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Subjective Experience: April 17, 2002

date event location
art institute of chicago

art institute of chicago
– chicago, il
04-17-02 jasper johns: 
prints from 4 decades
terra museum of american
art –
chicago, il
gary simmons
mies in america
people see paintings

chicago museum of
contemporary art

chicago, il
p-funk allstars

promowest pavillion
– columbus, oh
04-10-02 p-funk allstars
peabodys – cleveland, oh
egyptian galleries
early christian & byzantine art
cleveland museum of art
cleveland, oh
03-18-02 politically
incorrect taping
cbs studios –  hollywood,  ca
03-09-02 weapon of choice

natural afrodisiac


temple bar – santa monica, ca
03-07-02 the peak show

pleasure club

om trio

temple bar – santa monica, ca
03-02-02 lobster bar at tarzan’s golden
nugget casino – laughlin, nv
03-01-02 tarzan’s nightclub golden
nugget casino – laughlin, nv
02-28-02 kindness of friends: 

a selection of gifts of drawings and prints

four centuries of prints and drawings: 

recent acquisitions

los angeles county
museum of art
02-22-02 skubbi snax
cafe cocomo
– san francisco, ca
02-21-02 fine arts museum of s.f.  legion
of honor – san francisco, ca
02-19-02 the metreon

rollerball (movie)

the metreon 
– san francisco, ca
02-16-02 henry s. johnson book
hollywood park casino – los angeles, ca
02-15-02 “love hurts” screening 
pan african film
– los angeles, ca
02-10-02 weapon of choice the
temple bar – santa monica, ca
02-04-02 wendel-mendel

electric fans


temple bar – santa monica, ca
01-30-02 the royal tenenbaums sherman oaks cinema
01-26-02 birth
of moremi elize, my 1st niece
kaiser permanente – los angeles, ca
01-25-02 studio rehearsal with 

p.tracey & john d

sound arena – van nuys, ca
01-23-02 the clinton newstars 1650 – hollywood,ca
01-22-02 the clinton newstars dragonfly – hollywood, ca
01-19-02 living colour
featuring george clinton

house of blues
– disneyland, ca
01-18-02 maceo parker

natural afrodisiac

house of blues
– disneyland, ca
01-09-02 trulio disgracias


the joints

– los angeles, ca
01-06-02 derf reklaw

the rhythm room all stars

temple bar – santa monica, ca


room allstars

jan 6, 2002 templebar
i didnt feel a good bit of the opening act derf reklaw. i wasnt
getting the rhythms at all. it was so bad at one time i jumped up to see
what was wrong, it seemed that off. like i told dj haul, i can dance to
the sound of running water but i aint feeling this. then they played a
funk tune with rhythms i was sure of and they hit it. i thought this because
derf was singing and not playing. it was very strange cause as long as
ive been going to the temple bar this felt like the first “bad” band i
had heard. but they kinda recovered, but still very strange beats to say
the least.and ofcourse the people in there were mostly white and young
so i didnt expect them to know if this mostly percussion band was bad.
i usually applaud when something good happens and that may not necessarily
be when a break occurs. even if the music is bad, the music or band has
parts when its an obvious time to clap, and the crowd responded at these
times. maybe they felt it and i didnt. looking around the room, maybe 2
people out of 70 showed a rhythmic response to the music, the rest just
sat there like white people do i couldnt tell if it was the music or the
people. once again, dont get me wrong- i love white people. i love everybody
but i do recognize the differences and can point them out. 

the rhythm room allstars made up for it though. they bounced me back
into it. dj mason and dj haul scratchin to a full band doing comlpicated
rhythms riding on music with good positive movement. double g (weapon of
choice) on horns, jose lopez (i think) is the bare foot guitarist with
toe ring who ripped it up with trulio disgracias there before. dave on
percussion. good strong positive music. and afterwards me and all my 20
sumn white friends (ok, mostly girls) danced and vibed to dj mason who
was spinning a very very good first i was feeling old and black
with all them 20 sumn’s, i was the only black male in the joint other than
derf reklaw’s band who were close to my age and race. but afterwards all
that went away as i vibed out to the music. and i got deeply lost in the
music enjoying the freedom of rhythmic dance expression, sweaty, eyes closed
and letting the music take me anywhere we (me and the music) wanted to
then every so often i would come back and peep the floor of 20 sumn
girls vibin out and that was good. i danced a 15 minute stretch with my
t-shirt wrapped around my eyes as a blindfold very close to the speaker.
it was just me and the music and i got lost in it . in that freedom. i
thought again, i hope I NEVER loose the ability to vibe out like this.
never get to the point where i feel too self conscious to dance it out.
it felt like it had been a long time since ive done this and it felt good.
oh yeah, it was also the first time that i saw aron (temple bar’s sound
guy) dance, it was cool he had a nice little bounce and i told him…

