date | event | location |
01-24-01 | king’singers | the barclay theatre – irvine, ca |
01-21-01 | annual flag football game | valancia high school – plancentia, ca |
01-19-01 | dave mason | sun theatre – anaheim, ca |
01-19-01 | -la louver (ken price, john goode)(contemporary art museums) |
venice beach, ca |
01-19-01 | dresden staatskapelle | orange county performing arts center
costa mesa, ca |
01-18-01 | -voyages and visions: early photographs
from the wilson family collection -mexico: from empire to revolution (part #1) |
the getty museum – los angeles, ca |
01-17-01 | -edward s.curtis: sites and structures | orange county museum of art
(main and south coast plaza locations) newport beach, ca |
01-16-01 | california institute of the arts |
valencia, ca |
01-14-01 | casino morongo | cabazon, ca |
01-13-01 | dayton contemporary dance company | luckman fine arts complex
cal state la – los angeles, ca |
01-13-01 | museum of jurrasic technology | culver city, ca |
01-10-01 | -museum of contemporary art
-la public library |
downtown los angeles, ca |
01-09-01 | los angeles zoo | los angeles, ca |
01-07-01 | sundays live: los angeles mozart | la county museum of art |
01-05-01 | she stoops to conquer | knightsbridge theatre – pasadena, ca |
01-04-01 | ronald reagan presidential library |
simi valley, ca |
01-03-01 | rose parade float viewing |
pasadena, ca |
12-31-00 | p-funk allstars/grateful dead |
the arena – oakland, ca |
12-29-00 | fellowship riverside gardens |
mill creek park – youngstown, oh |
12-29-00 | bulter institute of american art | youngstown, oh |
12-27-00 | mooney vs howland (9th gr. b-ball) | cardinal mooney HS – youngstown, oh |
12-24-00 | steelers vs chargers | jack murphy stadium – san diego, ca |
12-20-00 | nutcracker – moscow classical ballet | pasadena civic auditorium – pasadena, ca |
12-19-00 | richard nixon library |
yorba linda, ca |
12-14-00 | nutcracker – pacifica ballet | the barclay theatre – irvine, ca |
more events
nutcracker – dec 14, 2000 ballet pacifica ballet is beautiful. sometimes in musicals the fluid motion of the stage and actors is in time with the music. in ballet its all the time. its like a group of music synchronized mimes telling a story. the way the girls flowed with the music- there was 2 brothers in the whole 1200 person audience, me and what seemed to be the 2nd lead male dancer who played the snow king. it was beautiful how he elevated the slender white female as she ran so it seemed like she was flying to the music. sculptured poses. feminine but healthy physically tone. thin but very graceful and swam like.girls of all ages. 3-4 year olds playing mice. the stage darkened then one little girl in a very cute white mouse costume with tail and ears ran across the stage. then another and another but one at a time then they flowed on to the stage until there was 9 of them. they were doing a very simple step but to be 3-4 years old and on stage it was good and it was to the music. the other age groups seemed to be middle (8-15 teens) and then the older more experienced dancers who did the more serious moves.very very pleasant to watch. to see humans in rhytmic synchronized motion to music. the dancers also moved in patterns that gave off an illusion. graceful female form to music ballet may be better if viewed from a distance. definitely liked seeing |
nutcracker – dec 20, 2000 moscow classical ballet ballet is beautiful. the pasadena civic auditorium is beautiful. life is beautiful.this performance seemed to focus more on dancing and fundamentals. the set was a lot less fancy and there were less scenery changes than the performance by ballet pacifica. also pacifica’s performance was more “fun.” but what they lacked in theatrics they made up for with dance. fluidity, gracefulness, and pure athletic ability…slender and graceful russian girls flowing with a live classical orchestra… the queen of the mice was my favorite, natalia korneeva. her i found that the “single ticket law” may work too well. there i saw andy garcia on the way in. we made eye contact. then |
steelers vs chargers 2000photos dec 24, 2000 jack murphy stadium i danced all day long. we drove the 37ft rv down the night before and found we couldnt park in the lot. so we parked at a walmart and slept till the 7am…we were like the 2nd people in the lot so we parked relatively close to some poeple who set up a big steeler sign and a cool xmas tree. people had their stuff set up so nice it was like “displays” of food and steeler stuff all over…we had a kitchen so we (jesse) cooked breakfast- eggs and salmon croquettes. got my plate and was steeping out the rv as these brothas bumpin funky music pulled up right beside the rv. the windows were down so i stepped off the rv like i was comimg to meet them. i said what up to airbody in the ride, spun around so they could see the p-funk on my back and the party was on. they bumped the beat for the next 4 hours while folx grilled drank and vibed so much steeler gear everywhere!! seemed like more steeler fans in the