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Subjective Experience: August 26, 2000

date event  location
08-26-00 fantasy
football league draft
the plaza – las vegas, nv
08-03-00 six flags magic moutain los angeles, ca
07-28-00 knotts berry farm anaheim, ca
07-18-00 j paul getty museum los angeles, ca
07-14-00 universal
city walk / x-men opening
universal city, ca
07-11-00 texas
stadium (dallas cowboys home)
irving, tx
07-08-00 a taste of dallas – carlos guedes / o’brien’s
dallas, tx
07-02-00 de la gaurda villa villa daryl roth theatre – new york city
07-02-00 the
metropolitan museum of art
new york city
07-01-00 china club new york city
07-01-00 the phantom of the opera majestic theatre – new york city
07-01-00 american
museum of natural history
new york city
07-01-00 rose
center for earth and space
new york city
06-30-00 miss saigon broadway theatre – new york city
06-29-00 empire state building  new york city
06-24-00 the magic castle hollywood, ca
06-08-00 dodgers vs astros dodgers stadium – los angeles, ca
06-04-00 jpl openhouse pasadena, ca
05-14-00 sundays live LACMA – los angeles, ca
05-12-00 club crasher house of blues – west hollywood, ca

more events 

club crasher may
12, 2000 house of blues hollywood

i love the house of blues. this was the first time i was at this place
for something other than a
concert. club crasher is a high energy dance club (rave?) with live
dj and very good sound 
system, live erotic male and female dancers (one girl went topless,
still very g rated). there 
was stimulating lighting and visual effects, confetti from the ceiling,
air horns, dry ice mist, a 
money drop (dollar bills were dropped from the ceiling mixed in the
confetti from time to time)
they passed out “glowsticks” so everybody had these different neon
colored 4 inch tubes that 
glowed and were moving them to the music. the whole place is very stimulating
to the senses. 

the music isnt house, it seems like its just a bit slower than house
music and i cant remember
any words or any songs that they play on the radio. a good solid “modern”
kinda techno groove 
that didn’t stop. it moved me and got my energy up soon as i hit the
place so it must have been 
good. crowd was mostly 21-26 yr old white. dress was modern, some costumey
sharp, hollywood trendy white funky sexy look. i was probably the oldest
blackest thing in the
place but it didnt slow me at all. everybody was drunk and friendly.
never been hugged so much
by non gay male strangers before. had a good time. $20 cover, $10 to
park anywhere on sunset

may 14, 2000 lacma
45 minute program of classical music by the young musicians foundations,
11-17 years old. 
it was cool and free…mostly asian kids and the cool thing about them
was that a number of them 
moved their bodies as if they were getting into the music, being moved
by the music…
the violins were my favorite

jpl openhouse
june 4, 2000 

every year the jet propulsion labratory
(the people who go to the moon) opens the campus and 
have displays, booths and exhibits from its prodjects and missions.
they have food and drink and 
its very festive but yet very informative. lots of good handouts, buttons,
pens, etc. it was also a 
goregous day. it was my birthday.

dodgers vs
june 8, 2000 dodgers stadium
now this was nice, kinda felt too nice at times. my company gave out
20 passes to stadium suite #231
in dodger stadium. this place was like an office with one wall torn
down and replaced by a two level 
patio 30 feet above and slightly past 1st plate. carpeted with fridge,
a bar, 10+ tvs w/remotes, leather 
couches, coffee tables and even a kitchen sink. a coworker wanted nauchos
(which they dont serve in
the suites) so we had to go downstairs with the common people. and
it was like a baseball game is 
supposed to be. noisy, open air, wood bench seats, concrete ground,
badly lit, low ceilings and a mildewy
old feel. like a game should be. and though the suite was completely
catered and had some very good
hot wings, the dodger dogs that come wrapped up in foil from the area
of the common people were much 

