date | event | location |
04-14-01 | jerry’s flying fox restaurant | baldwin hills los angeles, ca |
04-13-01 | talk balk wozani asl |
the temple bar santa monica, ca |
04-08-01 | rhythm room allstars weapon of choice |
the temple bar santa monica, ca |
04-07-01 | optic nerve arik marshall |
the viper room west hollywood, ca |
03-25-01 | lion king | pantages theatre hollywood, ca |
03-15-01 | the funky meters | house of blues hollywood, ca |
03-13-01 | angels gate cultural center |
san pedro, ca |
03-10-01 | smuin ballet/sf | luckman fine arts complex cal state la – los angeles, ca |
03-09-01 | asl weapon of choice the toledo show |
the temple bar santa monica, ca |
03-08-01 | museum of tolerance | los angeles, ca |
03-07-01 | *shaping the great city: modern architcture in central europe *august sander: german portraits 1918-1933 *drawing the landscape: 1500-1800 *ritual splendor: illuminated liturgical manuscripts *making of a renaissance painting |
the getty museum los angeles, ca |
03-06-01 | *making time: considering time as a material in contemporary video & film *im thinking of a place (lorna simpson & others) *putting pen to paper: honore daumier and the literary world *francesca gabbiani *arturo herrera |
ucla hammer museum los angeles, ca |
03-01-01 | mummenschanz “next” | barclay theatre – irvine, ca |
03-01-01 | trilogy of glasswork | the bowers museum of cultural art santa ana, ca |
02-28-01 | jury duty | superior court la county van nuys, ca |
02-24-01 | p-funk allstars | house or blues disneyland, ca |
02-23-01 | p-funk allstars | house of blues las vegas, nv |
02-22-01 | p-funk allstars | house of blues w.hollywood, ca |
02-21-01 | p-funk allstars | 4th & b – san diego, ca |
02-21-01 | museum of man museum of photographic arts |
balboa park san diego, ca |
02-20-01 | museum of tolerance | los angeles, ca |
museum of tolerance feb 20, 2001 this may be the best museum ive ever been in. structurally modern and beautiful. definitely the most technologically advanced museum ive ever seen. lost of fast-paced multimedia. the whole place is setup very efficeiently, comfortably and cozy. multiple floors and cleverly organized exhibits. this museum focuses on “the history racism and prejudice in the american experience.” the subject matter was handled very well, even though you noticed the key points they wanted stressed (civilian germans knew of the halocaust was one, “don’t believe for a minute they didn’t”). this is a jewish based organization and the world war II experience is very deep. lots of artifacts, quotes, first hand commentary, writing, etc. they even had a bunk bed from a concentration camp. fairly graphic portrayal of the events in those camps too.there was a 30 min talk by an actual holocaust survivor from poland. small room, her and 4 of us. very intimate. she was 9 in 1939, 13 at aushwitz. she described how her family was big, 6 brothers all married with children but only her and one brother survived. she described how they hid for years until they had to escape thru a forest at night to slovakia. she showed us her tattoo. she talked about how she was seperated from her parents and siblings and knew they were going to die. how mengela inspected her on her arrival at auswhitz and allowed her to live becuase she looked healthy. she described the train “cattle cars” used to move the inmates to the camps. right now im too tired to relay the emotion, imformation and how interesting and stimulating her talk was. i told her she was good and asked was there any black people. she said none, if there was they would have been killed first cause hitler was going for the pure white race. nobody with any color.she also kinda made it clear that $$$ talked as far as survival, in buying help from jews or germans.“you come in thru the gate, you go out thru the chimney” people so starved that they died when they ate solid food. so weak that when rescued and exposed to sunlight it killed some one multimedia display used so many good pictures it amazed me. it seemed this place was intense and this description does not do it justice. |
p-funk tour feb 2001 im writing this almost a month later. i had such a good time that i was too stimulated to record and write down stuff while it was happening, so here is what i can remember…it started riding to san diego on 2-21. got to the city early so i could hit a few museums; museum of man- which was really good and the museum of photographic arts. both are in balboa park which is like a spanish styled museum compound. i danced on the ride down, in the museums and even while i had a sushi lunch between museums. i left there feelinggood and go to the place where the show is gonna be, i walk right in as if i belong and peep the place. i run into a dude who had on a long sleeve black shirt that had “p-funk” and the numeral one ont he back. he said trey lewd gave it to him. im there too early so i go find get a motel 6 room and dance and chill gabbin with the cute young hispanic girls at the desk. get back to the