stadium i wore myself out like a little kid. during the 2 and 3 at the tailgate party, brothers was just vibin and groovin together after the game i was groovin when good mix of people. those white white bred pittsburghers everybody drinking and grilling and eating, a very very good party in the rv we had a tv so we could watch the baltimore lots of folx were in and out of our rv i felt really good, really relaxed, my vibe was on full lot of people calling “p-funk” got to the point i got use to folx in my vibe confidence was at its highest. i walked got to the point i was all vibed out. i had a ticket that was damn near on the 50yrd line it was cool to see kordell’s reaction after he i was able to see kordells demeanor as he talked i saw the reaction of the defense as it had to go back on the field saw shelly from clancys, she looked good lots of compliments on my jesters hat and my santa claus hat, it got to the point where it was hard to describe i really enjoyed dancing all day. chillin in the rv for being with all the steeler fans, so many people with there were no black females at the tailgate party, |
butler institute of american art photos dec 29, 2000 youngstown, oh last time i was here was like 30 years ago on a school field trip. im thinking ive been to the finest art galleries in the world. im thinking: youngstown art? yeah right! then i see that this museum specializes in american impressionism. neither of which are any where close to being one of my favorites. but i have to admit, i was impressed. the best thing that could have happened is that i learned something new. and i did. i really liked the paintings of american impressionism. it had the “fantasy” of impressionism with an american realism. the style was realistic enough for me to appreciate it. also, the building was modern and brand new. having hung out in the poverty of the southside for a few days it was good and strange to see a beautiful modern building in this dying city… |
she stoops to conquer jan 5, 2001 knightsbridge theater a friend turned me on to where i found tickets so cheap i had to check this out. i was also impressed by ticketclub cause one of the ad thingys was that they had tickets to see the p-funk allstars last sept for half-price. anywayz the knightsbridge theatre is nestled (it actually is) in pasadena’s old town right behind the muse (funky club). it has a very quaint lobby area decorated to give an authentic old small theatre feel. it was cool. the actual theatre holds about 100 seats and is small, dark and the stage is barely above floor level so it has a real close & cozy feel. no leg room though. the productions here have history and have been written up in newspapers. the play she stoops to conquer was written in like the 1870’s but is considered racy and nontraditional for its time cause it didnt take the soft approach and has worldy issues. the clever thing that the director did was to set this play in a 70s “three’s company” sitcom type setting while keeping the dialect of the period. before the show tv themes song played over the audio system (some good old ones that brought back memories). and they used faked applause and played authentic audio from old commercials throughout the play. the characters were costumed in 70’s style clothing with a 70s style set but spoke traditional old english with that shakespearen type accent. i may have been tired cause i thought it slow at first, but as the plot developed it got better. it is a very very complex and entertaining plot involving sex, lust, money and love in a dramatic comedy. overall, this kinda thing may be kinda dry for my tastes but i enjoyed the experience just the same. |
sundays live jan 7, 2001 lacma mozart: sonata for violin and piano in b flat major k 454 – piano and violin: largo; allegro, adante, allegretto faure: piano quartet in c minor, opus 15, piano, 2 violins, viola, cello: allegro molto moderato, scherzo: allegro vivo, adagio, allegro molto- what all that means i dont know, but one day ill look back and i will… the 1 hour performance was kinda dry, but had a couple of good moments |
los angeles zoophotos jan 9, 2001 as far as zoos go, this seemed like a cool one. but the thing that struck me was how “unhappy” the animals looked. it was kinda depressing. they looked really lethargic. they had no life. no spirit. all movements were slow and the animals appeared sedated. i imagined these big strong creatures running or fighting for their lives in the wild and then i see the same half alive animal…its good for kids and folx to see these animals, but i think we have to re-think the whole concept and structure of our zoo system… |