jan 18, 2002 house of blues
maceo pointed at me in my pfunk1 jersey and said “you’re numba one,
huh?” i said “hell yes” and danced around dead on beat so he could see
da p funk on my back. as i finished  my dance spin i saw him pointing
and laughing. thats how the show started. ran into greg thomas preshow.
also a cool polish dude i met before who i drop science with and learned
that everywhere else in the world the devil is black. he said he wondered
why when he came to this country the devil was red. 

when the show got cookin good and after greg thomas did sum’n funky
with maceo on a soprano sax he had in his car, mr george clinton comes
out and the place goes crazy. the house’s energy and mine went through
the woof. at that point it beacme a funk show. maceo was saying lyrics
from live p-funk albums he did in the past. it was really cool to here
them live after hearing them so many times on tape. funny part was they
didnt fit into what was going on, but they sounded soooo good. maceo was
also funny when he said about george that you would ask him a question
and he would just bark at you. maceo said what a deep and interesting concept
to just bark at someone when they ask you somethin. that was funny and
the way he said it still makes me laugh. 
greg boyer, rodney skeet curtis , greg thomas, maceo and george on the
stage together playing was cool.

colur allstars

jan 19, 2002 house of blues disneyland
i got there late, after living colour had finished their set. talley
had my ticket so i had to get inside to get him to get it. so as the crowd
waited around i was buzzing back and forth in my pfunk1 jersey trying to
find him and get the ticket. i know the crowd was aware of me. shelia e,
vernon reid, corey glover and others start the groove for the song “i not
always there when you call, but im always on time” and it was smooth. as
thangs got started george came out and the energy again (just like last
night) went through the woof. george did his thang and eventually settled
in to “red hot momma” and the band grooved. it was funky. 

corey glover (living colours lead singer) then morphed that into “we
want the funk.” george had left the stage and thats when corey did his
thang where he walks thru the crowd singing. by this time i got my pfunk1
jersey off waving it as a flag wearing my homemade “kordell”headband (the
steelers had a big playoff game the next day against baltimore, we spanked
them) and the corey comes over to me. i see him coming and enjoyed every
moment. i was able to maintain my groove on beat knowing everybody was
watching. i spun around dancing on beat enjoying and anticipation coming
up and groovin with mr glover. when i saw living colour a few months ago
i liked when mr glover climbed the balcony with the mic and sang from there.
so it was like all so good when i knew i was gonna be able to groove with
a little mo spotlight. i cant remember exactly what i did as we danced
and grooved but i know i was on it. i felt the music and i enjoyed the
extra eyes on me. plus the fact that i genuinely liked corey’s persona
and the way he grooves made it even better. i dont know what i did i just
know i funked the hell out of the moment.


jan 22, 2002 dragonfly

hanging with mike ledton horn player who played in the living colour
allstar set and was singing “let us in we’ll turn this mother out refrain”
while airbody else sang “we want the funk” he said he was living colours
original lead singer before corey glover
somehow i had trey lewds attention and i started singing one of his
lyrics that had been in my head for a couple days. i didnt even say hi
or whattup i just started singing it and he gave me much love for it. i
could tell he was touched as he explained how that lyric originally just
happen to come out and how he didnt even know how he did it.

hanging cute light skinned singer and dude who was making a movie. they
were so cool and had so much imagination. i told them that i work with
computer people im not use to being around people with so much imagination. 

i was just sitting there minding my own biznness and folx started coming
around, next thing i know its a conversation party. we were on the back
patio deck of the place.

first night didnt work but the second night we went off!!!

when secret agent bill played this night folx left. the floor actually
became empty. but when the funk came out the crowd returned.


this was an experiment in not only music but culture. sean healy mixed
bands and followings from very different cultures. crazy punk, metal, rock
and the cool thing was these local groups brought their followings. 