june 24, 2000 hollywood
to get in the magic castle you either have to be a member or know a
member. it is also semi-formal-
men have to wear a suit and tie. so you know what kind of crowd i was
expecting…and i was wrong!!
the were actually black people there!! and the crowd wasn’t as stuffy
as i expected. maybe cause they
were mostly drunk. the castle is a big house with many rooms and passages 
containing many bars, 
dining and muliple rooms that different magicians perform in during
the night. it is a fun coool thing…
but you know i always gotta go deeper, so here we go- as i watched
the magicians, i started to get a
feel for what they were doing and the level of deception they are trying
to obtain. there was this one 
lady who was gasping and totally blown away by the “magic” (deception).
you can tell she was truly
moved by what she saw, maybe even overwhelmed. and it was all pure
deception, skight of hand.
now you have a “club” (cult?) of people who’s life is dedicated to
“deception.” ok, maybe its just me…
but evening knowing these were all tricks, i was still impressed with
the ability, cleverness and level of 
trickery i saw. though i cant get into the deceiving part, these people
do “play” with the human mind…
the place is really plush, rich and saturated with stuff on walls and
lush furnishing, dark wood and it
has an authentic “old building” feeling….even with the suit and tie
thing, it was a very nice evening-

miss saigonphotos
june 30, 2000 broadway 
the single ticket theory is now a law. got my
ticket one week 
before and i was row 6 left. some people read
their tickets
wrong and were in my seat so i sat in the aisle
seat. legs 
in aisle, facing center of stage 6 rows back…nice-

the same people who made les miz, did this one
and you can kinda tell…
both shows had profanity and a few r rated comments
(saigon even used
the f-word, les miz had a lady who was so dirty
& nasty that her 
dress was red from her period) and they both
tried to relay uncut 
human desire and emotion- this includes sex,
love, death, etc…

the engineer was good (he took the last bow),
he was an america 
loving capitalist who would do anyhthing to get
to usa. 
he was the pimp of kim, the herione. the story
was based on
tradegy, love and the desire for success and
a better life.
kim wish was a better life for her then for her…i
hate to tell
the story so i wont.

very well done show, smooth, entertaining, funny
and exciting…

part of the experience is being on broadway, being
a part of the
broadway crowd. times square. crowd was mostly
white, but a few
more black people than im use to seeing in LA.

since this was set in vietnam, and referenced
that era-
it didnt have the “prestige” of les miz’s french

there was a black dude in this show with a major
and he was coool…

phantom of
the opera photos
july 1, 2000 broadway 
scored this ticket after i got home from miss
over the internet. row 4, center. this one was
the best 
show ive seen yet…ballerinas, comedy, sex,
deeeep deeeep 
love. the dancing, singing, set changes, all
very smooth…
in all the shows i like when the performers sing
melodies at the same time, they did this numerous
times in

the sets and scene changes were ingenious. its
almost like
a magician and slight of hand how they get your
on one thing and change the set & scenery
some where else…

(this show desrves more “write up” than this, but da’blur been so 
good im posting this 2 months late)

china club july
10, 2001 new york city

two things about this place. 
i had just left phantom and was walking
times square feeling the new york city vibe and diggin a “i just saw
row 4 on broadway” buzz.  i wanted to go to a club, so i peeped
the china club-
i wasnt up for kickin out $20 so i kepted walkin, vibin and buzzin.
then there is
this guy giving out coupons to get in the china club half price. i
snatched one and
went running…i gets there and the guy at the door says $15 with coupon-
i was like
“but the guy …blah blah blah” i am convinced it was a game and then
i said in a soft,
strong voice “do you believe in god?” “this is very bad karma, somebody
is gonna 
have to answer for this someday, somewhere” and i meant it. and i meant
these simple 
soft spoken words to tear through his soul. whether it did or not,
doesn’t matter. 
im sure he will remember cause i felt the power in my statement as
i looked deep 
into his eyes and i will not forget that feeling…

the other thing was this place had dance floors upstairs and down- upstairs
high-energy house type music and downstairs was modern nyc hip-hop.
what struck
me was the amount of inter-racial couples in this place on the lower
floor. brothas and 
white girls groovin to biggie smalls and hardcore but not gangsta rap.
strong powerful
beats without the negative lyrics. there was a “velvet rope” and i
asked the guy why. 
he said he doesnt let everybody in. if the club upstairs filled up
he wouldn’t let the 
spill over in. he would only let in people he thought would apprciate
the hip hop vibe…
hmmmm, now that i think about it, that would explain the high number
of white girls 
and bruthas in the place. one time he let a bunch of white girls in
and we exchnaged smiles…
racism? maybe…discrimination definitely, but i liked the demographics

de la
gaurda villa
july 2, 2000 new york city
this was an audience participation show that
probably was designed to 
turn into an orgy. the show has music, lights,
water (it was almost
like standing in the rain), fog, balloons and
the performers fly 
through the air on trapeze type ropes. 

