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Subjective Experience: October 6, 2002


date event location

soulive central park – pasadena, ca

television: steelers vs saints the 35er – old town pasadena, ca

high school junior varsity football:
cardinal mooney vs chaney
chaney high school
youngstown, oh

high school varsity football:
cardinal mooney vs chaney 
ysu stadium – youngstown, oh

television: browns vs steelers cheers – moreno valley, ca

annual moreno valley
jazz & blues festival:

gary bias band
the good company
the stanley baird band
seaborn ranch 
moreno valley, ca

b-side players summer concert series – pershing square
downtown los angeles


vegas weekend: busride/ horseshoe hotel
caesars palace: race for atlantis
bellagio: dancing waters
las vegas, nv
09-19-02 fishbone
weapon of choice
40 cycle hum
brothers from another planet
key club – hollywood, ca
09-14-02 alanis morissette
jason faulkner
greek theatre – hollywood, ca
09-13-02 the platters
7&fig tunes at noon concert series
downtown los angeles
09-11-02 trulio disgracias
40 cycle hum
freelance johnson
cat club –
hollywood, ca
09-10-02 movies: xxx pacific hastings – pasadena, ca
09-08-02 p-funk allstars harley davidson 
100 yr celebration
fontana, ca
09-07-02 p-funk allstars
james brown
living colour
4th ave jones
san diego street scene
san diego, ca
09-03-02 the funk bros knitting factory – hollywood, ca
09-03-02 screening: in the shadows of motown the egyptian – hollywood,ca
08-27-02 john brooks monorail the temple bar – santa monica, ca
08-22-02 weapon of choice the temple bar – santa monica, ca
08-17-02 simply so
city beach
fremont, ca
08-17-02 metreon san francisco, ca
08-16-02 skubi snax
city beach
fremont, ca
08-11-02 naturez dezign
lion heart

watts festival
– watts, ca
08-10-02 naturez dezign
modern groove assembly
four nineteen
black nation

watts festival
– watts, ca
08-08-02 orgone
rhythm room allstars
the temple bar – santa monica, ca
08-06-02 eric mcfadden
rich stites and the circle
the mint
– los angeles, ca
08-04-02 eric mcfadden casa rea – agoura hills, ca
07-31-02 orgone venice beach bistro – venice beach, ca
07-29-02 norton simon museum pasadena, ca
07-28-02 femi kuti
michael franti & spearhead
bongo maffin
hollywood bowl – hollywood, ca
07-27-02 movies: the minority report redlands cinema – redlands, ca
07-27-02 san bernadino national forest mentone, ca
07-21-02 40 cycle hum
dirty walt & the columbus sanitation
dr mad vibe 
killem gillem
dragonfly –
hollywood, ca
07-20-02 undercover brother ontario mills mall – ontario, ca
07-18-02 lettuce
kim hill
the temple bar – santa monica, ca
07-16-02 the peak show the temple bar – santa monica, ca
07-14-02 lake perris state recreation area perris, ca
07-07-02 we funk allstars downtown youngstown, oh
07-06-02 bernie worrell and the woo warriors nelson ledges quarry park
garretsville, oh
06-30-02 weapon of choice
ben taylor
the temple bar – santa monica, ca
06-27-02 maintain venice beach bistro – venice beach, ca
06-19-02 fishbone
canyon club – agoura hills, ca
06-16-02 playboy jazz festival hollywood bowl – hollywood, ca
06-15-02 star wars episode II: attack of the clones redlands cinema – redlands, ca
06-14-02 lakers championship parade & rally staples center – los angeles, ca
06-12-02 the peak show
the temple bar – santa monica, ca
06-08-02 4 queens hotel & casino
fremont street experience
las vegas, nv
06-04-02 venice beach boardwalk venice beach, ca
06-02-02 fishbone

dirty walt & the sanitation engineers

40 cycle hum

freelance johnson

killem gillem


cat club – hollywood, ca
06-02-02 television: lakers/kings game 7 frankie & johnnies ny pizza

w. hollywood, ca

06-01-02 newport beach pier newport beach, ca
05-24-02 the peak show


the temple bar – santa monica, ca
05-19-02 palm
springs desert museum
palm springs, ca
05-17-02 morris day and the time

mother’s finest

house of blues – hollywood, ca
05-15-02 weapon of choice the fabulous king king –
hollywood, ca
05-11-02 p-funk allstars sunset canyon amphitheatre – 
05-08-02 p-funk allstars ventura theatre – ventura, ca
05-07-02 p-funk allstars club townsend – san francisco, ca
04-26-02 the peak show


the temple bar – santa monica, ca
04-17-02 p-funk
house of blues – chicago, il



the peak
apr 26, 2003 templebar
she’s a girl with a voice that a man could worship,
thats why i go hear her. holland sang with a bit more energy an animation
than the last time i saw her. i so enjoy her voice and the vibe and the
music of the peak show. what was more special about this show is that 40
seconds after the show ended holland came out into the audience to chat
with friends 3 feet from where i was standing. i got to dance and vibe
energy knowing that she was within range. for about 20 minutes i danced
still feeling the energy from hearing her. during this and without saying
a word, i turned and shook her hand and bowed my head to show praise &
gratitude. she smiled and her body language showed she appreciated it. 