the first band were white dudes with crazy costumes who passedout twinkies
and twizzlers during the show. i liked how their memebrs danced all over
the auditorium. they were like punk metal or sumn. so was the next band
as i recall. but the music played in between bands was hip-hop and everybody,
even the white people seemed to vibe ok to that. 

there was a black gangsta rap group that kept it real. these boys came
out cussing, using the word nigga and talking bout pussy. in fact they
had a song called “pussy popping.” there uncensored rawness is umn white
groups dont have or dont do as readily. it was about 8 young black dudes
just coming out and talking dat shit like it was no thang. the audience
was mostly white but they used the word nigga like a pronoun. i thought
this very cool. 

one of the coolest things was the black female dancer the rap group
had. man she could move. i forget how sensual and sexy black female can
be. this girl made me forget all the dancing white girls ive seen over
the last year. her dancing made them seem like kids playing. she was cute
rhythmic and i could feel her feeling it. man she was cute

i think it was malia franklin who was there singing on stage and vibin
me giving the “4 the funk” sign back

george sang hot sauce by thomas dolby, a very obscure song i had just
been listening too

overton was running around the place

he did a sign “an experiament gone strong” which i had to have an got

towrds the end of the show i danced behind the crowd to the open floor,
but my stuff down and just grooved around it dancing in a circle.

george doing the sir nose lyrics from aqua boogie

secret agent bill

very diverse groups. punk, crazy metal, hardcore westcoast rap. 

last night the show didnt work, but this night it did. secret agent
bill is a punk band that george seems to be working with. blackbyrd and
frankie shared drum and guitar duties with them and also mixed funk with
punk that settled into a funky type groove. 

rehearsal – headphonesinger

jan 25, 2002 sound arena
this was my first time in a real music rehearsal studio. it was a building
with a bunch of semi soundproofed rooms of different sizes with drums,
guitar amps, monitor speakers, mics with stands, etc. it cost like $16hr
and we had it from 8-12pm. its cheaper during the day. anyways i ran into
p.tracey at the clinton newallstars show and he told me they had rented
studio time and if i wanted i could drop in and play a bit. we thought
it was scheduled for thursday but it ended up being friday so thursday
i ended up over p.traceys with him and john d. and we just fooled around
with the music. john d is a drummer and he had a snare and used the base
the mic stand for foot producing a nice bass drum. p.tracey played rhythm
guitar and i just rapped talked. we each had headphones on and could hear
each other. i love the sound of my voice. i deeply love it. 

listening to the recording we made a day later i relaized how good john
and phillip really were. while doing it ya feel it and not observe it so
it was all good. but the next day listening i wa like these dudes held
it down very nicely and i realized that just cause i had the mic and did
most of the talking that i was as much a follower of the music as i thought
i was the creator. ptracey put down some very cool gutiar riffs that i
flowed to and john d would catch it then maybe take the lead. this was
my first time doing anything with live musicians and i was very very excited,
like a little kid. i wanted everything recorded and one time after i laid
down a serious vocal rap style i wanted to be sure we were recording. i
asked ptracry to double check and sure enough, we werent recording. i was
slightly upset cause i was hurt that we didnt get my performance which
may have been one of the best in my life and definitely the first of me
doing a style i may have invented. anywayz i say all this to say this;
much much much love to ptracey and john d for inviting me and allowing
me to be a part of this. i think they are much better than they will admit
and it was a pleasure for me to experience them doing their thing…
one thing i liked about this whole thing was that i remained totally
open and uninhibited. i was able to comfortably express my passions and
thoughts freely and at will. we were recording and i was able to allow
any feeling i have inside of me come out.


feb 2, 2002 templebar
willow is a band with white girl lead singer on guitar. she was a thin-wrist
smallish brunnette with a very powerful voice. like a cross between american
country and ireland. i enjoyed watching her play a strong steady guitar
in her female way. she wasn’t so much cute, but very attractive cause of
her way of being a plain female white girl with a controlled powerful voice
and music. 

electric fans is a group from amsterdam who played music at a techno
frequency with fairly traditional instruments. one dude had a mouth harp
connected to what looked like guitar wah wah foot pedals on a table. the
music was kinda upbeat dance trance played live i guess. the funny thing
about this was the crowd that was dancing. i dont usually laugh at white
people dancing but tonight what these people were doing on the dancefloor
could only be called chaos. it was a group of about 9 barely 21 white girls
and at any given time none of them were on beat. i literally laughed out
loud watching some of the “moves” these young girls were attempting. there
was no rhythm or harmony to what they were doing. they all seemed to be
dancing to their own music and not what was being played. 
wendel was a mellowy soft jazz kinda thang. full band with a smooth
percussion, very mellow.