show and my vibe is on fool!! im dancing constantly now. walking across street, in front of the place, at atm teller. most of the folx just look and i just keep dancing to funky music being played by the local radio staion truck. run into gruverboy who is too young to get in and i cop him a p-funk bandana. ran into talley nephew and we grooved for about a hour before the show. i danced into the place to a spot in the wide open middle and kept dancing dead on beat. jesters hat and pfunk1 jersey for all to see-show was good. clip sang the opening funkadelic songs on the floor leaning on the stage and the band was tight. except for mike hampton who was either messed up or pissed off. my vibe was on and it seemed every funkadelic who came oput to sing, sang to me. directly to me. at one point i saw a guy turn around and look at me to see who everyone was singing to. met carlos mccurray and he said the music that played pre-show was his and it was funky.ran into lamar and kareem also before show and we decided to hook-up and ride to vegas after the LA show tomorrow… LA show was a mess. most of the funkdelics seemed too messed up to perform. but i didnt. kareem and lamar hit my crib and we was off to sin city. during the show lamar and them met a guy called brian and he came back by this time i was on. i vibe energy was as high as its ever been. people overton giving me first poster so many good things happened. |
jury duty feb 28, 2001 van nuys, ca i got to admit, this is kinda cool. right now im home during our 1.5 hour lunch. this morning i reported for orientation to a big room full of maybe 200 waiting people. there were a couple of cuties and i also saw my share of the strange. saw a former co-worker waiting also, but wasnt sure until they called her name. the place is comfortable and they had free internet (only 5 computers), magizines, playing cards, puzzles, refridgerator, etc. they have a new system now where if you are not selected on your first (and only) day reporting, you’re done. they call groups of 35 up to the court room and 12 are selected and asked questions. we all sit and listen and its cool. the girl who types what everybody says was cute too. anywayz, its cool to sit and listen to everybody answer semi-personal questions about themselves. maybe 8 of the 12 were divorced. so now i have to go back to the courtroom at 1:30 to see if the 12 picked are cool. the 12th guy had a problem with english so he may be dropped and they will replace him with one of us waiting. if im not selected, i return to the orientation room and wait to be sent up as a prospective juror on another case. the orientation guy said we should be out of there by 4:30. everybody is cool, relaxed and not too serious. almost playful. i got selected. im juror # 11 went in for the trial yesterday and the judge i admit i do love being in front of an audience. i told him i was unemployed and he asked “if you you get $15 a day starting your second day (my 2nd was my last) and |
the bowers museum mar 1, 2001 the permanent collection is of aztec, maya, early california, native american, early orange county and it was interseting. i took a 45 minute tour of the “glassworks” exhibit and found out its a great mystery why the aztecs and mayas didnt get into metallurgy. it was speculated that they used a natual occuring glass (obsidian) to make tools and weapons and it worked so well that developing metal technology would almost be counterproductive. also in the glassworks was a display by loretta yang. she was a very popular actress in japan but was forced out because of an affair she had. she then stated doing art using glass. what impressed me about her was the eastern buddhist philosophical quotes of hers that were displayed with her work. they were VERY VERY good and ofcourse consistent with my thinking. |
mummenschan mar 1, 2001 barclay theatre this was very very innovative. they are a self described “masked mime troupe.” it was like a lifesize puppet show. they made very basic items take on human personality and feelings. there was no talking and no music. it was so ingenious that i laughed at how simple the comedy was. it was the most basic comedy. it gave basic things like cardboard boxes and rope human traits such as jealousy, fear, embarrassment, curiosity. things that did not look human at all displaying human peculiarities. it was good. it was 2 men and 2 ladies dressed in black against a black background and low lighting. they used bright colored objects that seemed to float at times. good illusions, good flow and it tickled me and made me laugh. |