weapon of choice
may 15, 2002 fabulous king king
played without a drummer and it was refreshingly funky…
Posted by PFUNK1
on 5/16/2002, 5:54 pm , in reply to 
that ms 7 roses in the weapon of choice house last night?


horns, guitars, bass, sitar,
percussion, keyboard etc-

no drums, john steward (fishbone
drummer) was there but no kit

then here come mr norwood fisher
playing the cowbell

on such a tight beat i can
still feel it-

man he was keeping a steady

and rustyjfunk, guess what…

i met that “slender” dancer
after the show.

it was funny too cause somebOdy
brought up the “slender”

comment you made and she did
usual female “im not slender anymore” move

while turning to look at her

everything is relative

the peak

may 24, 2002 templebar
she sang with more energy than i ever heard her
before. holland was good-the kinda voice a man could worship. asl was
an ok kinda good with moments. no 5′-11″ ingrid though…  

june 2, 2002 cat club
i had met one of the freelance johnson guys at club 1650
when george clinton played there awhile
back. he had good energy in the crowd at cat club and one time he was walking by me and we
was bouncing on beat together without acknowledging each other. later told him i remember him
from the 1650 club the night clinton was there, he remembered
over hearing norwood saying “time is the fabric of the universe” and “practice with a metronome for 2 hours a day” while hanging out at the showdirty walt was funky. he got some deep funk in his music. sang a chorus similar to mothership
connection and another chorus was a play on “this little light of mine”jahboda was a skinny hippie semi grundge more rhythmicly vibey white dude. his music had
a nice mellow vibe with good moderate movement and mellowy energy..40 cycle hum was real good. the black gutiarist from sucidal tendanceies was really good. i thinkhis name was rocky or sumn and they played a funky metal type music. this
music had fast slicing movement. he played whiteboy type music but it had a funky way about it. angelo of fishbone dj’ed and the music was good. it set a good vibe for the evening. i was
bouncing to the music before i knew he was djing. told him i heard he knew sumn bout
youngstown and he said yeah and named “stambaugh auditorium, wick park and idora
park.” he called the rollercoaster the bobcat- it was the wildcat. there was a nice rhythmic vibe in the
cause of his dj’ing. it made for a good evening as a whole. i vibed the whole
evening and not just each individual act kinda sometimes…cat club was thin and long. no depth. stage was setup facing a wall 10 feet away. angelo sang and
danced some on a table it was so small. and it was packed and uncomfortable.
but still a very good evening…not many girls but the ones that were there were very interesting.

the peak show
june 12, 2002 templebar
damn. writing this i done seen holland and them like 3 times just on this
page! and each time she sang with more energy than previous. a voice a man can worship. i watched
the show from the back behind the crowd so i could be as crazy energetic and into it as
i wanted. and she did not disappoint. i deeply grooved with her voice and the music…
three was cool, kinda pop and tame with a couple of good moments when it
came together tight and funky…
but ofcourse, the night was all about the peak show…cool
thing too was it was a school night so im operating on 4 hours sleep and it aint so bad…i can hang out on
weeknights!!! one of the regular templebar waitresses was there looking all sexy out of uniform in
casual clothes…

playboy jazz
june 16, 2002 hollywood bowl
this is all about vibe. the music and bill cosby was just ok, but the
superlative about this thing is the black folx chillin. eveybody with their
picnic baskets and food and drink and smoke and looking good and feeling good.
all kinds of people but mainly black and non blacks who had deep association
with blacks. you can tell most of the white people there were had black inside
or black spouses. and the place and the crowd had rhythm.
i got there early and was in ultra chill mode. i didnt get anything to eat
before i went into the hollywood bowl so im walking around looking to buy
food. there was hardly none worth buying. it was like 3pm and i had got use to
the idea that all i would have to eat until 11pm that night was popcoen and
diet coke. which i got and ate sitting on a pedistrin median watching hundreds
of pretty girls stroll by. i was sittin in the shade (a lot of people were in
the venue in their seats in direct intense sun) eating popcorn for like 2
hours in heaven. pfunk1 jersey chillin wtchin hundreds of girls ethinic walk
past. and you know they knew i (actually we cause other brothers peeped what i
was doin and eased on over) was watching as they cooly strolled with their
sexy ways in there sexy summer clothes. and let me tall ya there was some fine
females there.
anywayz after a couple hours of that im vibin, drifting and floatin around
in a sureal state and run into cousins who was chillin out there. they had
food and drink and water and everything. i almost cried. i sat there and ate
in a nice shaded secluded picnic area that hard folx chillin and smokin and
hearing the music and kickin it. i so love black people. and i felt really,
really good. props to auntie rose and odell for bringing family to the

doin’ it with black folx

Posted by
6/17/2002, 1:27 pm

i did the playboy jazzfest yesterday at the hollywood bowl
and it was good to be in a crowd that had rhythm.
it was nice to be around folx who could fingerpop
and clap to a relaxed mid-tempo beat. to vibe to
the beat and to float easily and effortlessly on it…