museum of jurrasic technology jan 13, 2001 culver city, ca the museum of jurrasic technology is the most intellectually deepest museum i have ever been in. it is small and it is also the darkest (literally). it specializes in the lower jurrasic (whatever that is) and basicly showcased items from 2 or 3 great but unrecognized thinkers. these were very smart men who thought way outside of the mainstream and didnt achieve the fame others did. this made me think that there are many many great thinkers who dont achieve fame so therefore go without notice. and i thought of all the knowledge that they have that goes un noticed- (thank god for the internet!!!)the museum is relatively small and VERY dark. it is set up in kinda a maze with no set path to walk thru, though things are organized in sections. there are displays and booths using video and 3-d glasses for effect. there are numerous phones that play recordings of information about each display. deep concepts are displayed in an almost eerie setting and the effect is very very deep. i am happy when i learn something new. i get excited when i learn a new concept and i learned at least one thing for sure at this place. it was a concept by geoffrey sonnabend called the “obliscence: theories of forgetting and the problem of matter.” it was so good i bought the $2 handout. roughly what i got from it is that the past does not exist. it is something that we create(d) in our minds. memory is an illusion. he used a “cone of memory” by which all living beings experiences experience. this cone intersects with the “plane of experience” at another thinker in the museum was athanasius kircher’s |
dayton contemporary dance company jan 13, 2001 luckman fine arts complex is god. i scored this ticket for free- $4 service service charge and it was row 3 aisle far right. my info is stored on the website so all i have to do is click 5 times and the ticket is purchased by my checking account, held at will call and a confirmation e-mail with all information is sent to me. i am notified of events via e-mail also…when i get there the will call girl (she was cute) couldnt find my ticket cause it was listed as jeffery with no last name. so i asked her what day it was and she said 12th. i said, ooooooops. my ticket was for the 13th. so i hit the bathroom and planned how i would comeback tomorrow. but before i left i checked my cell phone and it said jan 13. (and yes, my life is so good i forget what day it is alot) so i go back and show her the phone and she goes, ooooooops- then i see my name on the list at the top cause its listed without a last name…the harriet & charles luckman fine arts complex is hard to find in the dark. but when i did i found a very cozy modern place. a slightly sterile modern style using cloth tones. very comfortable though. there were lots of empty seats upfront and i ended up sitting row 2 a little close to the midddle. whats cool about this stuff is the ethnicity of it. it was like ghetto the dancers also had body: legs, calf muscles and booty. the girls were during the intermission a nearby gallery had a showing of technical the 2nd set had a serious tone. it was 6 dancers; 3 male and 3 female the 3rd set was a solo performance of a warrior doing an ostrich dance. and ofcourse i had a favorite, she looked puerto rican or something i was very impressed by this art form and will definitley be seeking |
casino morongo jan 14, 2001 cabazon, ca the casino morongo is on the indian reservation in cabazon. i messed up by playing $5 blackjack and $1 video poker on a $100 budget. money went way too fast. the blackjack is the same with a few added payoffs for 3 blackjacks in a row, 7-cards under 21, etc. but ya have to pay the dealer .50 each hand to play. the game i should have played all along was 25 cent video poker. at a layover in the vegas airport a guy playing next to me hit for a grand. he hit a royal flush. thats when it hit me that my strategy was wrong. a royal flush on a 5 coin bet ($1.25) pays $1000. (a grand is “alot” to me right now and $1.25 is nothing. so the payout and price per bet is perfect for my current economic standing). jacks or better gets your money back so you dont loose anything and get another shot at the royal. so if you are dealt facecards, aces or 10s of the same suit you keep them to go for the royal flush. and since you’re keeping facecards you have a chance for jacks are better also to get your bet back. ofcourse, if ya get dealt 3 of a kind or a possibility for a straight, you go for the payout and skip shooting for the royal. i never knew this and my strategy was to go for jacks or better by keeping only one face card or any pairs…i am a people watcher so after i tired of gaming (got broke) i just sat for an hour while mom and sis continued to gamble. i love people, ok i love girls. i study people, ok i study girls. i watch there mannnerisms. i see their curves and shapes. i notice angles and slopes of their faces. i see the lines of their hair. i look at girls cause i love them and i study them so i can draw them. sitting there i wished i had paper and pencil to draw but was too lazy to hunt them down. i noticed the people out there are different than the skinny, beautiful, |