hammer mar 6, 2001 ucla this is a crisp, modern museum in westwood. from the outside it seems office-ish, but inside its all museum. it is layed out nicely around a 3 level courtyard, very pleasing. a couple of cool things happened here this day. one was lorna simpson. i watched a documentary about her photographic art on tv the other night and i thought her cute. she is a black female artist who is highly respected in her circle. i was presantly surprised to see not only an exhibit of her work, im thinking of a place, but that she will be speaking there soon. i put this in my calendar.the second and maybe the biggest thing was that i have discovered a favorite painter. drifting into the museums permanent collection the first painting i saw was the best painting i saw. it was l’abri by william adolphe bougereau. the big soft eyes of the two young girls posed under a blanket. the soft tones of their complexions. i stood and studied this work for minutes. then in the gift shop i asked for replicas of the work and they didnt have any. but the guy turned me on to a book about bougereau and i recognized the first image saw, and then the second. then i realized i saw the man’s work at theSF legion of honor and have a pix of his work on my site. but the biggie was when i paged to girl defending herself from eros. the instant i saw that he did that work he bacame my favorite painter. that painting is one of my all time favorites and i pay homage to it every time i hit the getty. i even made a point to show my children that painting.looking back, i went full cirlce back to girl defending…it may have happened that i saw this work and liked it, searched the internet for more of his work and liked it so when i paged thru the book in the gift shop i was already familiar with his work. but consciously i didnt make the connection betewwn l’abri, the legion of honor painting and girl defending…so when i realized the consistency in my taste for this man’s work, it was a heavy revelation.francesca gabbiani’s work is very creative and interesting. she does highly detailed creations of insects using construction paper and glue. she uses different colors of paper cut and pasted to make really creative detailed work. very intricate and finely detailed. very symetrical too. i liked the style of her work. the big exhibit, making time, is good also. it is a dark modern |
getty mar 7, 2001 the getty is so cool, so conveinent and has such a wonderful view. able to see the ocean today. feeling good i was kinda dancin as i stepped off the elevator when a couple of the older people who worked there started dancing with me. they immediately picked up my vibe. this was cool. leaving the place a few of us noticed about 6 deer chilling and feeding on the side of the moutain…very cool.the thing that impressed me this day was the shaping the great city exhibit. the arcitectural drawing were absolutely beautiful to me. the discipline of the lines. the cleaness of the angles and the deatail. this stuff may inspire my future drawing mood. it was stunning. the exhibit is spread out very nicely between a couple of rooms and there is video and modern media to enhance the displays. the buildings were of 1890-1937 central europe- budapest, romania, austria, etc. i was so completely impressed with this style that i will research it and definitely try my hand at drawing it. ofcourse i will mix in my passion for female and i already have some ideas…i loved the dtail and the cleaness of the lines and drawings…another REALLy cool thing was that i met a girl who did one of the angels that will be put up around los angeles. there were these two ladies with really cool black shirts with a modern stylish outline of an angel on them about the same light blue as the “getty” tag above. i liked them so much i stopped them and asked about the shirts and and was it part of the city wide angel thing. she said yes and tht she actually did one of the angels!!! i was like coooooool!!! she then pulled out a photo album (a rather extensive one that made me feel good to see someone so proud of their work). i gave her my web biz card but sisnt get her name- and i should have… |
museum of tolerance mar 8, 2001 this was one of the few times i ever did a museum with someone. and it was probably only do-able cause i had been there before. me and janice went and we did very well considering how different we are. we listened to a holocaust survivor speak and it was cool to discuss jewish topics with someone who was raised jewish…afterwards we went to mel’s diner on sunset where a guy wearing a stir of echoes (one of the movies our company did) t-shirt came in. later janice rolled her eyes at me for no good logical reason just like a girl would and i playfully let her and the rest of the diner know that people dont do that to jeffery. i guess she noticed my expression startled a couple of guys close to us and janice blushed something fierce. i had never seen her blush before and her face was red for a good while. the blushing itself was well worth the eye rolling… |