so many times ive been in crowds and looked around
and nobody was even close to being on time. im not
talking about style of dancin, you can dance anyway
you want. but when you do and your movements are
in time with the music and others it creates
synergy and a deeper vibe. like in church when it
gets going good and the whole house is on the one…
im into everybody being on their groove and all
but it is really something special when a whole
room or crowd is groovin on a one (or “the” one)i think white people understand the high energy beats.
but i dont see many of them gettin the slower
tempo grooves where you have to wait for the next
beat. the slow and nasty stuff that drags.
when white crowds clap they often clap double
time cause there is less delay between beats and
its easier…
and i also think black american is very unique
and this uniqueness maybe something special…i wonder if the “vibration” or “natural tempo”
of the
black american is different from other blacks-
different from carribean or african blacks.
i get a different vibe from reaggae and carribean
music and african music and maybe thats cause we
vibe at different internal grooves…
i also saw a billboard for “african funk” at the
hollywoodbowl june 28th and i thought about our
discussion here about africa…

sooner or later, im going to africa…

championship parade
june 14, 2002 
i got so excited when my boss said i could go to the parade i jumped up and
down and hugged him. i left work and walked down figueroa to the staples
center in my pfunk1 steeler jersey and got a few comments form a few raider
fans. i got as close as i could but it was crowded. the crowd was spirited and
very energetic. they were very sexy, but very young. some of them girls seemed
too young to be dressed so sexy, but they was looking good. 
the music was incredibly good. mid-tempo bassy rap with good movement.
sound system was top notch and you could feel bass everywhere in the crowd of
thousands. one time a girl got up on a ladder and was dancin, then she takes
off her over shirt. then she teases showin her tits but doesnt and folx
started to boo and thats when the bottle throwing frenzy started. feeling the
energy of a frenzied crowd was good. laker_championship_parade_2002

june 19, 2002 canyon club

weapon of choice was on the bill but didnt show. this is like the 3rd time in
a row i went to see them and they were no shows. the crowd and agoura was lily
white. them white white that are so white in their ways that you feel so
different from them that you have to react to it. the night was summed up when
i went out on to the patio and the people were so young and white i almost
threw up. im not into fishbone music, i prefer the funk. 
deadweight had more of a funk flow than fishbone so i vibed them better.
they were a standup bass, violin and drums and made did some pertty cool
things with sounds and rhythms. i was standing next to fishbone’s drummer and
one time deadweight did a complicated groove that we both anticipated and
missed and it was good.
spacy t on guitar was good and fast. his hand speed was incredible. mayeb
even faster than blackbyrd’s, but i dont know. norwood was slappin the bass at
this incredible speed as spacy t stroked the guitar at high paced rhythms and
that was good.
saw the lead singer for jahboda in the house and a guy who sings lead for
reinfield returns said he remembered me from someplace and we think it was
when he played with trulio disgracias on my birthday at the templebar. he was
with a sexy long legged blonde and he said it would be an honor if i attended
his show in july. i got a good chuckle out of that…
the actual club itself is nice and big and is like a cross between the
templebar and the house of blues. buddah statues, thick carpets and couches
and dark. but in a huge room with a nice big wood dance floor… 

june 27, 2002 venice beach  bistro
it had been awhile since i had been funked so i was due. i saw maintain’s
gig  listed on a website as funk so i thought about it. i got home and
went to there website and soon as i heard the first soundbite i immediately
went and got in the shower and left. i needed some funk.
venice beach was very mellow. the weather was extremely comfortable. it
wasn’t crowded and i parked right on the beach ($4). venus and jupiter were
shining over the ocean and i could hear the music from a drum circle out on
the beach. maintain was very vibey and funky. what they lacked in funk
intensity they made up for in rhythm and vibe. really groovy groove. i was
vibin out front and center when a percussion guy sets up and sits in right in
front of me at my table. i was in heaven. more percussion came later and we
i was so on that i was able to anticipate a breaks and changes. like i
could sense the guitar or whatever preparing for the last beat before a
change. one time i had my back to the band vibin out and nanoseconds before
the break i felt it coming abd i was able to jump on it and hit it. and in the
quiet of the one beat pause i was able to take a breathe and go “wheeeew,”
then i spun around facing the band dead on the beat when the music started up
again. it seemed likei was clocking faster than life so small spaces of time
seemed long to me and i was able to do multiple things within these minute
lengths of time. 
i thought as i left about the delay in our perception of reality. we depend
on the speed of light to get us visual data the fastest way. but what if there
were other energies given of by events that traveled faster than light? what
if i had another sense that i could use to perceive reality “sooner”
than i do when dependiong on light and seeing. i thought if i could do that i
could “go faster” than normal life. clock at a higher frequency. it
seems by attaining and maintaining rhythms and higher rhythms that i sample
life at a faster rate and can do more things in a section of time 
either there is a distinctive pattern to funk or i anticpate well cause i
never heard this band before and more than once i knew where they were going
and when the beat would change and when the breaks would come. this one guy
played bass and he had his back to me but i predicted what he was gonna play
very accurately and i air strummed it for the few folx in the bar to see.