of choice
feb 10, 2002 templebar
mason played trouble funk’s drop the bomb, funk u up
by sequence, arcade funk and to top it off a remix of parlet’s play
me or trade me.
when i heard parlet i spun around and hurriedly walked
over to him and screamed “HELL NO!!!” he immediately smiled and laughed
and seemed to know exactly how i felt. earlier i was telling kareem and
them i have been blessed to have good djs in my life. how lucky i was to
have a place like the temple bar that plays the kind of music i love so
much. i even chatted with my fave cutie waitress about how ive been spoiled
by the quality of music here. it had been so long since i heard mediorce
music that when i did it was trippy. 

i also thought how ive grown to take for granted my fave local band
weapon of choice. humans become numb with familiarity. lonnie and them
are good and as a band i probably see them the most. and i see a lot of
damn good bands. anywayz tonight again i tripped out as mi fave place once
again tripped me out with its ultra diversity. white white people playin
funk. and i mean white white not just in color, but in ethnicity. a 20
sum’n girl and a middle aged male and female. female (elizabeth) on trombone
was funky and balding chris on sax was too. so funky in fact the contrast
in physical appearance and spiritual vibe tickled me. i love the horn in
woc music, it adds a cool dimension. i was ready for the short set so it
didnt hurt so bad this time when it ended. josh? on guitar was spirited
tonight. the keys can make sounds with a tight control of frequency that
no other instrument can. im very very spoiled …

feb 15, 2002 magic johnson’s

bernie, maceo, mudbone, mike hampton, 
shider, fred wesley live nyc 9-28-90

Posted by PFUNK1on 2/16/2002,
4:45 am
95% of the 90 minute movie “love
hurts” was live concert footage.

it had a very loosely based
storyline. this film screened

tonight at the pan african
film festival in L.A.

and 80% of the concert footage
was of bootsy’s

show in nyc 1990. they played
a bunch of stuff in

the film including a complete
version of cosmic slop.

(garry & gary if ya hear

when they started to get p-funky
garry took off his

pants to reveal diaper…

maceo, garry, mike h all looked
so different (11 yrs ago)

(mr hampton is so spirited
and into the music that

he is jumpin up and down while

telephone bill

munchies for your love

rather be with you

bernie solo

maceo solo

bootsy solo

lots of mr shider’s singing,

mike h did a spirited cosmic

garry & gary was good

lots of overton earthmon graphics

funkin for fun (album version
as background music)

lots of other songs & funk

funkadelic flag on a characters
bedroom door

the audio and video had a “raw”
feel to them.

lots of unconventional camera
angles (updside down,

extreme closeups, etc). the
rawness worked for me

as i feel some stuff is too
polished. it feels

more real the less edited and
manipulated it is.

i liked the “dirtyness” of
the concert footage

a good portion of teena marie

deja vu and others live

very cool evening, hung out with
overton and talked funk before the show. got some very interesting insight
into funk. p-funk productioin manager and his wife (one of the sexy p-funk
dancers), frankie waddy, etc in attendance.
the movie was created by darryl mccane who is a real cool
funky dude (but a raider fan). ive seen him at alot of shows and i knew
he had video of me from over the years. so i asked him about it at a show
and he told me of screening.
i love black people

i was spose to have like a cameo in the movie’s concet
footage, but all i saw was “Jeffery” in the credits and that was kool-aid
with me.


s. johnson book signing

feb 16, 2002 hollywood park casino
i love black people and the way we do it with so much style, flair
and coolness. compared to white people its like black people are showing
off at everything they do. maybe cause we do everything with so much pride,
enthuiasm and excitement. dr johnson wrote a book about the oj simpson
conspiracy in which he brings up points about the evidence and other things
that he feels clearly show that the whole trial was a sham and a frame-up.
bubba smith was there. it was held in a rather sizable banquet room at
the hollywood park casino and there was a live acid jazzy band. 