asl, weapon of choice, the toledo show mar 9, 2001 templebar this was a good night. had never been to the temple bar before so all the abstarcted- impressionist paintings of blackmen all over this white club in the heart of santa monica intrigued me. the place has a cozy, spiritual darkness to it and lounge furniture like couches to kick back in. the smell of incense also triggers a spiritual mood…the first band asl was lead by peter gabriel’s ex-bassist, armond…i think. at first i couldnt get the bands music. it was like it was anti-music, i couldn’t feel a rhythm anywhere. then about the 3 or 4th song the complicated movement of the music hit me and it was good. from daily 03-10-01 “the first band is so good and funky that when i met the lead singer after their set i instinctively gave him a two-handed handshake. i felt his music and enjoyed his vibe so deep that my appreciation for his music was sent to him without me even thinking thru my handshake. i gently but firmly grabbed his hand and without thinking covered his and my right hand with my left. it was an instinctive eye to eye, smile and two handed shake that just came out of me without thinking. afterwads i enjoyed how real my spontaneous expression was”weapon of choice is very very p-funky and p-funk based. in fact, my favorite guitarist dewayne “blackbyrd” mcknight played with them!!! i was very very surprised to see him and when i heard he was in the house i immediately and instinctively ran to salute him. and i mean ran and salute. i did a semi bow and as i walked back across the empty dancefloor in did a tai-chi type squat with arms fully extended towards him for everybody to see. weapon was good and they were the reason i went to the club but the other two bands were something that was unexpected so they peaked my interested. but like i said, lonnie and them was goooooooooooooooood. there were white girls everywhere, i was in heaven. and an unusally the finest female in the place was a turkish looking older girl who she was with a girl and a middle-eastern guy who i know was tripping the toledo show was very very good. his theme is of a 20’s style gangsta i personally greeted all the bands leaders with handshake, eye-to-eye the p-funk vegas concert road crew was there- lamar and kareem as was |
smuin/sf mar 10, 2001 luckman fine arts complex this ballet was light enough and serious enough to be very cool. it started with “a young person’s guide to the orchestra” where a 12yr old boy in a tux came narrated and explained the instruments in the orchestra as the dancers danced the sounds they made. and naturally i had a favorite dancer before the first intermission. the second act was “carmina burana” a moving dance where i could see a deeper spiritual message. i recognized birth, life, war, death and then the original birth scene again. it was set to operatic vocal and music and i could feel its depth as each dancer did their piece.during the first intermission i found that my favorite’s name was allison jay, she was the “biggest” female dancer and had the most body (booty). and from orchestra row O her skin was a perfect smooth white. she was featured in the very moving second act and had at least two moving solo dances. (seems like my favorites always turn out to be one of the stars). the third act was “dances with songs” and was very light, but still danced with beauty, precision and difficulty. they used snippets from all kinds of music from pop to opera to create a light- hearted comedy. though allison is my favorite, she wasnt the most moving or the best performer. that went to another female soloing during act 2. this girl did intricate rhythmic moves that were extremely pleasing to watch. there was this one repeated crawl type move with a very sensual drag in the movement. she repeated this move 3 times and the repetition gave it an effect i really enjoyed. the most moving piece was done by a soloing male during the second act. his dance moved me and he got the biggest cheer & applause from me that night. the last dance of the night was done to “oh happy day” by edwin hawkins. i was like last row orchestra so no one was behind me and i was off the female was beautiful, beautiful lines and movement. the outfits |
the funky meters mar 15, 2001 house of blues hollywood i had heard lots and long about the meters but never really heard their music, so i had to peep this. i so love the house of blues and this night was all new orleans right down to the pre- and between show music. the dirty dozen brass band opened for them and they were a horn filled jazzy,semi-fast funky movement. there was no bass guitar in the band, that very present bassy sound was played by a horn. good movement to the music and semi complicated rhythms. same with the meters, these old dudes just came out and jammed mostly instumental. kinda like funkadelic does, so stage production, no talk just music.the funky meters were good. by the time they came on i had settled in a weird mood probably cause of a long day and previous overstimulations, but i was very relaxed. i wore my jesters hat and drifted and danced aimlessy around the house all night.most noted this night was that of the total of maybe 20 performers between the two bands there was only one white person. and the average age had to be over 30. but the crowd was 95% white and 20 something. there were maybe 10 black people in the whole place out of maybe 500? (i have no idea on this number, but he place was full). and these white kids came to see and they knew the meters. they knew the songs and wa into the music. ofcourse most whiote folx still need to work on their rhythm (never judge the dance, only the sync). the house crowd here is always friendly and playful and sensual and spiritual. lots of weed smoking. lots of white girls. saw a former co-worker there who looked gooood!!! she was a rare 30’sumn Artisan girl and i always had thought she was sexy. i said hi to her and when i kissed her cheek it was so soft it damn near distracted me the rest of the night. can still feel how soft and good her cheek felt… |