the peak show
july 16, 2002 templebar

this was the first time i ever saw drama at mi fave place. it seemed the peak
show and the sound guy (not one of the usual ones) had a problem in dealing
with each other. they were going back and fourth with verbal jabs during the
monitor adjustments. then during the first few seconds of the first song the
drummer made a comment in lyric about the soundman. so i think the soundguy
turns the volume down on their set and makes a comment. i was like wow. then
later i over hear the soundguy and who i believe to be an owner in a
conversation where the sound guy was using the f-word alot in a complaing/defending
tone. i just kept dancing and vibing the music but it was loud enough to
disturb me as i was in the back. anywayz this “drama” seemed to
motivate the peak show to play a more aggressive set. not like they were mad
or angry, but letting of steam. holland’s voice had aggression and power in it
this night. felt a little less animated but had more strength and force. she
hit a couple notes that i thought were driven by emotion. and most of the
drama seemed between the drummer and sound guy, the drummer played with what
seemed added aggression and “wildness?”. the sound guy was

july 18, 2002 templebar
lettuce opened up with parliament’s do that stuff. this music is
jamband funk. lots of horn, deep bass, keyboard, drums, and two guitars. they
play that tight rhythm guitar pickin groove. horns over the top and sometimes
a lead guitar. funky jambandish. guitar player and horn from soulive. they
played a relatively long set.
kim hill was good. black female groove. not so much r&b and soul, but
soulish groove. keaton simons & mark from weapon of choice were in the
band. at the end keaton did a guitar solo with his voice electronic with the
guitar scat like, i digged it.
dj haul was there and i told him ive been blessed to have good dj’s in my

undercover brother
july 20, 2002 ontario mills

this movie touched on so many philosophical points that i agree with that it
almost sacred me. so many points about race, evolution and stereotypes that
are so aligned with my thinking its hard for me to believe that i am the only
one who sees it. add eddie griffin and the socio-politicals that has always
been involved in p-funk understanding. 
even how eddie was bobbin his head in the opening while driving singing
“we want the funk” reminded me of me. first that p-funk music came
on and i was bobbin then they showed eddie in the cadillac and we was
head-bobbin right on time together. then we sang it word for word together.
(he sang the parts i emphasize most when im in the car)
politicaly it made statements about “the man” that i had just
written about in a daily. they even had the man depicted as a gray suit with a
combover, that george bush head style thang. they depicted a popular black
general (col powell?) as being a puppet for the man. they made statements
about marijuana, the ability to dance and rhythm, how black culture is being
absorbed by airbody including whites who dont agree with it. the helpless
white girl (white she devil as a spy) meeting black male was masterful and
then having her actually joining the brotherhood. conspiracy brother, smart
brother, intern whiteboy, etc etc. this movie was funny, funky and made many
statements about society and the direction of society that i not only agree
with but have been writing about.
when the white intern “went off” he really went off. they
stereotyped him as a mild mannered  white man who when he goes off, he
really goes off. the most gory part of the movie as far as killing was done by
a white male. it was so graphic that it was obviously making a statement. he
ripped a heart out of one guy, the spinal column of another and smashed
anothers head.
afterwards i hung out at ontario mills mall. damn, now thats a big place.
lots of people of al kinds. mostly teenagers but they were cool. huge food
court, music, festive, stores, folx hanging out. there where some black
teenage boys dancing by one store who had a dj (asain playing black rap). i
noticed that the modern dances had complicated rhythms. they seemed more
energetic than the street dances of old and much more complicated and
challenging to perform. i like this. its like they are growing up doing more
sophisticated moves. and visually they are stimulating.
i also saw a black girl with a body that made me gasp. GOD WAS SHE CUTE!!!!
jesus christ and his virgin mother of mary. she was wearing low riding jeans
with a tight shirt that showed her back and her ass was such that it was
perfect (in that and my space and time). i stared. she had to know i was in
awe. she was kinda small compared to how i like ’em, but the shape and contour
amost brought tears to my eyes. she was cute and i believe she knew it. she
walked by wher ei was standing more than once so she was confident and i likd
that. she was with two guys but they seemed to be just hanging out. man she
had an ass and shape on her. it made me desire.
black female makes me desire. i love white female for what i believe they
bring and they are attreactive, but when i see a very cute black female it
moves me to the core. mayeb cause i feel closer to them culture wise or sumn,
but black female touches my core like no other. i was so moved by her body as
i left i thought about the fact that i may never see her again. i thought of
knowing that i may never see her (something that moving) again. i walked out
almost saddened. i dont think i ever do this with white girls. 

femi kuti
july 28, 2002 hollywood bowl
i admit, this was funky in its own way. it was soft funk, but not
pop. it was a more vibey music. there were stretches when they just let the
music flow and jammed like funk. thought he music was “softer” than
others, these vibey jam moments felt more funky than most. femi did a song
titled “dont cum too fast” and it was a very sexual reaggae laced
funk. this music is kinda too happy to be funk. not as aggressive as the funk
im used to. not as much force and arrogance in the music.
crowd was cool, lots of white people though. not that a lot of white people
is a bad thing, but these seemed to be the kind of white people who either got
their tickets as part of a concert series or white people trying to be black
or absorb the black culture. it was a strange mix of caucasian. lots of
africans and non american blacks. 
kuti had horns that were good. 

norton simon
july 29, 2002
got off work at 4, 4:20 on the 110 N to pasadena, cruised to this beautiful
museum. very relaxed, mellow taking in the art and beauty. spent time drawing
the east asian sculpture in the basement. was trying to capture the contour
of  posing female.

