there was no way for me to know how attending this P-FUNK show on November 20, 2010 Yoshi’s San Francisco would impact my life. i am so very grateful that what came from this event still to this day profoundly moves me. i am proud and feel very “lucky” to have such a thing in my life.
everybody’s got a thing…
whatever that thing is or may be. sometimes we might not even know exactly what that thing is, but we can know for sure that we got one…
and i loves me my thing!
and as long as it feels real, it is…
faith and belief is not nor does it need to align with reality
and if it can be self contained and not dependent on any external source or influences?
it’s validity can be protected and shielded, since validity is determined from within oneself. reality becomes an afterthought. as the feelings and energy that come from it are maintained.
the freedom that comes from this such a thing is euphoric. at least for me.
i’ve said before it sustains me. not sure how true that is, but it does factor greatly in my independence. and independence for me is ultra crucial.
i have stated and have no issue with this being self delusion. “fantasy” totally manufactured from imagination. nope, i got no problem with that at all!
i don’t get to celebrate it publicly and openly much. this is one of the very very few things that i joyfully can keep to myself. maybe because its just that precious. as i am prone to tell and talk about everything else in my life!
one day i will have to document “it” for self clarity and to manifest it in the universe. it definitely needs to be told!