it seemed strange that we paid these guys and
girls $45 to
molest us, but thats what happened!!! the goal
was to get eveybody
wet, into the music and naked. the performers
circulated through the
crowd doing whatever they wanted. rolling on
floor, grabbing,
touching…there were girls and ofcourse i got
my grind on with
one or 2 of the performers

one performers dude was telling people to take
off their
shirts and a couple girls did. 

one performer was just going thru crowd touching
and feeling
people when i felt him on the top of my head
and shoulder. 
next thing he was on my back and i was slightly
bent over
and i kept bouncing him to the beat. i was groovin 
with this guy on my back dead on beat. he called
me “loco” 

they took girls up in the air strapped to a performer
on the
trapeeze type ropes. 

the performers were wild, crazy and basicly 

i was into it, relaxed and wanted to get crazy
but most of the
crowd was young and white and “scared.” they
werent ready to
be that free yet…most stood back in awe

there are no seats. the show is in a big black
room covered with
paper that the performers eventually flew through
and tore up…

danced with 3 of the performer girls. one took
me by the
hand to the “middle” and i was groovin part of
the show 
without even knowing it…i look up and im in
the middle!!! 

there is a story to the show, not sure what it
but im sure there is one. 

paul getty museum
july 18, 2000
took kids. 
showed them how one time period was dominated by pictures
of jesus
and how the next time period didn’t. i told them that where jesus lived
the people
didnt have blond hair and rosey cheeks but the people who painted these
i let them know that it was cool, just recognize it. i showed them
my favorite painting
in the place and told them why i liked it. the slope of the back, curve
of foot. and how 
you can actually feel the struggle of the cherub not to get down like
a toddler.
they are 14 & 12 and lasted about 2 hours…

knotts berry
july 28, 2000 
this place was coooool, not too crowded and the lines weren’t that
long either. the wooden rollercoaster
ghostrider had the longest line and is the longest and most exciting
ride. best surprise ride was hammerhead
where about 40 people sit in an open face row of seats and are turn
upside down while going in a ferris
wheel type spin. the biggest thrill was at supreme scream when your
sitting 8 miles off the ground waiting
to drop. the loop the loop rollercoaster boomerang was fun and the
line was short so we rode it a couple 
times if not more…chillin with my kids, we had fun and got to ride
all we wanted (lines weren’t long at all). 
there were lots of teenagers there, lots of cute young girls and boys
doing the teenage thing and all were “well
behaved.” i was the one acting up; screaming for no reason and just
being completely crazy…eating funnell cake 
and diet coke, singing crazy songs and taking pictures…tickets are
$21 at ralphs…

magic moutainphotos
aug 3, 2000 
went on a thursday to avoid too big crowd. we did all big major rides
and the looney toons parade was 
cool too. got there around 1pm, park closed at 10pm and we “hurried”
ourselves and didnt eat to get in 
these rides, kids also rode goliath & pscyclone 2x and tidal wave…crowd
was mostly teenage with a few 
cute mommys scattered around. very goood vibe, very “well behaved.”
even i didnt act up that bad…
goliath: very very deep 250ft drop on
first hill is the best part and the best rollercoaster drop i have ever
been on
batman: rollercoaster where your suspended
and your feet hang down with loops and twists and is very fast 
superman: huge structure and a lot of
technology for a so-so thrill. uses magnets to shoot you down and
up a track to a height of maybe 200ft? at a very very high speed. the
structure is so massive that based on
the amount of thrill that i figure they are developing the magnet technology…
free fall: this
is my scariest ride. the moment before the drop while suspended a mile
in the air scares me
collosus: slow old wood rollercoaster
ninja: suspended
train of cars that travel down a rollercoaster type path thru very tight
and different areas 
riddlers revenge: this is a semi standup
rollercoaster with an amazing number of loops and twists
pscyclone: wood rollercoaster so far off
there was no line, weak but still better than collosus.
favorite: riddlers revenge



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