orgone july
31, 2002 venice beach bistro

chillin at an uncrowded venice beach (lots of homeless around though) on a
nice night listening to funky music. it was close to heaven. no cover, but i
kinda got a weird vibe from the black male “bouncer?” he might have
thought i was homeless or something cause i felt he was policing me just a bit.
he stressed a 2 drink minimum and i was so relaxed and mellow that it didnt
matter if i gave him the right or wrong impression about me. it didnt matter.
all i wanted to do was hear music. i told him i dont drink but could get diet
coke and jokingly asked if i could just give’m $5. he kept straight face, but i
didnt care cause at the time it didnt matter. it feels so cool to be chillin on
the beach hearing music. it feels like im fulfilling a life  long dream to
exist this way. it feels good. i pay 4 bucks to park right on the beach so
between sets i can go to my car and enjoy…
music was good. orgone  is 5
young white guys playing funky vibey music. i was the only one in the place
listening to them and i didnt mind. the patio was open so the people on the
boardwalk could see me groovin and the music could be heard up and down the way.
there were times when the music felt like i was getting a drug i was addicted
to. i realized that i need to vibrate like this. to exercise my rhythms. i need
to do it like a drug. i told the band this after their final set and tipped them
5 bucks. i sheepishly asked them about the “free your mind and your ass
will follow” quote on their website and the guitarist said yeah, he put
that there. he “had to represent.” i said yeah very deeply.
there were moments when i was able to “predict?” where the music
was goin. once again ive never heard this band live before but i was able to air
play songs note for note and hit every break or change. is the music that
predictable? am i so in tuned? am i feeling it so deeply i can feel the music at
the nanosecond sampling level so i can anticipate and react to beats
microseconds before they happen? prolly just my experience with music and the
patterns in it that i am very familiar with.

eric mcfadden
aug 4, 2002 casa rea
mr mcfadden was solo and acoustic with a lot of rhythm. his voice was so
muffled you couldnt understand the words he was saying, but you could easily
pick up the vibe and melody. he played for like an hour or so (i think) with
good energy. he strummed the strings with power at times and softly other
times. but always there was tight rhythm. one time he stumbled backwards over
the stage and accidently knocked the tuning off the g-string (thats what he
said) but he did not loose the beat. afterwards i gave him props and
complimented his rhythm saying even when he fell he was on beat, out of tune
but on beat. i also asked about the p-funk europe tour and he said everyone
was open, receptive and spirited. “spirited” is one of my favorite
words and things to be in life. and i picture european crowds as being just
he didnt play any p-funk, just his own stuff. it wasnt soul acoustic and it
wasnt rock. it was a good vibe/tempo with good energy. he picked and stummed
the guitars with an almost amazing hand speed. a few times he would hit a note
that made it sound like spanish guitar music, but i think that was just cause
he was playing so aggressively cause he is obviously very comfortable with his
the place was real nice but secluded in agoura hills, which is a
predoninantly white area. i was the only black person in the joint the whole
night (other than eric), but it was cool. these white people seemed like
higher scale behind the scenes industry folx. heard talk of movies, animal
trainers and a guy who fixes musical equipment for stars. these white people
were a bit upscale but kinda down to earth. they gave out hugs to each other
in the funky cool way and had good spirit as a group. something i found
refreshing for a crowd that was so upscale & white. but when the few that
danced did, you saw how white they were. i dont usually laugh at white folx
dancin, but this one girl was all over the place. i picked up on her rhythm,
but it wasnt on beat with the music. she moved her hips and body in the
weirdest ways. it was danicng yes, but strange to watch…  

eric mcfadden
aug 6, 2002 the mint
what made this night special was funkadelic. p-funk bass player lige curry and
p-funk backup singer kim manning joined mr mcfadden along with another black
female guitarist (who eric said was in his earlier band) to do funkadelic’s
“never gonna tell  it.” no drummer but still very rhythmic. it
is so gooood to hear my music (oh how the music moves me). the crowd was 99.9%
20 sumn and white but i had to represent. as mr mcfadden announced the song i
moved to stand dead center facing the stage. i had heard that ms manning sang
this song on tour so it was a very plesant surprise to hear her sing
funkadelic this night. 
the sound was right (this time) so i could hear mr mcfadden clearly. and i
found him pretty funny. he was saying how old he was and joked that he use to
tour in 1946. he then deadpanned the line “most of my hardcore fans are
dead.” that was funny and im still laughing at it. 
was talking to a girl who was there to see mr mcfadden who almost ran me
over in her car twice while walking to the place, she was cool. 
rich stites and the circle were a very very funky vibey band that played a
kinda music i was trying to describe. its not soul, though soulful. its is
very vibey in a clean but deep way. like a scientificly clean music that goes
deep. not a nasty deep down dirty funk vibe, but i liked them very much. they
are a full band (bass, keys, guitar, percussion) and played a very mellowy
tempo. heavily spirited music without being heavy.
once again i was like the only black person in the joint. and once again i
was surprised at the high quality of soul/black music that was played by the
bands and djs.

aug 8, 2002 templebar
i was tired and not really motivated and prolly should not have gone. place
was cool, music was good. i was just not into it. sittin there looking around
at all the white kids was the final straw, i got up and left early into the
rhythm room allstars set. orgone was cool and seemed to play
“bigger” than they did last time i saw them at a smaller place.
their music was kinda basic and predictable, but the vibe was good and so were
the rhythms. lots of cute girls in the place, but they were all young and
white and thats starting to become ever so slightly irritating. (i love pizza,
but i dont want to eat it everyday and all day). it seems the places that play
the good music are full of this demographic.

