer looks at me and
says “you know that one, huh?”
i very proudly waved my funk sign high for him &
all to see. he had the crowd sing it several times.
this gospel group sang maybe 5 songs and the only
call to sing from the stage was to sang dat’p-funkystuff…
(oh how the music moves me)

i am constantly amazed how wide spread p-funk is.
in my early days funk was a bad word, now look at it.

the theory is my thang…

bcs national
championship rose bowl
jan 3, 2002 rose bowl

is my weapon of choice…

Posted by
1/4/2002, 10:50 am
, in reply to

and i shall fear no evil


ok, so i make the above “semi-entelechical” post and m feeling pretty good having just made a few dollars.
i think to myself that the national championshipof college football is being played damn near in
my backyard and the least i should do is go hang out and maybe take a few pictures…

so i cruise to pasadena and right off the 134 fwy
on colorado blvd (the main drag) i find a parking space. this in itself is a mini-miracle considering i was about
1.5 miles from the rose bowl. so i say let me atm $60 and maybe scalp a ticket after the game starts
at super bargain basement prices.

lots of folx selling tickets and as i walk i inquire
about single tickets. $150, then $75, then a guy asks me how much i want to pay. i say $40. he says “you
must not want to go to the game” and i say i kinda don’t and keep walking. he kinda angrily says ok for
$40. (when you detect a slight tone of true anger you’ve bargained correctly).

so now my unemployed pfunk1 steeler jersey wearing
black ass is giddy. beautiful ticket in hand the first people i come to i say “man i shouldn’t be
here! i cant afford this shyt!” these dudes were
drunk as hell, but very cool. they started following me down the hill when one sees the back of my jersey.
he then starts to run down the p-funk he knows.
funny thing is, he was maybe 25ish and the main songs
he went to were “standing on the verge” and “cosmic slop” and not the popular stuff. i danced and sang
p-funk as we walked down to the stadium…

entering the stadium the house music was playing
salt & pepper’s “push it” which i thought kinda funky
for this relatively conservative crowd. i bounced
to it a bit.

as i made my way to my seat which was
miami side endzone 15 rows from field,
the next song played on the rose bowl
public address system was flashlight

corso sucks chant. my seat was
in the miami hurricane section right by the espn stage and the crowd
knew that corso was gonna pick nebraska to win. so they were chanting
“corso sucks.” another cool taunt they had was “win your
conference” refering to the fact that the nebraska cornhuskers
didnt even win their conference but was playing for national
the cornhuskers were a slow white team and their band was very
conservative (andrews sisters song) and square unlike the sexy girls and
funky band from miami (alice cooper song)

4 air force jets did a fly over as yplanda adams finished the star
spangled banner

talking to russian accent chauffeur
so much red from nebraska, over half of stadium. it was obvious the
political and financial power this team has from its fan support. and i
mean they all were dressed in red, it was impressive. the team obviously
didnt deserve to be there but judging by high number of fans and the
support you know they give you can see why they were selected.

the cheerleaders look too young, im getting old.
they look like kids

crowd very cool, friendly spirited

dudes hollering p-funk (for me)



events         –        



mysticism is the belief

that direct knowledge of

god, spiritual truth or ultimate

can be obtained through

subjective experience





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