ocma jan 17, 2001 newport beach, ca tale of two cities was 2 cities at war depicted using toy cars, boats, soldiers, etc. it also used common items like boxes and wine corks to imitate buildings and other stuff. it took up a whole room and is very very detailed and saturated with stuff. i looked at it first for a few minutes and then i used the binoculars that are provided. when i did i saw the work had such great detail that it amazed me. overall the museum leans towards the modern and there were some works that helped me better appreciate modern and contemporary art. more and more im starting to like it cause it uses modern media to communicate- video, lights, modern photography, etc…two galleries were closed so the lady gave me a free pass to come back feb 3 when they opened.the cool thing about museums is when i can be there alone and i love that. i was able to walk completely undisturbed and really concentrate on what i was seeing- (i love flying solo) when i can do that i can open up and be more sensitive to the works. ocma has two sites, the main one above and one in the south coast plaza |
dresden staatskapelle jan 19, 2001 orange county performing arts center the roots of this german orchestra go back 450 years. it has a very rich history. many of the great classical performers actually commented about it when they were alive. it was good seeing something so rich in tradition. and the fact that its from europe (it has to be to be 450 years old and western) made it even more exotic.before the concert they had a 1 hour preview of the concert that night. i think it was done by the same guy who does the sunday concerts that i go to at lacma on the radio. he explained the history of bethoveen and strauss and it was cool…there seemed like over 100 musicians in the orchestra. lots of violins and only one drummer. i found this interesting considering most popular music is drum driven. there even was a guy who stood there very attentively for 10 minutes just to clash the hand cymbols once. the whole thing is very very regimented and formal. almost too formal. i also wonder about the condutor leading the orchestra. it seems his they did two “sets.” the first was bethoven’s 8th. it was kinda dry, the sounds of the music express feeling and even describe the characters the music could show strength, sorrow, love and triumphant victory. you can say alot of things about life behind the orange curtain, but |
dave mason jan 19, 2001 sun theater dave mason played with a group called traffic and i think fleetwood mac. he is a good guitarist and i could tell by the crowd he has a solid following. the sun theatre is a goregously modern building that uses big structure. it has colorful lights outside, huge posters, spotlights and a big open air area in front with heaters and tables to stand by…the big big big thing about this concert was the characteristics of the demographics of this crowd. it was all white- maybe 2 other black folx out of maybe 1500. i had been here for funkadelic so i was suprised to see seats all the way up to the stage. usually there is a pit to dance and stuff, but they had seats so tightly packed up there it looked hard to walk thru…the crowd was a mix of white country and white pop folx. a coulple of warm up bands played and their music had good movement. dave mason played a blue-eyed soulful music that leaned heavily towards blues. the sound system and music sounded good. as these groups played i stood and looked back over the crowd. hardly dancing for me comes from the inside out. an energy or spirit in me so it is hard for me (especially lately since im so happy) to sit still now i know this aint my neighborhood. i know this aint my house and anywayz, it was like i gave respect to the home team by not showing but when dave mason started groovin it was tough. i didnt stand up but i knew that even in my chair i was jammin my ass off. i knew i was moving i really want to interview some white people about how and what they this non dancing thing is cut so sharply on racial lines that to think |
annual flag football game jan 21, 2001 plancentia, ca on the last play of the second game, which was the last play of the day, i threw the winning touchdown pass. |
king’singers jan 24, 2001 barclay theatre the king’singers are 6 men from cambridge, england. they are a world renowned acapella singing ensemble. they were good. the harmony was beautiful and they all had very very pleasing voices. the range of volume and tone. the tight harmonies. at times it was body tingling. a couple times they did very deep harmony that faded to such a smooth soft and quiet whisper that it gave me chills-of all my experiences in orange county as of late, i have been one of very few black people. but this night i was the only one. this was VERY conservative and older crowd of about 500. i may have been the only male wearing an earring. so it was not surprising that the jokes were so conservative that they they also made comment about seeing on tv how the orange county coastline one thing about this performance got me. i was knda put back by how but considering how small this ultra conservative crowd was and the |
events –
subjective experience