Jesus the Christ is idol worship
The reason Jesus The Çhrist is white is because the people who created him created him in their own image…
…when the symbol of your religion is an execution device.
Being an atheist, I’m trying to understand this whole “Pope” thing. Now what I do recognize is the power he has as figurehead for such a powerful institution. Now to have him bless me like he has some extra power or connection to “God” I really really don’t get. In fact, the reverence he is receiving is borderline blasphemy or idolatry.
I’m into the pomp and circumstance of the Catholic Church and as an institution i marvel at the legacy, but I don’t see a logical viable meaning in what the Pope is supposed to represent spiritually.
Let the Weight Gaining Season Games begin!! Though we made it pass the annual Halloween Candy Inaugural with minimal setback, we must remember that just because there are back to back Thanksgiving Potluck days at work the consumption of all that food is optional…
we are talking xgiving dinner meals and potlucks tue, wed, thur with leftovers starting friday…
and it being dark and cold at like 5pm setting the mood for comfort food, movies and chilling horizontally binge watching whatever requires the least amount of effort.
the reduced amount of sunlight energy to the body and mind could be combatted with exercise and cardio but c’mon man, let’s be real…
drink lots of water
“Don’t play no p-funk until I get back” overheard myself say at Funky Fridays
as i tend to my father in his present condition i realized that i was raised to know how to act and what to do in this (and pretty much every) situation. as a kid i watched the way he carried and presented his self and how he dealt with people and for the most part what questions to ask and to not be afraid to question anybody. my mother worked in a hospital so ive been exposed to doctors, nurses and medical facilities all my life. factor in my sister and oh boy oh boy we got this covered to the point i never ever once did not know what to do or where to turn.
based on what this man has done for me i have an unquestioned responsibility and loyalty to be “here” and do whatever it takes and to be sure everyone involved knows (unspoken) im here and expect a certain level of attention and responsiveness (the staff here way way way exceeds any “requirement” i may have).
it was just strange to stand there as the authority “over” the ultimate authority in my life and in the back of my mind hear him telling me stand up straight, look people in the eyes and speak calmly, clearly, concisely, enunciate, make sure you know whats going on, ask questions while letting them know without saying that i am aware and watching. My last name is Mitchell and I am representing the class, dignity and distinction of the man laying in that bed.
when i return this rental car after having it so long and go back to public transit i will look down on fellow bus riders like i’m superior to them and i don’t belong here in their peasanty presence…
and they will easily sense this and respond accordingly
trusting that i am holier than thou and it is a blessing they can witness my aura
they will call me sir and clear seats and space when i step on. they will avoid eye contact knowing they are not worthy
and i will not let them down, nor will i abuse my elevated status
i will fulfill my role and carry my exalted status with grace