it was good to see black people and especially black girls. but ofcourse,
white female definitely represented. dr johnson’s wife was white and his
kids were mixed and just gorgeous. (seems like mixing of breeds produces
beautiful offspring). they are from brentwood or sumn so there were those
santa monica type young white girls there alongside urban black females.
very diverse setting. very nice layout with food and stuff.
dr johnson spoke about his book with so much excitement mixed with black
coolness that it reminded me of me. style and funkiness mixed with information
and a serious subject matter. when i shook his hand he said to me something
like “you seen me up there..” and he did like a little shoulder shake dance
move and i was like yeah! me and him definitely had extended eye contact
through his speech and at times it seemed as if he was looking directly
at me for long periods of time. (im use to this. having a speaker speak
directly to me when im in a crowd). he had charisma and i felt he could
see things in people that i can cause he knew i digged that dance thang


mar 1, 2002 laughlin, nv
the club this night and till around april is free and no dresscode.

i was tired and not really feeling it as i had just drove from 5 hours

but stopped in cause it was free and had no dresscode. other than

the bass player i was the only black person in there, but for

what ever reason i was relaxed with aggressive confidence that

im sure could be seen in my walk and disposition. 

the club this night was filled with drunk non dancing whitefolx out for a good time. i aint hatin on nobody, but watching

i saw no one with any rhythm or any type of sustained dance groove.

the one semi-nicely thick white girl with an almost decent move

did that same move all night. at first it was sexy, then it

became funny as she applied the same move to every groove. then

it became irritating. but one thing about white girls they can

be openly playfully sexual, black girls are more sensual. these

girls was just drunk and being free. i like this. forget the

dance moves, these people just wanted to rub body parts together

in public, be sexually stimulated and arouse each other. very

playful. couple of cutie in there but nothing that motivated me.

the band, afterplay, was a tad below mediorce. the bass player

was good, the white female britney type but more soulful funky

singer was good and kinda cute, but the rhythm guitar and drums

made mistakes and missed beats all night. hey, call me spoiled

but im use to world class bands so i notice miscues.

at tarzans
mar 2, 2002 laughlin, nv
because mommy had so much comp $$ from being rated when gambling, she
got like $900 worth of food credit. so when we hit this place its basically
“give me two of ’em.” i ate so much crab legs and  lobster tails that
i was about to bust. the 50 sumn waitress we had last time remembered me
from the last time i was here and that made me feel good.

peak show

mar 7, 2002 templebar
i spent my $7 this night to see and hear live the person responsible
for this magnificient voice. i recored to cassette a previous
temple bar performance so i was fairly familiar. this girl has a voice
a man could worship. energy, tone or whatever to me its special. the drummer
was very very impressive also. it was good to sit in mi fave place anticipating
seeing for the first time the creature which could create sounds like this.
she sang a jackson five song. they seemed to play a more rock type set
vs the temple bar set. regeardless i was honored to stand there in the
presence of that voice. definitely want more. 

pleasure club was like a rock-n-roll punk funky band. they were good
and had good movement. the music had strange energy because of the mix
of a punk tone over rock-n-roll played very funkily. the lead singer had
good vocals and kept the music moving.
om trio was drums, bass and keyboards. very very electronicly jambandish
funky. keyboard was tight and played with steady tight repitive rhythms.
so tight they could entrance.


mar 18, 2002 cbs studios
bill maher seemed disgusted and frustrated. his tone and everything
suggested that there was something he was an injustice he was struggling
against. kinda like a disgruntled worker he just did what he was suppose
to do and nothing above that. the only spontaneous line he delivered to
the audience (there was supose to be a question and answer period that
never happened) roughly  said something about the “fucking little
guy” getting a break. 

florence henderson and tom greene were the celebrity guests. florence
and maher had on tons of tv make-up. the topic was about the consequences
of eating meat. like it takes 16lbs of grain to produce 1 lb of meat, the
grain could be used to feed people. an there is tremendous amounts of waste
from cows that needs to be disposed of.
got there at 3:15 to stand in line, cbs studios. the “price is right”
people were there too taping. we stood in lines, were informed and entertained
until we got in our seats around 4:30. then a cool funny guy in the studio
did jokes and explained things and tried to get the crowd going. one thing
i noticed was this wasnt a “g” rated thing. there were a number of casual
references to some pretty racy things regarding sex and drugs. 

it was cool thing to do, a bit too touristy and i really dont like being
part of a hearded crowd. i didnt like being one of many and non-distnguished
even though i was in a “dont bother me” mood.





events         –        



mysticism is the belief

that direct knowledge of

god, spiritual truth or ultimate

can be obtained through

subjective experience





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