watts festival
aug 10, 2002 
i love doin it with black people. 
double g was there hanging outmodern groove
assembly’s singer was mc and put together event. she was cute, talented
and it was a pleasure to watch her work. she was a bit “instructive”
at first to the crowd, but i recognized that as being part of who she is and
that she wanted thing correct and i even found that trait to be a symptom of
something attractive in her. it was very cool to have them announce that she
was the person to organize a large part of this event, mc the stage and then
come out and sing a song about smokin weed. very, very refreshing.
419’s lead singer was what i thought a black asian white girl. she appeared
to be such a mix of cultures it made me happy, it was so refreshing. her
style, movements, mannerisms and dance were like nothing ive ever seen before.
she had elements from many cultures, not least of which was rhythm and
strength like a sista, with dance style and energy like a white girl
seeing older black male, so naturally cool. light green silk like casual
“pajama” suit, cool shoes, sunglasses, cleanly shaved, nice amount of
jewelry and sporting the hell out of his hat cocked slightly to the side. he
had a natural coolness that made me proud to be black, i almost began to tear
up. i may have seen no other culture who have common men (or people) who dress
so well and look so good even at 50 & 60 years old.
natures design was good too. (said they play at midnight at studio 56 santa
monica and orange). girl singer and i think originator has good energy and was
doing very rhythmic things before the show so i noticed her. they were good.
two black male rappers with her singing r&bish type background hooks. she
was cute and her mom was there and that i think cool.
saw a very exotic female. looked some kinda asian mix, very sexy modern
casual dressed, long hair and just exoticly attractive with good energy. but
for the most part it was about black female. there is someithing about black
female that goes right through me. something i get from no other brand of
female. just cute brown skinned girls. they make me stare without any shame
it seemed i wasnt even there an hour when i noticed somethng refreshingly
different. a young group of black males (teens) played a vibey kinda sound but
it was hard for me to predict the braks and changes. they werent the standard
rhythmic pauses in music and this i liked a lot. the music had movement that
was good to follow but it wasnt predictable. it seemed that though this
fetival was small, in there were a number of things that i found refeshingly
different from the scene im used to scenin

there was a kids rap group. ages 3, 7, 9, 12, and a male 13 who wrote and
produced the tracks. he was good. and even though the 3 year older’s attention
span was a little too short, her stage presence at her age was extremely good
to see. in fact, the confidence they all had on stage was refreshing. these
young kids acted on stage like they were born there. so relaxed, so confident.
there is nothing like black people.

skubi snax, simply
aug 16,17 2002 fremont, ca
thursday i got an e-mail from ricks girl just sayin hi. i responded with the
normal its good to hear from ya banter. (banter has been mi fave word of late
and it was good to hear from miss m). went on to find out rick’s band was
playin the next day and her band was playing the day after on saturday. all i
needed was a reason so i was gone. off work early the next day and hit the
road. its always good to see rick and miss monica and spend time at the
“ranch” with all the love and music. and food and im always touched
by the experience and the warmth or the sumn. i just knows i like chillin up
there like that. 
city beach tripped me out cause it had a full size basketball court and
volleyball courts. i never saw an entertainment place that was meant for the
level of physical activity this one was. i mean there was pizza, hot wings and
french fries with beer and alcohol alongside competitive sweaty basketball and
volleyball. it was very refreshing. 
the skubi snax were cool. i digs their groove. i guess cause im so close to
the band, i wont or cant give an opinion like i can easily do for other live
music ive experienced. its like im so close that no matter what they do i digs
and i mean that. cause i can hear each personality and voice in the music and
since i know these personalities i enjoy them no matter what they do. but even
with that said, when the band hits a good groove they groove it well. its
about the vibe and the groove and i digs partyin with them so i likes it all.
reno, miss dinah, kenny, lonnie and rick all were good. but i do have to say
im liking miss dinah’s voice more and more…
simply so is rick’s girlfriend’s band and i thought it very cool for a
couple to have each of their seperate bands play the same place over a
weekend. at what made it really cool was that it was local so they each had a
following. i laughed to myself as i walked in with rick as simply so played
and his “fans” & buddies and co-workers) ran to greet him. i
walked to the side to enjoy the music as he was greeted and then was saluted
by name by one of simply so’s band memebers on the mic during a song. i
thought to myself later that considering ricks and monicas personalities,
assets, love for music, warmth and all they should have “fans.” and
i thought that soooooo coool to see and experience. 
simply so played pop music. it was generic standard watered funk. music
made to be happy and dancable with just a trace of funk. miss monicas voice
was maybe kinda heavy for the music they played. also the mix was the worse
ive heard in a long long time. it was flat and sounded like am radio. no depth
on the bass and no highs fron the high hat. it was really flat. and miss
monicas voice is rich and has depth so it stood out. in fact, the other black
female singer in the group also had a good voice and the tambporines they both
played was the only thing that had the highs cause they werent going thru the
mufffled sound system. it was really good seeing miss m do her thing. i
realized she is a diva. the way she handles herself and her approach to her
craft she is truly diva like. 
there are very few places or situations where i truly feel humbled.
everytime i visit rick and them it is so good im touched in one way or
another. i felt so good coming home that it didnt even really bother me that i
blew out my engine and would be without a car. i was in such a zone of good
feeling nothing could bring me down. riding back i literally sat and felt how
good i felt and enjoyed the moment of just feeling it
a skubi snax band member told me between sets that i could walk into a room
and make everybody in it happy. i smiled and was somewhat embarrassed. but
like i said, i always leave a visit with rick having been moved and touched by
the experience… 