templebar apr 13, 2001 the thing that strikes me about this place is the music is black, all the pictures of people’s faces on the walls are black, but the crowd is 95% white, very very cooool (but kinda young). talk balk was good and i trippped as i watched this funky white man play reggae to this white audience. it was a stimulating deep wondering kinda trip i took, so it was coool. i also took a tiny trip thinking i knew nothing about the two first bands but i just took it for granted they were funk or rhythm oriented and i was right. one cool thing the talk balk leader did on his guitar was play it with a drill. made a very very cool sound as he rubbed the strings with the body of a running drill.wozani was a cocky band with 3 black female lead singers. they are a south african type funky. like a non-american funk style, it was very interesting. they had their show choreographed very nicely and spiritually. they had a funky attitude and a raw nastiness to them “it dont mean shit if it dont make you cum” among other funky vibey spirituallness…it was lead by a black female and the music and tone was mix of black female, european – south african – non american, aggressive, issue dealing with, spiritual, sexiness, funk kinda thingy thing…but i came this night to see asl (again.) as i waited for the 3rd set i was very relaxed and well stimulated. vibin all the girls. then this one girl walks thru who caught my eye and i re-focused hard to get a sharper picture (didnt have my glasses on). she was cute and something about her alerted me. as my focus sharpened i saw it was ingrid, the 5’11” white girl who dominated my view of the room last time i saw asl here. that made me very very happy. i thought (and think) my consistency in taste and passion is a very very cool thing and it excites me when i find out something i like is really something i had been diggin in the past. anywayz, my vibe was mellow and my physical energy was down from employment so im in a very relaxed sensitive state just drifting in and out. drifting with minimal physical energy and movement but very vibe sensitive. blah blah blah— what i want to say is that without doing anything ingrid ended up standing by me. very close to me. i waded and played in the idea of telling her of my writing about her on my webpage then i thought i wouldnt. then i played with the low energy vibe and observed the things around me as opposed to expressing energy and influencing the things around me. i danced subtley and observed her and how everything around me moved. and at what frequency or beat. how fast and with how much energy. i watched as she did her cool little shoulder dance and i saw how much she really like the band. i observed the band’s and its leader armond’s energy and its influence i observed ingrid go into her bag and get her notebook 40 seconds before i didn’ even feel like saying “i gave you my webcard before..blah blah as i wrote out my info i was aware of the energy of the band and the i so enjoy enjoying. being stimulated by the simplest interactions and armond seemed more spirited this show. maybe cause he was the headliner. |
jerry’s flying fox apr 14, 2001 the food was so good at this place i had to list it as an event. i got a seafood combo plate with fries, greens, dressing (with gravy) and another side i forget. jesse got a 1/2 chicken with black eye peas and 2 other sides. there was enough meat that we swapped so i had a nice piece of fried chicken also. the food was tremendously good. even the cocktail and tartar sauce was soo good i ate it. (i never liked cocktail sauce and rarely eat tartar). the bill came to like $30 and i screamed “what?” cause my meal alone should have cost we ate jesse told me of the history of this place how it was campaign headquarters for “democrats for nixon.” in the 70s. and no, thats not a mistake. jesse ran down all the political figures that use to associate here and how the headquarters back door opened directly into this lounge-bar type restaurant…hanging out in the hood & cruising crenshaw was cool too. weather was nice and it was the “mother’s day” before easter so folx was out… 3724 W Martin Luther King Jr
Los Angeles, CA 90008 (323) 293-5544 |
events –
mysticism is the belief
direct knowledge of
god, spiritual truth or ultimate
can be obtained through
subjective experience