aug 17, 2002 san francisco
the special about this experience was that i got sick. i ate 2 bags of the
cheap 2 for a $1 peach rings candy. my system did not like this at all and let
me know by painfully processing this candy thru me. cramping, sweating,
staggering around in pain. rick and lonnie just went on about there bizness
looking at x-men action figures as i wallowed in pain. they ate and chilled as
i spent two seperate occasions in the public restrooms of the metreon passing
the poison candy. i didnt care how nasty the bathrooms/toliet was cause i was
in pain. i sat there cramping in an uncomnfortable position as to touch the
least amount of things possible. man i was hurting. but i have to admit, the
damn candy was good.

weapon of
aug 22, 2002 templebar
weapon of choice, last
night in santa monica…

Posted by
8/23/2002, 12:32 pm

there were a few moments
when it went way beyond the music
i (we?) was having church up in there it was good

oh how the music moves me
then this morning returning my sisters car with no p-funk tapes handy,
(not just)knee deep plays on the radio pure funk is my weapon of choice
and i fear no evil

john brooks
aug 27, 2002 templebar
mr brooks played the drums with one hand and his feet. he used his other hand
to play a synth- keyboard and very funky riffs. but you could tell what was
spose to be two people was one. at times the rhythm was slightly skewed in
places where there should have been simultaneuos beats. or sumn like that. his
band was two saxaphones, him on drums and bass synth/keyboards and another
piano keyboard. he was maybe a bit too much fun funky for the templebar. he
cussed alot- “f” “mf” and had a playful song in which the
refrain was “i wanna f___ you …” it was meant to be lighthearted
and it was, but seemed a bit out of character for mi fave place. he sang
bits of outstanding, weak in the knees and other old funk songs intermixed
with his original work. funk vibey fun groove…
there were drunk white girls doing something that they thought was dancing.
it was so bad it irritated me. i imagined them asking me to dance and me
telling them something like “sure, but what you doing aint dancin.”
it was just bad. no rhythm, no flow, just trying to be sexy and freaky and
they wasnt. 
the reason i was here this night was to see the peak show but they werent
there. girl at the door said they were out on tour for atlantic.

standing in the shadows
of motown
sep 3, 2002
hollywood, ca

this was a screening of a hollywood movie complete with the red carpet, velvet
ropes, limos, cameras and onlookers. i walked the red carpet and enjoyed every
nanosecond of it. the egpytian is kinda small but very hollywoodish and is
right on hollywood blvd. 
“In 1959, Berry Gordy gathered the best musicians from Detroit’s thriving jazz and blues scene to begin cutting songs for his new record company. Over a fourteen year period they were the heartbeat on “My Girl,” “Bernadette,” I Was Made to Love Her,” and every other hit from Motown’s Detroit era.By the end of their phenomenal run, this unheralded group of musicians had played on more number ones hits than the Beach Boys, the Rolling Stones, Elvis and the Beatles combined – which makes them the greatest hit machine in the history of popular music. They called themselves the Funk
bootsy sang two motown hits in the movie that seemed to be not quite right.
his style and voice didnt fit. it seemed almost awkward. seeing that made me
realize im glad george is not bootsy and visa versa. it made me appreciate
more what the p-funk allstars are not. 
after the screening i was standing chillin off to myself and rick james
walks close enough for me to shake his hand and i did. i was hoping to get a
chance to do that. after the concert teena marie walks in front and slightly
brushes  against me. im no groupie or nothing, but to be in the same
space and time at that moment with someone who has created things i feel very

the funk bros
sep 3, 2002 knitting factory
teena marie, rick james, gerald levert, mary wilson and others sang
motown hitswith the funk bros providing backing music. teena marie ran
into me. rick james shook my hand. 
knitting factory funky, funky, funky…

sep 11, 2002 cat club
norwood’s birthday?

Posted by
9/12/2002, 1:34 pm
, in reply to “weapon of choice, hollywood,


i thought i heard someone say it was that,
so i shook his hand and wished for him many more-
he wholeheartedly agreed…
WOC didnt play, love balm did…40 cycle hum-
rocky? from sucidal tendancies on guitar was good
is good
and makes his guitar scream so funkily
rocked out most of the nightthen trulio disgracias-
norwood on bass,
john steward on drums
and a rhythm guitar (swore i heard “flea” but didnt look
played for a few
then vicky calhoun joined in
for some trulio medley
john steward didnt play long,
but damn he played well and with energy
norwood said they gonna try to do this every other week to build a

alanis morissette
sep 14, 2002 greek theatre
saw tom greene. met a wide receiver for women’s pro football long beach
aftershock, jennifer. alanis was good. music wasnt loud enough, didnt have the
intensity im use to. wish alanis could collab with p-funk and have the musical
bands intensity. crowd ofcourse was mostly white and didnt have that much
rhythm. though they were more “down to earth.” less foo foo. i liked
jason faulkner opened, solo on electric guitar and sang. for some reason i
wasnt feeling him, then i was kinda irritated by him. then i heard other
people comment on how bad he was. and when he announced that this would be his
last song, a kinda loud cheer went up.
alanis ran around the stage and rocked out funkily towards the end. this is
what makes me wish she had a more powerful band and a more spirited funky
crowd to raise the intensity levels. this kinda crowd sings very very well
though. extremely tight on the lyrics. but not much on the dancing.
i really enjoy alanis and her voice. very little rhythm in the greek
theatre crowd. but still, i wish i was able to be closer to her so she could
feel my energy and my rhythm. (should have gotten pit ticket). seemed like she
was holding back or cruising, though she put in effort. didnt really let it go
vocally i think. i believe she can “scream” like the gospel areatha
franklin or patti labelle in the right setting. i dont remember a single
acoustic only gutiar solo by her, all songs were with the band. 

weapon of choice
sep 19, 2002 key club
audra was very spirited, animated and i LOVED her energy. not to mention she
was looking good as hell with her barefoot self. i really really really
enjoyed her this night. i was even kinda disappointed i didnt see her after
the show to hug and thank her.
spacy t wore a funkadleic “maggot brain” shirt. and for whatever
reason i wore my PFUNK1 steeler jersey. he then proceeded to give props to
eddie hazel as he usually does, but this time there was a special vigor. he
went on to say that he aint mad or hatin on “george,” but george
never gives eddie props for the funk. he said in a very bold voise that eddie
hazel was the funk. he then went on to play medley of funkadelic/hazel that
morphed into shakey ground. more than one funkadelic riff and even a chant or
two. i took off my jersey to display the PFUNK on the back of it
the thing about 40 cycle hum that was good was that i noticed the bass
player. this was the first time i felt the energy of a white rock bass player.
i was all into hearing rocky on guitar (but he wasnt mixed loud enough) when i
saw the bass player do a windmill move with his arm. this gave me a tingle and
from then on i was into him and his rock groove. i was able to understand and
vibe this groove. 
fishbone starting the show with funkadelic got me deeply into it. last time
i saw fishbone i didnt like’em and didnt feel it. but i did this night. angelo,
norwood on bass (at one time norwood was totally naked on stage), john steward
on drums as always solid and i really felt dirty walt this night and his
weapon of choice was good, but also could have been mixed better. audra
made them and the whole night. keaton could hardly be heard. jellybean the
dancer is getting better and better. her moves are more rhythmic and sensual.
i feel her much more deeply as of late. she seems to shake with better timing
too. but it was about audra and her energy this night…

b-side players
sep 26, 2002 downtown los angeles
when presentinmg the band, the mc said the usual blah blah blah stuff about
the band and how they have toured all over the world and how the sell out the
templebar regularly. ofcourse i gave a medium loud shout of approval. (they
played all over the world and mi fave place is the only one she mentions? this
kinda stuff moves me). b-side players have a latin flava with more jazz than
pop type groove. they were just chillin and seemed to be in a kicked back
lunchtime groove. 
the cool thing about this thang was the people in the crowd. pershing
square is full of homeless people mixed with office working folx. there was
this black girl who seemed to be like a counselor or group leader for some
homeless or handicapped people and her body was sexy. she was wearing these
thin material boxer shorts, sandals and a tight fitting shirt. her ass
jigglled as she wiggled to the music to the point it made mne giggle more than
once. she was a soft brown with long not too thin legs with that soft booty
just a jingling. man i was touched. she was cute enough that i noticed her
soon as i hit pershing square and when the music started she went to the dance
area in front. and thats when i seen them long soft brown legs and that so
soft booty bouncin.
another cool thing were the kids dancing. they were mentally challenged-
like down syndrome or something- but soon as the music started 3 pre-teen age
girls went right to the dance floor. now, it wasn’t the rhythm that impressed
me, it was the effort. they were into it and enjoying it. every now and then
one would do a serious move, the kind you do when you are really into the
music. they were spirited and having fun. they were to young to be sexy, but
that didnt stop them from trying sexy booty shakin moves. their spirt and
energy was the best part of the concert…  

moreno valley jazz festival sep 28, 2002 
when i get to the place getiing out of the car the first song i hear is flashlight. 
highlight was keyboardist myron mckinnley of earth wind and fire fame. warming up in sound check he played “barney miller” with so much energy that i should have known it was his night. he was so on and played with so much that he domnated every song. upfront was spose to be saxaphonist but even he had to defer to mr mckinnley.cut black girl. gorgeous brown complexion with a purple weave i her hair that complimented her complexion to the point she damn near numbed me. getting there i went up a road that eventually became non-paved and so steep and narrow i had to turn around. this was on a horse ranch. there was a real working horse stable. fabion was teenaged singer nicknamed lil stevie. he sang r&b and had a good voice.  sound was pretty good. the bands were set up on a porch. there was dirt, lots of dirt. food was good. bbq was reasonably priced. i love black people

mooney vs chaney (varsity) oct 4, 2002
my daughter is in the chaney band, my son on the mooney football team. i graduated from mooney. ysu stadium in a nice warm rain.

35er oct 6, 2002 pasadena
really cool place to catch the game. practically empty and had tvs with steelers on them all to myself. they had a jukebox that had the mothership connection album. there were free credits so before you know it my sunday morning at the bar began with dancing to mothership connection. not a bad way to kick things off…











the most important thing an individual can

do is change the course of his species for the better-

problem is better is relative

-jeffery scott mitchell






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